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Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2012

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2012
Shatter the silence of sexual violence! Welcome, We are PAVE, a National 501(c)3 that works to shatter the silence of sexual violence through arts, advocacy, education and legislative action. We have close to 50 chapters and affiliates across the country, and we are working to unite the sexual violence prevention movement by providing our researched based educational materials at little to no cost. This is the last of four free Wednesday Lunch and Learn webinars during sexual assault awareness month. At our previous three webinars we discussed the basics of sexual violence in a webinar titled Sexual Violence 101, and then we discussed Rape Trauma, Supporting a Survivor & Bystander Intervention. Last week we talked about Sexual Violence in the Media & Gender Identity. Today, we will be culminating our SAAM webinar series with a discussion about healthy relationships, how you can engage in primary prevention in your own community and the importance of reporting. Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2012 Healthy Relationships, Reporting & Shattering The Silence 101

2 April IS Just a quick reminder that April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we do hope that you will be taking advantage of events honoring SAAM in your home communities. There are hundreds of events taking place around the US for SAAM. Check out the websites for your State wide coalitions, and local SV/DV shelters are hosting events in your community. Check out PAVE’s website for a complete list of our sponsored SAAM Events. You can also see a complete list of national events at the National Sexual Violence Resource Center’s website: or

3 Overview Brief review Definitions and Stats Healthy Relationships
Unhealthy Relationships Healthy Relationships & Consent The Importance of Reporting Barriers to Reporting Why Report How to Report The Decision to Not Report Reporting On Campus Shattering the Silence 101 Give an overview, Mention that you will pause for questions and comments intermittently. mention that many people on the call may have been affected by issues of interpersonal violence so please be considerate when making comments.

4 Brief Overview of Definitions and Stats
Sexual Violence - Any act sexual in nature, whether verbal or physical, that breaks a person’s trust, violates their safety, or impedes upon their sexual autonomy. Sexual violence includes and is not limited to sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape. It also does not specify a gender or age and can be understood to encompass domestic violence or any violence based on one’s sexual identity. There is a lot of confusion among people about what sexual violence is and what it encompasses. The language we use surrounding sexual violence is extremely important. Using the correct definitions helps us lessen the room for victim blaming language that contributes to a culture that supports rape. Please note that sexual assault can happen to any one, of any gender and be commited by anyone of any gender.

5 Brief Overview of Definitions and Stats
Consent: Sexual activity requires consent, which is defined as clear, unambiguous, and voluntary agreement between the participants to engage in specific sexual activity. Consent cannot be inferred from the absence of a "no"; a clear "yes," verbal or otherwise, is necessary. Although consent does not need to be verbal, verbal communication is the most reliable form of asking for and gauging consent, and individuals are thus urged to seek consent in verbal form. Talking with sexual partners about desires and limits may seem awkward, but serves as the basis for positive sexual experiences shaped by mutual willingness and respect. I also wanted to specifically provide our new consent definition. Re recently updated our consent definition to this one from Yale University. I know I am breaking the cardinal powerpoint slide rule of avoiding wordiness, BUT I wanted you all to have the full definition for your programs. This one is wonderful because it places an emphasis on healthy relationships and gives a more realistic idea of seeking and giving consent by acknowledging that verbal is not necessary in all circumstances (although it is always recommended) So, diving in I’ll read it to you now:

6 Brief Overview of Definitions and Stats
Consent Definition Continued: Consent cannot be obtained from someone who is asleep or otherwise mentally or physically incapacitated, whether due to alcohol, drugs, or some other condition. Consent cannot be obtained by threat, coercion, or force. Agreement given under such conditions does not constitute consent. Consent must be clear and unambiguous for each participant throughout any sexual encounter. Consent to some sexual acts does not imply consent to others, nor does past consent to a given act imply ongoing or future consent. Consent can be revoked at any time. For all of these reasons, sexual partners must evaluate consent in an ongoing fashion and should communicate clearly with each other throughout any sexual encounter.

7 Brief Overview of Definitions and Stats
1 in 4 women will be and 1 in 6 men will be sexually assaulted before the age of 18. (USDOJ) Girls are 4x more likely to experience a rape 12% of girls and 5% of boys in high school have been sexually assaulted 93% knew the perpetrator ( And because PAVE always likes to remind the world of the prevalence of sexual violence, here are a few stats to remember. Also, due to underreporting and the silence that shrouds victims of sexual violence, the statistics that we have been able to gather on sexual violence are always viewed as quite conservative.

8 Healthy Relationships
Unhealthy Relationships Healthy Relationships & Consent Overview

9 Unhealthy Relationships
Unhealthy relationships can be precursors for sexual assault and dating violence Pay attention to the warning signs Both men and women can be abusers in unhealthy relationships

10 Early Warning Signs of Dating Violence
Controlling Extreme Jealousy Manipulative Explosive Anger Unpredictable Mood Swings Low Self-Esteem Drug & Alcohol Use Examples: not wanting their partner to spend time with other (including friends & family) & exerting control over their social interactions; becoming angry when their partner is disobedient; etc. Possessiveness Push for a Quick Relationship Gender Stereotyping Abusive in Past

11 Unhealthy Relationship
Intimidation Emotional Abuse Isolation Economic Abuse Coercion -Unhealthy relationships are based on power & control -Examples of coercion: using threats, using guilt/blaming -Examples of isolation: controlling what their partner does, including: who they talk to & spend time with -Examples of emotional abuse: put-downs, insults, humiliation -Examples of intimidation: instilling fear by actions, facial expressions, weapons, etc. -Discuss some other characteristics of a relationship based on power & control Jealousy and Distrust Co-dependence Fear Lack of Support for Things You Enjoy Manipulation Guilt for Spending Time with Friends and Family Forced Sexual Contact Threat of Violence

12 Type of Violence What It Means How It Works Early Warning Signs
Verbal Abuse Behavior that causes harm with words Name calling Insults Public humiliation Yelling Teasing that includes insults Psychological & Emotional Abuse Behavior intended to cause psychological or emotional distress Threats, intimidation Put-downs Telling a person’s secrets Jealousy Possessiveness Isolating a person from friends & family Destroying gifts, clothing, letters Damaging a car, home, or other prized possessions Pouting when you spend time with your friends Threatening to leave you in an unsafe location Trying to control what you do Behaviors that inflict harm on a person Slapping, hitting Shoving, grabbing Hair pulling, biting Throwing objects Going into a rage when disappointed Teasing, tripping, pushing Threatening to injure Escalation of abuse – how signs of an unhealthy relationship can be a precursor to SV and DV Physical Abuse Shatter the silence of sexual violence!

13 Dating Violence Quiz Does Your Partner…?
Isolate you from friends you had before you began dating? Frequently embarrass you or make fun of you in front of other people? Use intimidation to make you do what he/she wants? Make you feel there is “no way out” of the relationship? Make you perform sexual acts that you don’t enjoy (against your will)? *Remember: against your will can include coercion Coercion Definition: Coercion Any form of significant pressure employed to overcome one’s ability to freely and willingly consent, such as by use of threats, blackmail, imprisonment, etc.

14 Dating Violence Quiz Does Your Partner…?
Threaten you with force, words, or weapons? Use alcohol or drugs as an excuse for saying hurtful things or abusing you? Get extremely anger frequently, and you don’t understand why? Not believe he/she has hurt you or blame you for what he/she has done? This quiz is available on our website in a print version that you can make available at your service center.

15 Sound Familiar? Unhealthy Scenarios
1. Kevin is walking in the school hallway with his friends and sees his girlfriend at her locker with her friends. When he goes up to her, she gives him a cold look and says loudly, “I don’t know why I even bother with you, loser! I guess I just keep you around because I feel sorry for you.” Kevin feels frustrated because he doesn’t know what he did and embarrassed because his friends saw his girlfriend put him down.

16 Sound Familiar? Unhealthy Scenarios
2. Jenny and Mike have lunch in the cafeteria with their friends. They start teasing each other, but then the playing turns to insults. Mike sees that Jenny is upset but doesn’t stop. When Jenny gets up and says, “Get away from me, I hate you,” Mike says, “Shut up” and slaps her across the face.

17 Sound Familiar? Unhealthy Scenarios
3. Tony and Emily have been going out for a few weeks, and he is beginning to act like he owns her. He complains when she spends time with her best friend- or anyone except him. He expects her to meet him in the halls between classes, eat lunch with him, let him go home with her after school, and be with him every weekend. Afraid she’ll lose him, Emily begins to cut herself off from her friends.

18 Sound Familiar? Unhealthy Scenarios
4. Christine and Allison are in an intense argument. Christine gets madder and madder, until she finally grabs Allison, shakes her, and shoves her against the wall. Later, Christine apologizes, saying, “I’m not proud I lost my temper, but you really pushed my buttons. You should know better than to get up in my face like that, because you know I get too angry to control myself.

19 Sound Familiar? Unhealthy Scenarios
5. Juan and Maria, who have been going out for a few weeks, are making out. Maria has been clear that she doesn’t want to go any further than kissing, but Juan becomes aggressive, disregarding her request to slow down and back off. He forces her to have sex, and later tells her she was a tease and was asking for it.

20 Clues Someone Maybe Experiencing Dating Violence
Physical Signs of Injury Dropping Out of School or Missing School Frequently Failing Grades Indecision Changes in Mood or Personality Use of Drugs/Alcohol Pregnancy Emotional Outbursts Isolation Often times when a person is experiencing an unhealthy relationship they have blinders on, they can’t see it. Friends, teachers, family and co-workers of people in unhealthy relationships can often see the signs before they can. These are some clues we can watch for if we suspect someone in our lives is in an unhealthy relationship.

21 How to Help a Friend If you’re worried, say something
Listen, support, and believe them Help your friend take action Encourage them to get help and get out Call in reinforcements Please remember back to our supporting a survivor presentation for more helpful hints Reinforcements can be anyone in the victim’s life who you know is a strong and supportive influence, parents, teachers, siblings, etc.

22 Ending an Unhealthy Relationship
Remember: No one deserves to be abused Know that: It is never the victim’s fault Talk to someone you can trust Get medical attention if you have been physically harmed Seek safety at your local shelter if needed Shatter the silence of sexual violence!

23 Ending an Unhealthy Relationship
Get out. Abusive relationships usually get worse over time If the relationship is hurting you, it’s OK to break up Get your friends or their friends involved. If you feel threatened, make sure to have someone present during the break-up Another thing that might come up in ending an unhealthy relationship if it has escalated to a violent level is reporting the violence to your local police as a crime. We will talk about this in a moment in our section on reporting. Now lets transition to talk about what a healthy relationship looks like and some strategies for keeping your relationship healthy.

24 Healthy Relationship Respect Fairness Trust Support Honesty
-Healthy relationships are based on equality -Respect: being non-judgmental, valuing opinions, listening to what your partner has to say -Fairness: negotiate & be willing to compromise -Trust: respect their right to their own opinions, feelings, & activities -Support: support their personal goals -Honesty: open communication, accepting responsibility -Discuss some other characteristics of a healthy relationship Supportive Respect of Oneself and Each Other Good Communication Equality True Comfort in Being Your True Self You Have a Strong Friendship Sense of Interdependence (Mutual Responsibility)

25 Absence of a NO Consent: Click here to watch a short clip on CONSENT by acclaimed film maker Denice Ann Evans A great way to keep your relationship healthy is by using CONSENT. Conesnt Consent Consent! We reviewed the definition earlier, but now I would like to play this video for you. A wonderful resource that I would like to recommend for healthy relationships is a book by Marshall B. Rosenberg titled Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life. It is a wonderful book that teaches us basic skills for open, productive communication. More info – visit:

26 The importance of Reporting
Barriers to Reporting Why Report How to Report The Decision to Not Report Reporting On Campus Over 80% of sexual assaults go unreported. Survivors across the country are often re-victimized in the criminal justice system. “Sexual assault is the most underreported crime in the country, according to the U.S. Department of Justice,” “Often survivors do not report the crime to authorities for fear of not being believed, because they blame themselves for the crime, or they are afraid of retaliation. It’s time we addressed why this happens to sexual violence victims, while victims of robbery don’t hesitate to seek justice.”

27 Barriers to Reporting
Sexual violence remains one of the most underreported crimes in the United States. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that the majority of rapes and sexual assaults perpetrated against women and girls in the United States between 1992 and 2000 were not reported to the police. Specifically, 63 percent of completed rapes, 65 percent of attempted rapes, and 74 percent of completed and attempted sexual assaults against females were not reported to law enforcement.7 Another study found that only 16 percent of rape victims will ever report their assault to police.8

28 Barriers to Reporting Why don't more people report their rape?
The most common reason given by victims (23%) is that the rape is a "personal matter." Another 16% of victims say that they fear reprisal, while 6% don't report because they believe that the police are biased. Second Victimization Victims of Color, Immigrant victims, LGBTQ Victims & other underserved populations have greater barriers Fear of damaging relationships with family and friends When victims do disclose, the responses they receive from professionals—as well as their family and friends— too often involve skepticism, blame and further humiliation, amounting to what many survivors consider a “second victimization.” Note: Unsupportive and even hostile reactions put victims at a higher risk for developing post-traumatic stress symptoms.9 depending upon victim or offender characteristics and the nature of the assault, some victims face even greater barriers to disclosing. The national and local level responses to sexual violence do not adequately account for the unique needs of victims of color, immigrant victims, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered victims, and other underserved populations. As a result, victims may encounter police, healthcare professionals, advocates, and counselors who—even when well-intended—lack the awareness and skills needed to best serve these victims. Finally, some participants cautioned that increasingly severe sex offender laws can in fact dissuade victims from reporting. Particularly in cases of child sexual abuse and victimization by a loved one, a victim will want the abuse to stop but might be afraid to disclose, for fear that disclosure will irreparably damage their relationships with family and friends, and/or that the offender’s life will be ruined.

29 Barriers to Reporting Legal system mitigates non stranger rape
Law enforcement lack trauma training and often re-victimize when collecting evidence Offender sanctions inconsistent and often minimal DNA Evidence and the Consent Defense Jury in trials have misconceptions about sexual violence – victim blaming. Because of all of these realities, many victims feel that reporting is just too time consuming and re-traumatizing…i.e. not worth it. While the law enforcement field has made some strides in improving its approach to sex crimes investigations, participants reported that it is still common in some places for police to minimize crimes of sexual violence and to treat some cases as less serious than others based on victim characteristics and fallacies about non-stranger rape. lack of training for law enforcement officers on how trauma can affect a victim’s behavior and her or his capacity to participate in an investigation. Furthermore, participants explained that prosecutors’ decisions to charge or drop cases are inconsistent, and the crime committed. When victims perceive that offender sanctions are minimal, victims are further dissuaded from reporting—the added trauma of participating in the investigation and prosecution outweighs any criminal justice benefit for the victim. sanctions that amount to a “slap on the wrist” rarely reflect the seriousness of Participants also explained that advances in DNA evidence analysis—while presenting many advantages for victims and the legal system—are mistakenly seen as a prosecutorial magic bullet. In many rape cases the dispute revolves not around the identity of the perpetrator, but rather, if the sex act was consensual or coerced. In these cases, the utility of DNA evidence is limited, and it may not be the most critical evidence for moving a sexual assault case through successful investigation and prosecution. For instance, even if a DNA match is confirmed, it is of little use to the case when the accused relies on the “consent defense.” Another institutional challenge is the court system. Even the most flawlessly investigated and prosecuted case may not result in consequences for the perpetrator if the case is presented to a jury—comprised of men and women—that holds deeply-entrenched misconceptions about sexual violence. Aware of all of these realities, many victims feel that reporting to law enforcement would only be time-consuming and retraumatizing. These barriers were collected from the 2010 Sexual Violence in the US report by the USDOJ’s Office of Violence Against Women.

30 Why Report? Reporting to the police is the key to preventing sexual assault: every time we lock up a rapist, we're preventing him or her from committing another attack. It's the most effective tool that exists to prevent future rapes. In the end, though, whether or not to report is your decision to make.

31 Why Report? Reporting is a way to empower oneself and protect others from future harm. Sexual assault has often been labeled a silent crime since many victims feel they cannot speak out against what happened. There are a variety of reasons for this silence, which include but are not limited to: fear of not being believed, fear of being blamed, confusion about what constitutes sexual assault, having been harmed by someone they know or love, etc.

32 Why Report? Sexual offenders who are not caught often go on to perpetrate more crimes: Undetected rapists have an average of 5.8 victims. The 120 rapists in one study (Lisak, 2002) were responsible for “1,225 separate acts of interpersonal violence, including rape, battery, and child physical and sexual abuse” and were still walking the streets. Sexual violence may not be limited to one victim or one occurrence. While victims go through so much with their own recovery after an assault, finding the courage to break the silence of their victimization may save others from the same harm. Dr. David Lisak & Paul Miller (2002)

33 Making the Decision to Report
Seek support from friends and/or family Know your rights as a victim: find out victim rights in your state at the National Organization for Victim’s Assistance Be as prepared as you can to tell your story: you will be asked about details, and so be prepared to talk about your assault It helps to write down every detail you can remember, as soon as possible, so you can communicate the details to the police.

34 How Do I Report? Call 911 (or ask a friend to call) to report your rape to police. Or, visit a hospital emergency room or your own doctor and ask them to call the police for you. It is recommended you report within the police district the assault occurred in or other appropriate agencies at your institution. If it is not possible to report under the jurisdiction it occurred in, please call or go to your local police station or Rape Crisis Center to see if they may able to help by taking the case or referring it on.

35 How Do I Report? In most cases, the police will come to you and take a statement about what occurred. In addition to taking a statement, police will collect physical evidence. The police interview may take as long as several hours, depending on the circumstances of your case. Some questions will probably feel intrusive, and the officer will probably go over the details of your attack several times. The extensive questioning isn't because the police don't believe you; it is the officer's job to get every detail down precisely, to make the strongest possible case against your rapist.

36 How Do I Report? Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner:
If you visit the ER and tell the nurse you have been raped, the hospital will generally perform a sexual assault forensic examination. This involves collecting evidence of the attack, such as hairs, fluids and fibers, and preserving the evidence for forensic analysis. In most areas, the local rape crisis center can provide someone to accompany you, if you wish. Call HOPE to contact the center in your area. You will more than likely want someone to accompany you as the rape kits can feel extremely invasive.

37 Deciding Not to Report You are not legally obligated to report. The decision is entirely yours, and everyone will understand if you decided not to pursue prosecution. You should be aware that the district attorney's office retains the right to pursue prosecution whether or not you participate, though it is uncommon for them to proceed without the cooperation of the victim. There are also times when a third party, such as a doctor or teacher, is required to report to authorities if they suspect sexual abuse of a child, or an elderly or disabled person.

38 Deciding Not to Report Many victims say that reporting is the last thing they want to do right after being attacked. That's perfectly understandable — reporting can seem invasive, time consuming and difficult. Reporting is a very personal decision, and you should make the decision that's right for you. If you decide not to report, for whatever reason, that's perfectly understandable and there's no reason to feel bad about your decision. Shatter the silence of sexual violence!

39 Reporting Resources National Hotline Number: 1.800.656.HOPE (4673)
Most local crisis centers have staff trained to help you through the reporting process. They can answer your questions and, if necessary, advocate on your behalf. To reach your local crisis center, call HOPE (4673). National Sexual Assault Online Hotline State Resources

40 Reporting on Campus 1 in 4 women will be sexually assaulted during her time on campus 95% of Campus Assaults go unreported Of REPORTED Assaults: Only 7% of assaults result in arrest Less than 3% result in convictions After a Sexual Assault, it is important to Know Your Rights and Know Your Options on Campus According to a study done by the Center for Public Inegrity, College campuses face particular barriers when it comes to reporting:The probe reveals that students found “responsible” for alleged sexual assaults on campuses often face little or no punishment, while their victims’ lives are frequently turned upside down. Many times, victims drop out of school, while students found culpable go on to graduate. Administrators believe the sanctions administered by the college judicial system are a thoughtful and effective way to hold abusive students accountable, but the Center’s investigation has discovered that “responsible” findings rarely lead to tough punishment like expulsion — even in cases involving alleged repeat offenders. Many student victims don’t report incidents at all, because they blame themselves, or don’t identify what happened as sexual assault. Local criminal justice authorities regularly shy away from such cases, because they are “he said, she said” disputes sometimes clouded by drugs or alcohol. That frequently leaves students to deal with campus judiciary processes so shrouded in secrecy that they can remain mysterious even to their participants. Institutional barriers compound the problem of silence, and few actually make it to a campus hearing. Those who do come forward, though, can encounter secret disciplinary proceedings, closed-mouth school administrations, and off-the-record negotiations. At times, school policies and practices can lead students to drop complaints, or submit to gag orders — a practice deemed illegal by the Education Department. A survey conducted by the Chicago Tribune found that of the sex crimes reported on college campuses in the past six years… Only seven percent resulted in arrests Less than three percent resulted in convictions

41 Campus Sexual Assault Victims Rights
You have the right: To be safe and free from a hostile environment To be protected from sexual harassment and assault To take legal action when a crime has been committed against you To work and communicate with the police, campus officials and the prosecutor

42 Campus Sexual Assault Victims Rights
You Have the right: To be notified of counseling and other support services on campus or locally To make reasonable changes in academic and living situations To have the same opportunity as the accused to have others present in any disciplinary proceedings To be unconditionally notified of the final results of any institutional disciplinary proceeding To have your name kept confidential

43 Campus Sexual Assault Victims Options
You have the option to: Pursue campus disciplinary charges Pursue criminal charges Pursue both campus and criminal charges Report the assault but choose not to pursue charges Report anonymously Do none of the above (You are still entitled to seek support)

44 Shattering the Silence 101
How to engage in the primary prevention of sexual violence in your community. All right, Now I want to give you a few basic ideas on how to help shatter the silence of sexual violence by engaging in primary prevention in your own communities: First, let me define “Primary Prevention” primary prevention of sexual violence as defined as “an effort or strategy to prevent a problem before it occurs the first time.” In order to prevent sexual violence from initially occurring, strategies are needed that stop first time perpetration rather than relying on efforts that seek only to reduce the risk of victimization. The CDC’s definition for RPE grants is as follows: Our working definition of sexual violence prevention for the RPE program is population-based and/or environmental and system-level strategies, policies, and actions that prevent sexual violence from initially occurring. Such prevention efforts work to modify and/or entirely eliminate the events, conditions, situations, or exposure to influences (risk factors) that result in the initiation of sexual violence and associated injuries, disabilities, and deaths. Additionally, sexual violence prevention efforts address perpetration, victimization, and bystander attitudes and behaviors, and seek to identify and enhance protective factors that impede the initiation of sexual violence in at-risk populations and in the community.

45 TALK ABOUT IT! Speak UP Speak OUT Speak OFTEN Parents Professionals
Talk to your kids about it Make sure your kids health class covers sexual violence Professionals Make sure your school, nonprofit or company has sexual violence policies Engage your family and friends in conversations Talk about all of the aspects we’ve covered in the seires, supporting survivors, myths, definitions, CONSENT, statistics, healthy relationships, gender identity, the effects of SV in the media,

46 Raise Awareness Host awareness events & campaigns in your communities
Poster/ Public art campaigns Put awareness posters in your dorm, high school, workplace or even your local bar Social Media Campaigns Post statistics and awareness messages on your facebook or twitter feed Donate or volunteer with your local Coalition or Rape Crisis Center – get your friends or partner involved too! (get the city involved!) One of our PAVE chapters made consent coasters and got every bar in their college town to serve drinks on them!

47 Help A Survivor Studies show that the first person a survivor tells… If that person reacts well, it can greatly help the healing process! Review the SAAM Supporting a Survivor Webinar from April 11th or seek resources on the PAVE Website

48 Be an Active Bystander Trust your Gut! If you think something is wrong, it probably is. Speak up if you see someone intentionally getting someone drunk to coerce sexual consent Say something when people are disrespectful Remind friends that sexual contact with an intoxicated person is against the law Watch for the warning signs of unhealthy relationships in your friends and family members If you see something, Step IN! For more on being an active bystander or bystander intervention, please review PAVE’s SAAM Webinar from April 11th.

49 SHARE RESOURCES! If you are a professional in the field, share resources (like these slides) with anyone who you think would benefit from them! Your local Rape Crisis Center Your local middle school, high school or college Local youth organizations like Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, YoungLife, club sports teams, church youth groups Local nonprofits and shelters (YMCA/ YWCA, etc.) Your statewide coalition against sexual assault and domestic violence Community organizations, churches, etc.

50 A Mantra for the Movement!
We support all survivors of violence, abuse, and trauma. We pledge to take care of our campus community, but also take care of ourselves. It is up to us to be the voice for those who have been silenced by sexual violence! It starts with us, it starts today. Together, we CAN make a difference.

51 We want you on board! This is just the beginning! Learn about how you can get involved and get continuous updates and resources for your primary prevention program by staying connected with PAVE. ACTION LIST: Sign up for PAVE’s Action alerts on website Follow PAVE on Like us on

52 Resources for Primary Prevention
Security On Campus, Inc: Get Help - 24/7 Sexual Assault Hotline: HOPE Male Survivors: and National Sexual Violence Resource Center Redefining Masculinity: RESPONSE ABILITY Project Don’t forget your local SA& DV Coalitions, rape crisis organizations and counseling centers!

53 That’s it for today folks!
Questions or comments? Want these slides? Don’t miss our next webinars for a more in-depth discussion on sexual violence prevention. Does anyone have any questions or comments about today’s webinar? Thank you for attending, please check our website for upcoming events and trainings.

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