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Study Sheet for Chapter 8 Test

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1 Study Sheet for Chapter 8 Test

2 6 H2O + 6 CO2 -----> C6H12O6+ 6 O2 1. EQUATION light
For photosynthesis 6 H2O + 6 CO > C6H12O6+ 6 O2 light

3 2. Going in and out What goes into the stoma?
What goes out of the stoma? H20 and CO2 Water and O2 both LIR Both LDR

4 Definitions: Carbon fixation
Incorporation of carbon from CO2 (unusable) to make organic compounds (usable) like glucose Carbon fixation

5 Absorption of Chlorophyll Graph
What color wavelength is absorbed by chlorophyll a at its highest peak? Blue-violet and red What color is absorbed by carotene pigment? Orange

6 Absorption of Chlorophyll Graph
What color wavelength is reflected by chlorophyll a at its highest peak? Green and yellow HINT: WOULD THE REFLECTION BE HIGH OR LOW ON AN ABSORPTION GRAPH?

7 3. Main function of chlorophyll
Turn the leaf yellow Capture sunlight energy Make sugar from carbon dioxide Make rubisco ANSWER: capture sunlight energy

8 Definitions: rubisco Enzyme that combines CO2 with RuBP to start the Calvin cycle

9 DIAGRAMS Leaf Cross Section Check your study guide bottom pg. 1

10 Answers A=cuticle B=Upper epidermis C=Vein D=Phloem E=xylem
F=Palisade layer G=spongy layer H=guard cell I=stomata

11 DIAGRAM A. PS II B. ETC C. PS I D. thylakoid interior E. ATP synthase
F. stroma 680 700 F

12 Do You Know????? XXXX What is under the XXXX’s?
ANSWER: Stromal lamella XXXX

13 4. Chlorophyll a Reflects what pigments the most?
ANSWER: Green and yellow Absorbs what pigments the most? ANSWER: Blue-violet and red

14 5. Where does the oxygen come from?
Splitting of oxygen Splitting of water Pure oxygen taken into a leaf Glucose breaking apart ANSWER: splitting of water

15 REDOX QUESTION: CO2 C6H12O6 ANSWER: Reduced (gains H+) GER (gains e-)
Oxidized? Reduced? ANSWER: Reduced (gains H+) GER (gains e-)

16 REDOX QUESTION: H2O O2 ANSWER: Oxidized (lose H+) LEO (lose e-)
Reduced? ANSWER: Oxidized (lose H+) LEO (lose e-)

17 6. Sugar (glucose) is assembled where?
A. thylakoid interior B. thylakoid membrane C. stroma D. outer membrane ANSWER: stroma (in LIR)

18 Where do they take place?
LDR Thylakoid disk LIR stroma

19 Where does each take place?
LIR LDR Calvin cycle ETC Chemiosmosis Splitting of water Stroma Thylakoid disks Thylakoid membrane Thylakoid interior through thylakoid membrane to stroma Thylakoid interior

20 Definitions: Photophos- phorylation autotrophs
Using light to make ATP (ADP + P) by chemiosmosis Organism that makes its own food (photosynthetic plants)-plants also known as PRODUCERS

21 8. What 2 hi-energy molecules are made in the LDR to run the LIR?

22 9. What is another name for the LIR?
ETC LDR Krebs cycle Calvin cycle ANSWER: Calvin cycle (LIR)

23 CHLOROPLAST DIAGRAM A. Outer membrane B. inner membrane C. granum
D. thylakoid disk E. stroma F. stromal lamella F

24 10. What happens when a pigment molecule absorbs a photon?
Electrons leave the pigment molecules Electrons are added to the pigment Electrons in the pigment gain energy and are raised to an excited state The electrons in the pigment lost energy and fall to the ground state ANSWER: Electrons in the pigment gain energy and are raised to an excited state

25 11. WHAT ARE THE PRODUCTS? Of LDR? Of LIR? ATP and NADPH and oxygen
Glucose and ADP and NADP+

26 12. How many turns? Of the Calvin cycle to produce one molecule of glucose? 1 2 3 6 ANSWER: 6

27 What makes glucose? 2 molecules of G3P 3 molecules of RuBP
4 molecules of CO2 An ATP and a G3P 2 NADPH and 4 ATP ANSWER: 2 molecules of G3P

28 Photophosphorylation
Makes ATP in the ETC Makes ATP by chemiosmosis Makes NADPH in the ETC Makes NADPH by chemiosmosis ANSWER: makes ATP by chemiosmosis

29 DIAGRAMS PHOTOSYSTEM A. photon of light B. reaction center
C. pigment molecules of antenna

30 13. In the LDR where would the H+ ions collect?
A. on the thylakoid membrane B. on the outer membrane C. in the thylakoid interior (lumen) D. in the stroma ANSWER: C

31 PICTURE IT: Where do the H+ collect after they are split from water?

32 Where do the H+ collect after they are split from water?
D – thylakoid interior H H+ H+ H+ G

33 Where would be ATP synthase be located?
A. on the thylakoid membrane B. on the outer membrane C. in the thylakoid interior (lumen) D. in the stroma ANSWER: A

34 PICTURE IT: Where is the ATP synthase located?

35 Where is the ATP synthase located?

36 Where are these formed? NADPH ATP
LDR By high energy electrons passing through the ETC By H+ ions passing through the ATP synthase via chemiosmosis

37 PICTURE IT: Where would NADPH and ATP collect?

38 Where would NADPH and ATP be found?
G (stroma) G

39 JUMPING IN: One of these things, does not belong with the others:
Antenna molecule Reaction center Primary electron acceptor Pigment molecule Stroma ANSWER: stroma

40 14. Plants Are known as: (how many are true?) consumers Autotrophs
Producers Herbivores Heterotrophs ANSWER: autotrophs and producers Animals are heterotrophs

41 JUMPING IN: What is the enzyme?
That is the most abundant in the world? Amylase Rubisco ATP synthase Peptidase ANSWER: rubisco

42 15. What is…? Carbon Fixation? ANSWER: changing of unusable atmospheric CO2 into usable organic compounds (like glucose)

43 16. What are the colors? Carotenoids Xanthophylls Chlorophyll a
Chlorophyll b Orange Yellow Green Yellow green

44 17. Scientist Contributions
Van Helmont Priestley Ingenhousz Water contributed to plant growth Plants gave off oxygen Light is necessary for photosynthesis

45 18. Which are the high-energy (filled) forms?
ATP or ADP NADPH or NADP ATP (three phosphates)-high ADP (two phosphates)-low NADPH (has filled electron carrier) NADP (empty electron carrier)

46 ESSAY #1 How to increase the rate of photosynthesis and why?
A. closer to sunlight so more photons of light can excite the chlorophyll and e- B. add more water to be split for e-, H+, released oxygen C. more carbon dioxide to donate carbon molecules to make glucose in LIR

47 ESSAY #2 Design an experiment to test the rate of photosynthesis. Label a sketch of the set-up and the procedure. HINT: Elodea lab EX: plant, water, CO2,light Count oxygen bubbles in different distances from the light

48 ESSAY #3

49 ESSAY #4 Add more (-) ions to be charged


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