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You have 5 minutes to do this

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Presentation on theme: "You have 5 minutes to do this"— Presentation transcript:

1 You have 5 minutes to do this
Can you compare your answers to yesterday’s “energy circus” with answers from other groups. Who was correct?!? New Topic You have 5 minutes to do this

2 Last lesson Types of energy Law of conservation of energy
Energy flow diagrams

3 What is Energy? “The capacity to do work” Not a very good definition!

4 Types of energy Energy can take many forms;

5 Heat Unlucky dog

6 Light

7 Sound

8 Kinetic (movement)

9 Electric

10 Chemical

11 Gravitational potential

12 Elastic/strain

13 Nuclear

14 Types of Energy Heat Chemical Light Gravitational Sound Elastic/strain
Kinetic Nuclear Electric

15 Types of Energy Heat Chemical Light Gravitational Sound Elastic/strain
Kinetic Nuclear Electric Stored/potential

16 The Law of Conservation of Energy
Energy can be changed (transformed) from one type to another, but it can never be made or destroyed.

17 This means that the total amount of energy in the Universe stays the same!

18 Energy Flow diagrams We can write energy flow diagrams to show the energy changes that occur in a given situation. For example, when a car brakes, its kinetic energy is transformed into heat energy in the brakes. Kinetic heat

19 Today’s lesson Measuring the energy content of two fuels
You will move to the next experiment at the appropriate signal.

20 Gather round Mr Porter

21 Energy Content of two fuels
Initial mass (g) Final mass (g) Mass of fuel used (g) Initial temp of water (°C) Final temp of water (°C) Temp rise of water (°C) Energy released (J) Energy released per gram of fuel (J/g) Wax Ethanol Volume of water (cm3) x 4.2 x temp rise Energy ÷ mass Then write three sentences saying what you have discovered, and suggesting two ways the experiment could be improved.

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