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Jeopardy Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200
Prologue Research Methods Brain and Biology Development Sensation Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Double Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Prologue
When you are writing a research paper on him, a useful search term would be introspection

3 $100 Answer from Who is Wilhelm Wundt?

4 $200 Question from Prologue
This school of thought focused on breaking conscious experience into its component parts.

5 $200 Answer from Prologue What is Structualism?

6 $300 Question from Prologue
He is generally recognized as the founder of American psychology.

7 $300 Answer from Prologue Who is William James?

8 $400 Question from Prologue
Operant conditioning is associated with which school/perspective of psychology?

9 What is the Behaviorist perspective?
$400 Answer from Prologue What is the Behaviorist perspective?

10 $500 Question from Prologue
This perspective is most responsible for bringing issues relating to diversity to the forefront of psychological research.

11 What is the Sociocultural Perspective?
$500 Answer from Prologue What is the Sociocultural Perspective?

12 $100 Question from Research Methods
An example of this type of research method is a psychologist keeping a very detailed record of a series of interviews with an individual who is suffering from a rare brain disorder.

13 $100 Answer from Research Methods
What is a case study?

14 $200 Question from Research Methods
In a drug study, one group of participants receives an inactive pill and another group receives a pill that is believed to be effective in treating depression. The group that receives the inactive pill is known as this. .

15 $200 Answer from Research Methods
What is the control group?

16 $300 Question from Research Methods
Ms. Raduege was studying the correlation between students who are on Facebook and GPAs. She found that the more time students spent on Facebook, the lower their GPAs. Ms. Raduege found this type of correlation.

17 $300 Answer from Research Methods
What is a negative correlation?

18 $400 Question from Research Methods
In a drug study, one group of participants receives an inactive pill and another group receives a pill that is believed to be effective in treating depression. The pill is this type of variable.

19 $400 Answer from Research Methods
What is the independent variable?

20 $500 Question from Research Methods
A research has two groups of subjects, one that has been taught a problem-solving technique and one that has not. Both groups are given a set of ten problems to solve in 20 minutes. This is the dependent variable.

21 $500 Answer from Research Methods
What is the number of correct solutions by the subjects?

22 $100 Question from Brain and Biology
The fact that alcohol often causes problems with balance and coordination suggests that it may have an effect on this part of the brain.

23 $100 Answer from Brain and Biology
What is the cerebellum?

24 $200 Question from Brain and Biology
As a result of brain damage, an animal is permanently asleep. This suggests that this structure of the brain has been damaged.

25 $200 Answer from Brain and Biology
What is the reticular formation?

26 $300 Question from Types of Psychological Studies
DAILY DOUBLE Damage to this brain structure might result in excessive aggression.

27 $300 Answer from Brain and Biology
What is the amygdala?

28 $400 Question from Brain and Biology
Severing of the corpus callosum is usually done to treat this disease.

29 $400 Answer from Brain and Biology
What is epilepsy?

30 $500 Question from Brain and Biology
Neurons that exist completely within the central nervous system.

31 $500 Answer from Brain and Biology
What are interneurons?

32 $100 Question from Development
Paul’s father is extremely aggressive and so is Paul. Whether Paul inherited his aggressive tendencies or learned them relates to this question of development

33 $100 Answer from Development
What is nature versus nurture?

34 $200 Question from Development
The Strange Situation was developed to study this.

35 $200 Answer from Development
What is a attachment in human infants?

36 $300 Question from Development
Parents who set limits for their children without being overcontrolling are using this style of parenting.

37 $300 Answer from Experimental Psychology
What is authoritative?

38 $400 Question from Development
This is a major milestone of the concrete operational stage.

39 $400 Answer from Development
What is conservation?

40 $500 Question from Development
In elementary school, Zelda had a very encouraging and supportive teacher. As a result, Zelda developed a lot of self-confidence and is willing to tackle new tasks. She is successfully navigating this psychosocial conflict.

41 $500 Answer from Development
What is industry vs. inferiority?

42 $100 Question from Sensation
According to this law you can detect a smaller amount of change when the initial stimulus is small than when the initial stimulus is large.

43 $100 Answer from Sensation
What is Weber’s Law?

44 $200 Question from Sensation
To see a dimly lit object at night, you should make sure the object falls on these photoreceptors.

45 $200 Answer from Sensation
What are rods?

46 $300 Question from Sensation
This theory of color vision suggests that the retina has three types of color receptors– red, green, and blue.

47 $300 Answer from Sensation
What is the Trichromatic theory of color vision? Or What is the Young-Helmholtz theory of color vision?

48 $400 Question from Sensation
Damage to the hair cells of the inner ear may cause this type of deafness .

49 $400 Answer from Sensation
What is nerve deafness?

50 $500 Question from Sensation
This is the term for the study of how physical sources of stimulation relate to our experience of these stimuli.

51 $500 Answer from Sensation
What is psychophysics?

52 Double Jeopardy Memory 200 400 600 800 1000 Perception Thinking &
Language Learning/ Conditioning Potpourri 200 400 600 800 1000 Final Jeopardy

53 $200 Question from Perception
Depth cues that require the use of two eyes.

54 $200 Answer from Perception
What are binocular cues?

55 The area against which the object is viewed.
$400 Question Perception The area against which the object is viewed.

56 $400 Answer from Perception
What is the ground?

57 $600 Question from Perception
The tendency to perceive properties of an object as remaining the same despite changes in its retinal image.

58 $600 Answer from Perception
What is perceptual constancy?

59 $800 Question from Perception
Muscular tension caused by your eyes turning inward provides the depth cue of this.

60 $800 Answer from Perception
What is convergence?

61 $1000 Question from Perception
Even though two lines are of equal length, the one with outward pointing wings looks longer than the one with inward pointing wings. This is an example of what illusion

62 $1000 Answer from Perception
What is Muller-Lyer?

63 $200 Question from Memory Encoding that involves converting auditory signals into a string or recognizable sounds is called this type of encoding.

64 What is acoustic encoding?
$200 Answer from Memory What is acoustic encoding?

65 The best memory usually results from this type of encoding .
$400 Question from Memory DAILY DOUBLE The best memory usually results from this type of encoding .

66 $400 Answer from Memory What is semantic?

67 The auditory sensory register is called this type of memory
$600 Question from Memory The auditory sensory register is called this type of memory

68 $600 Answer from Memory What is echoic memory?

69 $800 Question from Memory When Zeon wants to learn a new concept, he attempts to connect it with previously existing knowledge. Zeon is using this technique for improving memory.

70 What is elaborative rehearsal?
$800 Answer from Memory What is elaborative rehearsal?

71 She is a leading expert on eyewitness testimony.
$1000 Question from Memory She is a leading expert on eyewitness testimony.

72 Who is Elizabeth Loftus?
$1000 Answer from Memory Who is Elizabeth Loftus?

73 $200 Question from Thinking and Language
This school/perspective of psychology studies thinking.

74 $200 Answer from Thinking and Language
What is the cognitive perspective?

75 $400 Question from Thinking and Language
A mental shortcut for solving a problem.

76 $400 Answer from Thinking and Language
What are heuristics?

77 $600 Question from Thinking and Language
The inability to see how familiar objects can be used in new ways.

78 $600 Answer from Thinking and Language
What is functional fixedness?

79 $800 Question from Thinking and Language
This type of thinking attempts to find the single correct answer to a problem.

80 $800 Answer from Thinking and Language
What is convergent thinking?

81 $1000 Question from Thinking and Language
The belief that language determines how we think.

82 $1000 Answer from Thinking and Language
What is the linguistic relativity hypothesis?

83 $200 Question from Learning and Conditioning
He was the founding father of Behaviorism. He classically conditioned Little Albert to fear a white rat.

84 $200 Answer from Learning and Conditioning
Who was John B. Watson?

85 $400 Question from Learning and Conditioning
DAILY DOUBLE A puff of air to the eye causes a reflexive blink. If you precede the puff of air with a buzzer, eventually the buzzer will cause a blink. This is the conditioned stimulus in the above example.

86 $400 Answer from Learning and Conditioning
What is the buzzer?

87 $600 Question from Learning and Conditioning
This type of conditioning occurs when a new neutral stimulus is paired with a well established conditioned stimulus.

88 $600 Answer from Learning and Conditioning
What is higher-order/second order conditioning?

89 $800 Question from Learning and Conditioning
Golf instruction that reinforces short putts before attempting to reinforce long putts best illustrates this process.

90 $800 Answer from Learning and Conditioning
What is shaping?

91 $1000 Question from Learning and Conditioning
If you take medicine BEFORE a boat ride so you don’t get seasick you are demonstrating this type of learning.

92 $1000 Answer from Learning and Conditioning
What is avoidance learning?

93 $200 Question from Potpourri
When a newborn turns its head towards a cheek that has been touched it is demonstrating this reflex.

94 $200 Answer from Potpourri
What is the rooting reflex?

95 $400 Question from Potpourri
For most people, Wernicke’s area is located here.

96 $400 Answer from Potpourri
What is the left temporal lobe?

97 $600 Question from Potpourri
The optic nerve exits the retina via this.

98 $600 Answer from Potpourri
What is the blind spot?

99 $800 Question from Potpourri
This type of motivation reflects a desire for internal gratification.

100 $800 Answer from Potpourri
What is intrinsic?

101 $1000 Question from Potpourri
The personality style that is at increased risk for coronary heart disease.

102 $1000 Answer from Potpourri
What is a Type A personality style?

103 Final Jeopardy Norepinephrine, epinephrine,
adrenaline, and cortical steroids are all released by this gland.

104 Final Jeopardy Answer What is the adrenal gland?

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