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Critical Theory Writers and their key ideas Dean Wall Gary Burke.

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1 Critical Theory Writers and their key ideas Dean Wall Gary Burke

2 Writers

3 Ferdinand De Saussure Swiss linguist whose ideas laid a foundation for many significant developments in linguistics in the 20th century His views revolutionized the study of language He is considered one of the fathers of Semiotics

4 Ferdinand De Saussure – Key Ideas

5  Created the theory that humans make a separation between the word and its meaning  In this theory:  A signifier is the culturally shared sign which represents the real world understanding of the sign or symbol  The signified,each individual forms (through association or accommodation) a mental schema that is applied during the communication process to create meaning

6 Ferdinand De Saussure – Influences Influence on new media:  Yes  People associate certain colours with different things (eg. The color red = Warning, Danger, Blood)  When developing media people have to be aware of these things.

7 Noam Chomsky American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian and activist Professor at MIT for over 50 years  Department of linguistics and philosophy Known for his critiques within many areas such as:  Capitalism  The media Co-wrote the book that explored the topic that news media was a form of propaganda (1988) with Edward Herman

8 Noam Chomsky – Key Ideas To analyze mainstream mass media and its structures and constraints in its role in supporting government and business interests Created a 'propaganda model'  Democratic societies use a subtle non-violent means of control  Totalitarian systems use violent force to coerce the general public Famous quote:  “propaganda is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state”

9 Noam Chomsky – Key Ideas

10 Noam Chomsky - Influences Influences on new media? Yes Makes us think about the truths within todays media  Not everything we are told is true / how much is  Journalism Whoever controls the media can manipulate it  North Korea dictatorship

11 Questions?

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