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Mr. De León/Miss Forlow AP Psych October 23, 2013.

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1 Mr. De León/Miss Forlow AP Psych October 23, 2013

2  Define what learning means to psychologists  Identify who Ivan Pavlov was and explain how his research led to the discovery of classical conditioning  Identify and define what an unconditioned stimulus, a conditioned stimulus, an unconditioned response, and a conditioned response are  Apply knowledge of basic elements of classical conditioning to identify Pavlov’s research what unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, and conditioned response are

3  Apply knowledge basic elements classical conditioning to identify in hypothetical example of classical conditioning what the unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, and conditioned response are  Apply knowledge of basic elements of classical conditioning to generate and explain own hypothetical scenario where classical conditioning is occurring that implies the presence of the four basic elements of classical conditioning

4  “Based on your personal experiences, how would you define what ‘learning’ means to you? Provide at least two specific examples of learning that you or someone else is likely to encounter in their daily life in order to illustrate the definition of learning that you have generated.”

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6  Learning: process where experience/practice leads to relatively permanent change in behavior  e.g. playing guitar, reading  Other examples?

7  Different from reflexes/other autonomic processes because…  1.) takes time/practice/expe rience to develop  2.) not necessarily instinctual/naturall y occurring

8  Pavlov (1849-1936)  Russian physiologist  Originally studying digestive processes in dogs  how much salivate when put food in mouths  Noticed dogs salivated more before receive food  WHY?

9  Pavlov decided teach dogs to salivate without food present  Design of experiment:  1.) sounded bell  2.) presented food  3.) dogs salivated  4.) paired bell and food number of times  5.) dogs begin salivate at sound of bell


11  Classical conditioning: type learning caused by pairing stimulus (object/event) that causes no response (action/emotion/physical reaction) with another stimulus that does naturally/involuntarily causes a response

12  Unconditioned Stimulus (US/UCS): stimulus (object/event/etc.) naturally/involuntarily causes person/animal/etc. react in certain way  Unconditioned Response (UR/UCR): response (action/emotion/physical reaction) animal/person/etc. naturally/involuntarily occurs when exposed to US/UCS

13  Conditioned Stimulus (CS): originally neutral (not elicit any response) stimulus that is repeatedly paired with UCS and eventually produces response similar to UCS  Conditioned Response (CR): response eventually elicited by presentation CS after numerous pairings with UCS


15  Based on the definitions of UCS, UCR, CS, and CR just presented, let’s identify in Pavlov’s classic experiment what is the  1.) UCS  2.) UCR  3.) CS  4.) CR

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