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Kansas English Language Proficiency Assessment (KELPA)

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1 Kansas English Language Proficiency Assessment (KELPA)
Fall Assessment Conference Melanie Manares, Education Program Consultant ESOL / Bilingual Education and Title III Phyllis Farrar, Education Program Consultant World Languages and ESOL

2 Who is an English Language Learner (ELL) ???
A student whose home language is other than English and who is not fully proficient in the English language. Because the student is not proficient in the four language domains – s/he needs language support services. Listening Speaking Reading Writing

3 Who takes the KELPA? All students classified as ELLs based on one of the following English Language Proficiency (ELP) assessments: KELPA test in previous year LAS/LAS LINKS IPT LPTS KELPA-Placement The student has not yet scored “fluent” (proficient) on one of the above assessments in all of the four language domains (L,S,R,W), and the composite score for two consecutive years.

4 Who takes the KELPA? OR: A student who has scored “fluent” (proficient) in all domains on an ELP assessment, yet the school district determines that the student could still benefit from ESOL services. If this student scores below “fluent” upon taking the KELPA, s/he can be reclassified as an ELL and qualify for ESOL funding and services.

5 General Overview - basic facts about language acquisition
Social Proficiency Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) Averages 1-2 years Academic proficiency Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) Averages 5-7 years

6 General Overview - basic facts about language acquisition
The fact that the student speaks English in your class, on the playground, in the cafeteria or in the halls does NOT mean the student is proficient. It is normal for some students who are new to English to remain silent in their new language for up to a year.

7 General Overview No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
Purpose is: To ensure English proficiency for students who are limited English proficient - To ensure English Language Learners (ELLs) achieve high levels in core academic areas

8 General Overview NCLB Requirements
All ELLs in public schools in grades K-12 assessed annually for English proficiency in: listening, speaking, reading, and writing State responsible for developing English Language Proficiency (ELP) assessment ELP assessments must align to state English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Standards (2006)

9 General Overview NCLB Requirements
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs): Based on data from KELPA Used Spring 2006 as baseline, set in 2007 Number and percentage of ELLs making progress in English acquisition Number and percentage of ELLs attaining English proficiency ELLs making AYP under Title I

10 General Overview What is the KELPA?
Used in Kansas for measuring annual growth for NCLB purposes Assessment for English Language Proficiency, grades K-12, in: Speaking Listening Reading Writing

11 General Overview What is the KELPA?
Developed by the Center for Educational Testing and Evaluation (CETE) at the University of KS Aligned to Kansas ESOL Standards Test items written and reviewed by Kansas practitioners Field tested across the state Reviewed by council of adult non-native English speakers from various cultural and linguistic backgrounds for cultural/linguistic biases

12 General Overview What is the KELPA?
Grade cluster specific: K-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12 K-1: all components administered individually Reading, & Writing: 2-12, group administered Listening items: 2-12 group administered standardized on audio CD, Speaking: K-12, individually administered

13 Overview of Domains Listening
K-12 Following directions Beginning, middle, ending sounds Ability to discern correct vs. incorrect sentence Listening comprehension based on a story 2-12 Following directions Beginning, middle, ending sounds Ability to discern correct vs. incorrect sentence Listening comprehension based on an expository passage

14 Overview of Domains Speaking: K-12
Prompts read by test examiner Two rubrics used to rate students speech Items include: answer short questions answer more detailed questions describe what’s happening in a single picture and describe what’s happening in a picture sequence

15 Overview of Domains Reading:
K-1 rhyming initial/ending sounds short story reading comprehension (student reads a story and selects the picture that illustrates what the story’s about) 2-12 rhyming cloze sentences compound words synonyms/antonyms Definitions fact/opinion Analogies reading comprehension of passages

16 Overview of Domains Writing:
K-1 Write letters/numbers based on oral prompt Complete the cloze sentence Rewrite sentence (corrects syntax of incorrect sentence) Circle correctly spelled word Identify vocabulary (write a word to label a picture) 2-12 Grammar/vocabulary usage (adjectives, prepositions, verbs & verb tenses, comparative/superlative, adverbs, pronouns, plurals); Synonyms/antonyms Punctuation Syntax Essay (constructed response): writes based on either picture or written prompt (scored locally)

17 How to interpret KELPA results
See handout to review cut scores per grade and domain + domain weightings See handout to review the perfomance level descriptors (PLDs) for beginning, intermediate, advanced, and fluent.

18 Testing 2008 Materials shipped to schools February 1
February 15 – May 2, testing window Score all constructed written responses (essays) locally Return all materials to CETE by May 15, 2008 Preliminary results available by June 15, 2008

19 FYI There will not be any revisions made to KELPA until the ESOL Standards are revised. KELPA is only available in paper/pencil format. KELPA – P (placement) is now available from CETE for use in determining the need for services. Training for administering KELPA is available on CD and online.

20 THANK YOU! For questions about testing and ESL program requirements:
Melanie Manares Phyllis Farrar For questions about materials CETE at KU

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