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Across Five Aprils Chapter 2 Vocabulary.

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1 Across Five Aprils Chapter 2 Vocabulary

2 secesh “Will Kaintuck go secesh, Wilse?” Matthew Creighton asked finally.

3 secesh pg. 28 se cesh Slang for secession - withdrawing formally from something, like a country

4 secesh “Will Kaintuck go secesh, Wilse?” Matthew Creighton asked finally.

5 arrogant The North has become arrogant toward the South.
Most people will not want to be your friend if you act arrogant. The man is arrogant and opinionated and I don’t like him.

6 arrogant pg. 29 ar ro gant Having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities full of oneself

7 arrogant The North has become arrogant toward the South.
Most people will not want to be your friend if you act arrogant. The man is arrogant and opinionated and I don’t like him.

8 tremulous While I was giving my presentation to the class, I noticed that my voice was very tremulous because I was nervous. I think my voice might be a little tremulous when I say “I do” at my wedding. When she stood up to her father, her voice was tremulous.

9 tremulous pg. 29 trem u lous Shaking or quivering slightly. shaky

10 tremulous While I was giving my presentation to the class, I noticed that my voice was very tremulous because I was nervous. I think my voice might be a little tremulous when I say “I do” at my wedding. When she stood up to her father, her voice was tremulous.

11 abolitionist After the Civil War, would even abolitionists be willing to accept ex slaves into their communities? Abolitionists tend to stick together, even today, as they attempt to ban what they are not in favor of.

12 abolitionist pg. 30 ab o li tion ist
A person who favors abolishing or getting rid of a practice like capital punishment or slavery

13 abolitionist After the Civil War, would even abolitionists be willing to accept ex slaves into their communities? Abolitionists tend to stick together, even today, as they attempt to ban what they are not in favor of.

14 Mason - Dixon Line During the Civil War, I would not have wanted to live on the Mason - Dixon Line. Was slavery any less frequent above or below the Mason - Dixon Line? I wonder if any battles were fought on the Mason - Dixon Line.

15 Mason - Dixon Line pg. 31 the boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania, taken as the northern limit of the slave-owning states before the abolition of slavery.

16 Mason - Dixon Line During the Civil War, I would not have wanted to live on the Mason - Dixon Line. Was slavery any less frequent above or below the Mason - Dixon Line? I wonder if any battles were fought on the Mason - Dixon Line.

17 tumult As he watched the fight between his parents, Joe felt as if he were bursting with tumult inside. The whole neighborhood was in a state of fear and tumult after there had been three robberies in two nights.

18 tumult pg. 31 tu mult Confusion or disorder chaos

19 tumult As he watched the fight between his parents, Joe felt as if he were bursting with tumult inside. The whole neighborhood was in a state of fear and tumult after there had been three robberies in two nights.

20 vehement Ms. Dunlap is vehement in her thought that reading is important for everyone to learn to do. Although his voice was low, after disciplining the student, Mr. Camaratta’s voice was vehement. She was vehement in her request for food for the canned food drive because she had been homeless for a while, too.

21 vehement pg. 32 ve he ment Forceful or intense forceful

22 vehement Ms. Dunlap is vehement in her thought that reading is important for everyone to learn to do. Although his voice was low, after disciplining the student, Mr. Camaratta’s voice was vehement. She was vehement in her request for food for the canned food drive because she had been homeless for a while, too.

23 constrained After a heated debate, the conversation might become constrained while everyone cooled off. As a student, you might feel constrained by teachers, your parents and tight schedules, but you do have some choices in your life. I had to constrain the dog so he wouldn’t bite the little girl.

24 constrained pg. 33 con strain ed Restricted

25 constrained After a heated debate, the conversation might become constrained while everyone cooled off. As a student, you might feel constrained by teachers, your parents and tight schedules, but you do have some choices in your life. I had to constrain the dog so he wouldn’t bite the little girl.

26 seething The grey ocean seethed in the storm.
Inwardly, the bully was seething because the nerd stood up to him. Although some people might be seething about having to help their mom plant potatoes, Jethro was joking instead.

27 seething pg. 33 seeth ing Filled with intense but unexpressed anger

28 seething The grey ocean seethed in the storm.
Inwardly, the bully was seething because the nerd stood up to him. Although some people might be seething about having to help their mom plant potatoes, Jethro was joking instead.

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