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Elements and Principles of Design 2-D Design. Elements of Art Line Shape Form Space Color Value Texture.

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Presentation on theme: "Elements and Principles of Design 2-D Design. Elements of Art Line Shape Form Space Color Value Texture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements and Principles of Design 2-D Design

2 Elements of Art Line Shape Form Space Color Value Texture

3 Line Line is a mark made by a moving point Line is the most basic element of art. Line can be actual as in a connected series of points, or it can be implied—a series of points that the viewer’s eyes automatically connect.

4 Shape Shape is used to describe things that are 2-dimensional or flat Can be geometric or organic

5 Form Form is used to describe 3-dimensional mass; it is an object that has height, width, and depth Can be geometric or organic The way you shade certain shapes may lend the eye into seeing it 3- dimensionally

6 Space Space refers to the area around and within the design as well as the area it occupies Your drawing or design is considered positive space The area around your drawing or design is considered negative space

7 Color Color is the quality of light; the color spectrum is created when white light passes through a prism and is split into bands

8 Value Value is the lightness or darkness of a surface

9 Texture Texture refers to how things feel, or look as if they might feel, if touched In design you will notice the texture of different papers, but you can also create an illusion of texture by the way you apply your media

10 Principles of Design Balance Contrast Emphasis Movement Proportion Repetition Variety

11 Emphasis Emphasis is the element of a work of art that is noticed first Emphasis creates a focal point in a work Elements noticed later are called subordinate

12 Balance Balance refers to how well the elements of design are placed together The three types of balance are symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial Symmetrical (formal) balance is achieved when both sides of the design are exactly or nearly the same [calm or restful feeling] Asymmetrical balance (informal) occurs when parts are different on either side [creates tension] Radial balance is when all parts radiate, or come out from, the center

13 Repetition Repetition is a technique that is used to create rhythm and unity When a motif or single element appears again and again Repetition can also create an obvious pattern within a work

14 Movement Movement is the sense of motion created by angles or planes Movement helps to lead the viewer’s eyes around your work

15 Variety Variety adds visual interest to a work and keeps the viewer involved with the work Concerned with differences between individual elements Wassily Kandinsky Several circles, 1926

16 Contrast Contrast is a great difference between two things Contrast can occur by using different colors, textures, or sizes

17 Proportion Proportion is the size relationship of one part to another or to the whole Golden Mean: A line divided into two parts so that the smaller line has the same proportion, or ratio, to the larger line as the larger line has to the whole line. – In math the ration is written 1 to 1.6 or 1:1.6

18 Unity All the elements and principles working together in a work of art

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