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Aim: How is the nervous system adapted to send messages?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How is the nervous system adapted to send messages?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How is the nervous system adapted to send messages?

2 NEURON is a cell that receives & transmits IMPULSES (electrical & chemical changes)

3 PARTS OF A NEURON 1.DENDRITES: receive impulses from the neurons & receptors 2.CYTON: part of neuron that contains nucleus 3.AXON: is a branch of neuron that transmits impulses from the cyton 4.TERMINAL BRANCHES: at the end of the axon. Transmits impulses to the dendrites of other neurons or to effectors.

4 SYNAPSE is a junction (space) through which a neurotransmitter can pass it can connect two neurons it can connect one neuron to a receptor on a muscle or gland (neuromuscular junction)

5 NEUROTRANSMITTER is a chemical in the synapse that transmits an electrochemical message from the terminal branches of one neuron to the dendrites of another neuron. Ex. Acetylcholine, noradrenaline. Drugs (Nerve gas, stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens) work by replacing neurotransmitter

6 Aim: How is the nervous system adapted to respond to an emergency? Do Now: Finish worksheet from yesterday.

7 Reflex Arc Vocabulary STIMULUS is a change in the external environment of the organism that causes a RESPONSE in the organism. RECEPTORS (eye, ears, tongue, skin, nose) detect stimuli. EFECTORS (muscles, glands) respond to stimuli.



10 Do Now: Go over reflex arc Aim: How does the body control voluntary & involuntary responses?

11 The Brain is a bunch of neurons working together

12 BrainBrain: Cerebrum: controls all voluntary activities Cerebellum: controls balance & coordination Brain Stem (medulla oblongata): controls all involuntary activities Central Nervous System (CNS) is made up of the brain & spinal cord

13 Peripheral Nervous System Nerves are a bunch of neurons working together Nerve cells carry impulses from CNS to the rest of the body Somatic Nervous System controls muscles and sensory receptors (5 senses) Autonomic Nervous System controls involuntary activities like heart, circulation, digestion (peristalsis), respiration

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