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How do I live a healthy life?

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Presentation on theme: "How do I live a healthy life?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do I live a healthy life?
Healthy Me © Microsoft clipart How do I live a healthy life?

2 Unit Question How do your personal interests influence your personal health? © Microsoft clipart

3 Content Questions What foods do I like? What sports do I like?
How do my food choices and activity level affect me? How does culture influence diet? How does culture influence sports? © Microsoft clipart

4 Students’ Prior Knowledge
Students will brainstorm about the question: ¿Estoy saludable?. They will list all vocabulary they know about it. Students will do a graphic organizer to answer questions about their favorite food drinks and sports. Students will answer a survey about their personal choices on food, drinks and sports. © Microsoft clipart

5 What will you learn at the end of this unit?
You will be able to talk about your likes and dislikes on food, drinks and sports. You will be able to identify healthy ways of eating. You will be able to compare foods from a different culture You will be able to communicate in a different language. © Microsoft clipart

6 Project Questions ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita?
¿Cuál es tu bebida favorita? ¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito? ¿Como estamos saludables? © Microsoft clipart

7 Standards B1.3-2 Use visuals as support in communicating a message.
B Identify practices from Latin culture and the student’s native culture © Microsoft clipart

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