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Supporting educators and preparing students to become effective and productive citizens in the 21st century ePortfolio Assessment System Student Teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting educators and preparing students to become effective and productive citizens in the 21st century ePortfolio Assessment System Student Teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting educators and preparing students to become effective and productive citizens in the 21st century ePortfolio Assessment System Student Teacher Administrator

2 ePortfolio System Guided by the Technology Proficiency Proviso (Proviso 1.25), the Office of eLearning is providing the opportunity for districts to use an ePortfolio system to measure staff and student technology proficiency. The tool allows teachers to take an online technology assessment, receive recommendations for professional development by the Office of eLearning, and upload electronic portfolios demonstrating their technology mastery. Data provided through the ePortfolio project has demonstrated the positive impact of technology integration in South Carolina schools.

3 Student ePortfolios Students from grades k-8 take technology proficiency exams that are aligned with the 2007 NETS Standards Students will be able to view the Atomic Learning tutorials that the teacher recommends based on the student’s technology skill level

4 Student ePortfolios Teachers will make portfolio assignments for their classes. Each grade-level portfolio will have the following components: a spreadsheet, a presentation, and a Research Paper, Individual Newsletter, Brochure, or Webpage. Students will upload portfolios for teacher review. Included are resource links for the STEM Initiative.

5 Student Technology Assessment Technology Levels 8th Grade 2008-09 # 2009-10 # 2008-09 % 2009-10 % Proficient 5,9039,340 32%29% Not Proficient 12,81022,36568%71% Total Assessed 18,71331,705100% The number of students assessed increased by 69% The number of proficient 8th graders increased by 58%

6 Teacher Technology Assessment SCDE’s ePortfolio system provides ability to ensure that teachers are technology proficient Data provided has demonstrated the positive impact of technology integration in South Carolina schools. 62% of teachers assessed were placed in the “proficient” level in use of technology.

7 ePortfolio Staff Technology Proficiency Results 2009-2010 Technology Levels Certified Staff NumberPercent Proficient 24,497 62% Not Proficient 14,81438% Total Assessed 39,311100% South Carolina’s ePortfolio system allows teachers to place themselves on a technology proficiency level Receive recommendations for professional development by the Office of eLearning Upload electronic portfolios demonstrating their technology mastery

8 Instructional Technology Coaches (ITCs) We will have approximately 60 ITCs during the 2010-2011 school year. Coaches receive monthly training—face to face and virtually. ITCs serve teachers as peer coaches in helping enhance lessons with engaging technology tools Partnerships with Verizon Thinkfinity and INTEL Teach programs have further bolstered high quality PD for teachers across the state

9 Virtual School Technology Assessment Virtual School students take a technology assessment to ensure that they are ready to take online courses.

10 New Features of the ePortfolio System Streamlined Login We have created a "wizard"-style authentication interface that asks the users one question at a time to match them with the appropriate account in the system We have created a "wizard"-style authentication interface that asks the users one question at a time to match them with the appropriate account in the system

11 New Features of the ePortfolio System Streamlined Login The user will then be asked to continue verifying their account by entering the password If the password is correct, click on the Login button to access the system The user will then be asked to continue verifying their account by entering the password If the password is correct, click on the Login button to access the system

12 New Features of the ePortfolio System Streamlined Login for Students  All students will start by entering their 10 digit SUNS ID (State Student Unique Numbering System from the state SASI database)  All students will then be asked to type in their last name  If the student’s SUNS Id and last name are in the system, the student will click on the Login button to take their assessment  All students will start by entering their 10 digit SUNS ID (State Student Unique Numbering System from the state SASI database)  All students will then be asked to type in their last name  If the student’s SUNS Id and last name are in the system, the student will click on the Login button to take their assessment

13 New Features of the ePortfolio System Streamlined Login for Students After students have logged into the system, they will be asked to provide the following: School Grade Level After students have logged into the system, they will be asked to provide the following: School Grade Level

14 New Features of the ePortfolio System Updated Assessment Questions The question bank was increased with new questions provided by the Round 8 Instructional Technology Coaches. There will be only one assessment with two different levels of portfolios based on skills (developing and mastery). The entire student and certified staff assessment questions have been edited based on state-wide feedback. Any question missed by 50% or more users was re-written for clarification or deleted

15 New Features of the ePortfolio System Updates to Assessment Questions ISTE Standard 5 questions on Leadership and Professional Growth will not be a graded section. This section will be a survey section to provide information for the districts.

16 New Features of the ePortfolio System Updates to Assessment Questions All questions for students and certified staff have been re- written to not be platform specific. The questions will be applicable for all versions of Windows and Macintosh.

17 New Features of the ePortfolio System Terms of Use Feature The South Carolina Department of Education Web Site and Materials are copyrighted. Please read the Terms of Use ("Terms") carefully before using this site. By accessing and using the South Carolina Department of Education Web Site and Materials, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the following Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms, do not use the South Carolina Department of Education Web Site or download any Materials

18 New Features of the ePortfolio System Portfolio File Size Limits The maximum portfolio file size is 15MB. If you need help reducing the size of your file, please click on the “review this document”

19 New Features of the ePortfolio System Student Resources that Support the STEM Initiative Visit Intel Odyssey Projects for more than 350 ideas to borrow or adapt for use in your own classroom. This resource has great ideas for project-based approaches that engage students in deeper content area knowledge, support the STEM initiative and develop 21st century skills.Intel Odyssey Projects

20 New Features of the ePortfolio System Developing Portfolio Icon for Teachers The portfolio requirement is not marked as complete until a Mastery Level portfolio has been submitted and approved. After a Developing Level portfolio is approved the person will need to re-take the assessment with a score greater than 80% and then complete a Mastery Level portfolio. When a user has uploaded and had all the developing portfolio files approved, this icon ( Developing Portfolio approved. Needs to complete Mastery level portfolio) will appear.

21 New Features of the ePortfolio System Developing Portfolio Icon for Teachers When a reviewer has marked a teacher’s developing portfolio as acceptable and complete, the teacher will see an orange check mark on their ePortfolio homepage. However, the portfolio requirement will not be complete until the mastery level portfolio has been accepted and marked as complete.

22 Features of the ePortfolio System Search across the State Feature This function will allow tech coaches, both district-based and school-based, to search for any user no matter their location in the system as long as they have the certificate ID or SUNS ID. This will allow administrators to find users that have changed schools or districts and move them into the proper school or district

23 Features of the ePortfolio System Updated Delete Users Process Deleting users is no longer a two-step process: users marked for deletion are removed immediately, but can be searched for and restored in the case of accidental deletions.

24 Features of the ePortfolio System Assessment and randomized questions When users take the assessment, they will be given 10 random questions from the question bank for each 2008 ISTE-T Standard There will be only one assessment with two different levels of portfolios based on skills The assessment will be the same for the ePortfolio system and the Techassessment. When users take the assessment, they will be given 10 random questions from the question bank for each 2008 ISTE-T Standard There will be only one assessment with two different levels of portfolios based on skills The assessment will be the same for the ePortfolio system and the Techassessment.

25 Features of the ePortfolio System Portfolio Path If users score 80% or more on the assessment, he/she will need to complete the Mastery Portfolio. If users score less than 80% on the assessment, he/she must complete the Developing portfolio and then take the assessment again. All users must successfully complete a Mastery portfolio during their certification period If users score 80% or more on the assessment, he/she will need to complete the Mastery Portfolio. If users score less than 80% on the assessment, he/she must complete the Developing portfolio and then take the assessment again. All users must successfully complete a Mastery portfolio during their certification period

26 Features of the ePortfolio System Portfolio Requirements Users on the Developing Level are starting to integrate technology into the curriculum and will benefit from additional skills-based technology training. Courses for this level will be a blend of skills and curriculum-based content (i.e. using spreadsheets in a math classroom, using presentation software in a science classroom, creating a writing project using a word processor in a language arts class, or using the Internet for a research project in a social studies class). Users on the Proficient Mastery Level use technology efficiently and effectively for improving student learning. These users are fully integrating technology into the curriculum. Courses for this level will be content-based (i.e. using Web 2.0 online tools for learning, using graphing calculators for data analysis in a math classroom, using probe ware in a science classroom, creating digital photo stories in a language arts class, or using the Internet for research and collaboration in a social studies class). There are different portfolio requirements for administrators, media specialists, counselors, and special needs teachers.

27 Features of the ePortfolio System Survey Questions At the end of each assessment, there is a set of non-random, ungraded questions. These would ask teachers and other staff if they wanted additional training in various subjects or would be willing to provide such training. Reports would be created that would help administrators plan training for their districts and schools

28 Timeline for the ePortfolio System August—October 2010 Review the ePortfolio System with new teachers Assess any teacher who has not taken the assessment All Year Teachers who have taken the assessment and are on the Developing Level should start submitting portfolio files for you to review. Once they have completed the Developing Portfolio and had it reviewed and marked as complete by the technology coach, they can re-take the assessment. Teachers who have taken the assessment and are on the Mastery Level do NOT re-take the assessment. They should be uploading portfolio files for you to review. By December 2010 All students identified in the grant take their technology pre-test Teachers start creating portfolio assignments for their students By May 2011 All students identified in the grant take their technology post-test All student portfolios are reviewed by the teacher

29 Contact Information Linda Hains – (843)209-1374 or (843) 766-5978

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