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Federico F. CLASS 4°A I.I.S G.GARIBALDI Federico F. 4°A I.I.S. G. Garibaldi How can we save Water & Energy by recycling water plastic bottles?

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Presentation on theme: "Federico F. CLASS 4°A I.I.S G.GARIBALDI Federico F. 4°A I.I.S. G. Garibaldi How can we save Water & Energy by recycling water plastic bottles?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Federico F. CLASS 4°A I.I.S G.GARIBALDI Federico F. 4°A I.I.S. G. Garibaldi How can we save Water & Energy by recycling water plastic bottles?

2 MAP Bottled water Plastic bottles Dangerous part The solution oilgaslandfillconclusionenergyreusedamage Federico F. 4°A I.I.S. G. Garibaldi

3 Plastic bottles can be found almost anywhere on Earth. This attests to the fact of their usefulness and to the ease and low cost in making these items. Indeed plastic bottles are so useful that almost any liquid beverage or food product can be found being sold in plastic bottles.

4 But bottled water is not considered to be healthy for the environment. The part about recycled water that is bad for the environment is the plastic bottle part. Federico F. 4°A I.I.S. G. Garibaldi

5 The part about recycled water that is bad for the environment is the plastic bottle part. Federico F. 4°A I.I.S. G. Garibaldi

6 So why do we recycle? The practice of recovering scraps and waste plastic and reprocessing these materials into new products is called recycling. Federico F. 4°A I.I.S. G. Garibaldi

7 Recycling makes use of materials that are at the end of their useful lives which otherwise would be added to the waste stream and end up in landfills or (sadly) in the ocean and on our shores. Federico F. 4°A I.I.S. G. Garibaldi

8 When a ton of plastic bottles are recycled approximately 3.8 barrels of petroleum is saved. Federico F. 4°A I.I.S. G. Garibaldi

9 The substitution of recycled materials reduces the emission of greenhouse gases that are produced in the manufacturing of virgin materials. Federico F. 4°A I.I.S. G. Garibaldi

10 Not having millions of plastic bottles in the landfill results in a saving of 6.7 cubic meters of landfill space that is at a premium right now. Plastic bottles also take an average of 500 years to biodegrade. Federico F. 4°A I.I.S. G. Garibaldi

11 Water and soft drink bottles are made of polyethylene terephthalate or PET. Recycling of one pound of PET results in a saving of approximately 12,000 BTU’s (British Thermal Units). Federico F. 4°A I.I.S. G. Garibaldi

12 Recycled bottles can provide an environmentally friendly source of materials for the manufacture of new products and substitutes recycle materials for virgin materials. Federico F. 4°A I.I.S. G. Garibaldi

13 CONCLUSION Summing up if you save energy & water by recycling bottled water you care about: the conservation of oil, the reduction of greenhouse gas effects, saving landfill space, the conservation of energy. Federico F. 4°A I.I.S. G. Garibaldi

14 o Titolo: Saving water and saving energy o Autore: F. Federico o Classe: IV A o Formato: PPT o Dimensione: o Tipo: Progetto o Lingua: Inglese o Ricchezza semantica: Media o Destinatari: Studenti o Grado di difficoltà: Medio o Breve descrizione: the recycle of bottles o Punti di forza: o Punti di debolezza: 14 Federico F. 4°A I.I.S. G. Garibaldi


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