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2 200 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 300 Manifest Destiny Long Term Causes of Civil War Immediate Causes of the Civil War Baker’s Choice Civil War

3 - What was the name of the man that led the Mormons to Salt Lake City, Utah forming a large trade city in the west Row 1---100 Question

4 - Brigham Young Row 1---100 Answer

5 - What was the name of the man who brought American settlers into Texas and was given land grants from the Spanish. In return the new settlers had to follow Mexican law and Catholicism Row 1---200 Question

6 - Stephen F Austin Row 1---200 Answer

7 - Three events that influenced Americans to support Manifest Destiny Row 1---300 Question

8 - Louisiana Purchase, War of 1812, Westward Migration Row 1---300 Answer

9 - Who served as the first President of the Lone Star Republic? Row 1---400 Question

10 - Sam Houston Row 1---400 Answer

11 - The Oregon Trail started in ______ and ended in _______________. Row 1---500 Question

12 - Independence, Missouri to Portland, Oregon Row 1---500 Answer

13 - Name of the political party started specifically to oppose the spread of slavery into the new territories gain from the Mexican War. Row 2---100 Question

14 - Free Soilers Row 2---100 Answer

15 - What were three reasons for the increase of sectionalism in America prior to the Civil War? Row 2---200 Question

16 - Slavery, Increased tariffs (economics), political disagreements Row 2---200 Answer

17 Row 2---300 Question - What was the name of the bill proposed by a Pennsylvania Senator that tried to block slavery in old Mexican areas but is defeated in Congress?

18 - Wilmot Proviso Row 2---300 Answer

19 Row 2---400 Question - Law that set a precedent for determining slave states from free states from 1820 to 1850.

20 - Missouri Compromise/Compromise of 1820 Row 2---400 Answer

21 -What are the 4 major components of the Compromise of 1850 as discussed in class? Row 2---500 Question

22 -California is a free state -Popular Sovereignty determines if states are slave or free -Stricter fugitive slave act enforced -Slave trade banned in Washington, D.C. Row 2---500 Answer

23 - Political debates over slavery led to a violent fight between which two senators of the Senate floor in the 1850s? Row 3---100 Question

24 - Preston Brooks and Charles Sumner Row 3---100 Answer

25 - “Bleeding Kansas” led to a border war over slavery between what states? Row 3---200 Question

26 - Kansas and Missouri Row 3---200 Answer

27 - Which three political parties joined with some current Republicans to start a “new” Republican party in 1850? Row 3---300 Question

28 -Anti-slavery Whigs and Democrats -Free Soilers Row 3---300 Answer

29 - What was significant in regards to Abraham Lincoln’s electoral college total in the 1860 election? Row 3---400 Question

30 - Only candidate to ever win a Presidential election without receiving a single southern electoral vote Row 3---400 Answer

31 - In the Supreme Court case of Dred Scott v Sanford, the Supreme Court made THREE distinct rulings. What were they? Row 3---500 Question

32 -Slaves are not citizens -Slavery cannot be banned due to a person’s right to own property -The Missouri Compromise was illegal Row 3---500 Answer

33 - What was the name of the first official battle of the Civil War? Row 4---100 Question

34 - Battle of Bull Run (Manassas) Row 4---100 Answer

35 - What were the two major reasons the Confederacy was winning the war from 1861- mid1863? Row 4---200 Question

36 -Defensive strategy being carried out by superior Generals like Lee and Jackson -Disagreements between political and military leaders in the North Row 4---200 Answer

37 - What were the three main goals of the Confederacy they felt were needed to win the war? Row 4---300 Question

38 -Play defense (attack when opportunity presents itself) -Drag out the war as long as possible -Persuade Britain and France to join the war effort in support Row 4---300 Answer

39 - What are the three main goals of the North’s Anaconda plan? Row 4---400 Question

40 -Seize the Confederate capital of Richmond -Blockade the Mississippi River to split the Confederate army -Blockade the coast to cut supplies and aid Row 4---400 Answer

41 - List four major advantages the North had over the Confederacy during the Civil War Row 4---500 Question

42 - Population, Factories, Railroads, Farm land (food) Row 4---500 Answer

43 - What is Bruce Lee’s favorite drink? Row 5---100 Question

44 - Kara-tea Row 5---100 Answer

45 - What is the difference between Hough APUSH students ignorance and apathy? Row 5---200 Question

46 - I don’t know and I don’t care Row 5---200 Answer

47 - How do you make holy water? Row 5---300 Question

48 - Boil the hell out of it Row 5---300 Answer

49 - Why do sharks live in salt water? Row 5---400 Question

50 - Because pepper makes them sneeze Row 5---400 Answer

51 -Why don’t you ever see a hippopotamus hiding in a tree? Row 5---500 Question

52 - Because they are really good at it Row 5---500 Answer

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