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Classical Conditioning – Ch. 5 September 19, 2005 Class #12.

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1 Classical Conditioning – Ch. 5 September 19, 2005 Class #12

2 Treating Phobias  Systematic Desensitization  Flooding

3 Systematic Desensitization  Wolpe (1958) Behavioral treatment for phobias pairing relaxation with a succession of stimuli that elicit increasing levels of fear  Attempted to counter-condition people suffering from phobias  In counter-conditioning the stimulus is paired with a new response which is incompatible with the old one Wolpe basically utilizes an anxiety hierarchy to gradually but systematically desensitize the patient over several therapy sessions

4 Systematic Desensitization of a Spider Phobia  Show a picture of a spider to the patient HR goes up – but talk to them – get them to relax – eventually they are okay  Toy spider that looks fake HR goes up – but talk to them – get them to relax – eventually they are okay  Toy spider that looks real HR goes up – but talk to them – get them to relax – eventually they are okay  A real dead spider HR goes up – but talk to them – get them to relax – eventually they are okay  A live spider HR goes up – but talk to them – get them to relax – eventually they are okay

5 Systematic Desensitization  The idea here is that a relaxed state cannot co-exist with a state of fear Its one or the other…cannot be simultaneously anxious and relaxed Therefore, if you can repeatedly relax someone (see spider example) when they are faced with anxiety-producing stimuli – you will gradually eliminate their anxiety  The trick is to proceed gradually

6 Okay, can you cure me now???  Shopping mall phobia…

7 Criticism of Systematic Desensitization  Wolpe’s critics say there is no attempt to achieve insight into the underlying cause of the fear  Wolpe says “so what” He’s not really concerned about what caused it as long as its alleviated Only concern is that the maladaptive behavior is cured and that patients feel better about themselves and begin acting in ways that will bring them greater life satisfaction

8 Flooding  A behavioral treatment that involves prolonged exposure to a feared stimulus giving the maximal opportunity extinguish the conditioned fear response Much the opposite of desensitiztion

9 Imaginal Flooding  Use of visualization and fantasy Also referred to as in vitro flooding

10 In Vivo Flooding  Actual full exposure to the phobia until fear subsides

11 Can Flooding help those suffering from social anxiety disorder???  Turner, Beidel, and Jacob (1994) 72 social phobia sufferers assigned to either flooding, drug, or placebo condition Three-month treatment Assessment at six months Results favored flooding technique although not significant

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