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Designing a Physical Fitness Plan in the Classroom Setting

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Presentation on theme: "Designing a Physical Fitness Plan in the Classroom Setting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing a Physical Fitness Plan in the Classroom Setting

2 Goals of the Presentation
I hope to accomplish the following things today: 1. Lesson Plan - Personal Fitness Plan 2. Share resources 3. Opportunity to share ideas 4. Walk away with one idea that you can use.

3 Resources Used: . Harvard Medical Family Health Guide
Lifetime Health-Holt Physical Best Activity Guide-NASPHE Fitness Gram/Activity Gram-Cooper Institute

4 Websites Used Final Reflection Rubric
Irubric: Physical Fitness Plan Rubric

5 Special Thanks Travis Clark Brittney Dutton Michelle Bell

6 WHY?

7 Albuquerque Journal Monday, October 26, 2009
Youngest Americans supersized By Diane Stafford

8 “If researchers are correct that people in their 20s today the so-called Generation X-are heavier and less physically active then people in that the group five to 10 years ago, that would make them Generation XL wouldn’t it?” Bob Molinaro

9 Generation XL- as in Extra Large

10 Health Experts agree that today’s youths sit in front of TV and computer screens too much and eat too much junk food.

11 What are the benefits of being physically active?

12 Brainstorm Physical Benefits Mental Benefits Social Benefits

13 What is the connection between physical activity and disease and illness?

14 Stronger Heart & Stronger lungs allowing more blood and oxygen to circulate around the body
Good ratio of muscle mass to fat mass Cholesterol levels are kept within a healthy range

15 Stronger bones & muscles
Lower blood pressure Protection against cancer Protection against diabetes

16 Reduces appetite Metabolic rate increased More calories are burned because of an increase in muscle mass

17 What is a fitness plan? A fitness plan is an excellent tool that helps you manage your fitness and nutritional goals based on your needs and interests.

18 Why do I need to build a fitness plan?
An effective tool to define strengths & weakness Learning to design, implement, and track a fitness plan is a lifetime skill that helps to improve your health & fitness. A fitness plan is individualized and custom fit to apply to your own lifestyle challenges.

19 What are the benefits of building a fitness plan?
A fitness plan is a great motivational tool. It is motivational to have a written plan that tells you what you need to do. A fitness plan is a way to track fitness progress made.

20 What do you need to know to build a fitness plan?
Individual strengths and weaknesses How to set goals The five fitness components Basic Training principles  FITT Formula and how to use it

21 Do you know your fitness strengths and weaknesses?

22 Determining Strengths & Weaknesses
1. Personal Assessment Health Fitness Standards Muscular Endurance-curl ups Muscular Strength- push ups Cardio respiratory- mile run Body Composition- BMI

23 Do you know how to set a fitness goal?

24 Goals Build upon goal setting skills learned earlier in the semester.
“I will run the mile in under eight minutes by the end of the semester to improve my cardio respiratory fitness. “

25 Do you know the five fitness components?

26 Five Fitness Components
Muscular Strength Cardio Respiratory Endurance Muscular Endurance Flexibility Body Composition

27 Five Fitness Components
Cardio Respiratory Endurance-the ability of your heart, blood vessels, lungs, and blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to all your body’s cell while you are being physically active. Muscular Strength- the amount of force that a muscle can apply in a given contraction

28 Fitness Components Muscular Endurance is the ability of the muscles to keep working (contract) over a period of time. Flexibility is the ability of the joints to move through their full range of motion Body Composition I the ratio of lean body tissue (muscle & bone) to body tissue.

29 Do you know the basic fitness principles?

30 Basic Fitness Principles
1. Overload Principle 2. Progression Principle 3. Specificity Principle 4. Regularity Principle 5. Individuality Principle

31 Overload Principle States that a body system must perform at a level beyond normal to adapt & improve physiological function & fitness. A person must exercise at intensity greater then the body is accustomed to & this in turn will develop a stronger & healthier heart capable of doing more work with less effort.

32 Overload Principle You can increase the overload by manipulating the: frequency, intensity, or duration time) of an activity.

33 Progression Principle
A person should gradually increase the level of exercise by manipulation the frequency, intensity, time, or a combination of all three exercise components. Progression refers to how a person should overload.

34 Progression Principle
If the overload is applied too soon the body does not have the time to adapt & the benefits may be delayed or an injury may occur.

35 Specificity Principle
States that explicit activity targeting a particular body system must be performed to bring about fitness changes in that area. Example: You must perform aerobic activities that stress cardio respiratory system if you want to improve aerobic fitness.

36 Regularity Principle Is based on the old adage, “Use it or lose it.”
We lose any fitness gains attained through physical activity if we do not continue to be active.

37 Regularity Principle Recognize that the body needs limited time between bouts of exercise. Too little recovery time= injury Too much recovery time= can lead to detraining or loss of acquired benefits of physcial activity and fitness.

38 Recommended time of recovery by the American College of Sports Medicine:
Strength & Endurance Improvement- Three alternate days per week of activity Flexibility Improvement- Daily activity best/ 3-5 days minimally

39 American College of Sports Medicine Recommendations
Aerobic Improvement Minimum frequency= 3 days per week Optimal frequency= 5 to 7 days per week

40 Principle of Individuality
Takes into account that each person : begins at a different level of fitness has personal goals & objectives for physical activity & fitness has different genetic potential for change

41 FITT Principle

42 FITT Guideline The FITT guidelines provide the recipe for safely applying the previously described principles safely. Overload Principle Progression Principle Specificity Principle Regularity Principle Individuality Principle

43 FITT Formula F= frequency (how often) I= intensity (how hard)
T = time (how long) T= type (what kind)

44 Guidelines from the American College of Sports Medicine

45 Cardio Respiratory Endurance
Frequency=Activity must take place 3-5 times per week Intensity= target heart rate zone The lower the intensity rate the longer the activity must be done to gain health benefits Time= Activity must last minutes in Type= any activity that keeps heart rate within your target heart rate. Note: Teens should have 60 minutes of activity.

46 Muscular Strength Frequency=Three alternate days per week
Intensity= 8x12 reps and 1-3 sets Time= work should last between minutes Type= Anaerobic activities such as push ups, sit ups weight lifting To Build Strength=lift heavier weights fewer reps(3-8) To Build Endurance=lift lighter weights more reps(8-15)

47 Flexibility Frequency=Best to stretch daily, but minimally 3-5 times per week Intensity= hold stretch for seconds 3-5 reps Time= Stretch for minutes Type= Flexibility can be apart of your warm up and cool down

48 What are the steps in building a fitness plan?

49 Each Work Out should have:
Warm up Activity (Follow FITT formula) Cool Down

50 Warm up A low intensity activity done before full effort. Stretching should precede by 5 to 10 minutes of cardio respiratory warm-up activity

51 A warm up should: Increase blood flow to the heart
Increase active muscle flow Increase body temperature May reduce the risk of muscular injury and & muscle soreness Facilitate temperature regulation by earlier sweating

52 Example of a warm up Five to 10 minutes: Stretching Calf stretch
Thigh stretch Quad stretch Arm circles Brisk walking/slow jog

53 Cool Down Time 5 to 10 minutes When you are done exercising cool down your body by performing some of the same exercises in your warm up.

54 Cool Down Never stops suddenly; taper your intensity level gradually and walk until your breathing returns to normal Cooling down prevents muscle cramps

55 Steps to building a fitness plan
Step 1 Fitness History/ Health Assessment Step 2 Set a Personal Goal Step 3 Assign Specific Activities to work towards your goal. Step 4 Determine realistic FITT for each activity Step 5 Implement, Track and modify your plan

56 STEP 1-Fitness History / Health Assessment
1. Fit Together Assessment ( 2. Body Mass Index 3. Health Fitness Assessments

57 Unit Outline: Day 1 Assessments: Sit & Reach/Push Ups
Day 2 Assessment: Mile Run Day 3 Class Room discussion Day 4 Design Fitness Plan/Track Progress for One Week Day 5 Fitness Teams/Fitness Challenges Fitness Project Due

58 Fitness Plan Calculate your Target Heart Rate:
To maximize cardio respiratory health benefits from exercise your heart rate range should reach your target heart rate zone. Maximum Heart Rate = the number of times your heart should beat per minute while doing any physical activity. MHR=220-age

59 Target Heart Rate Zone Target Heart Rate Zone= normally between % of your maximum heart rate Multiple your MHR by 60% (.6) and by 85% (.85) to calculate your target Heart Rate

60 Fitness Goal Write a fitness goal based on the information your gained from the assessments completed.

61 Three Action Steps Write three steps you will need to take in to accomplish your fitness goal. Write these steps as specific as possible and with a complete sentence.

62 Weekly Fitness Plan Design a one week fitness plan keeping in mind everything we have learned. Each day must have a warm up, activity, and cool down Include activities to improve all five components of fitness. (cardio respiratory, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility and body composition.)

63 Fitness Plan Follow and document the FITT formula to safely incorporate the fitness principle of overload, regularity, progression, specificity, and individuality.

64 Student Examples of FITT
Activity: Dancing F= 3 x 5 a week I= Moderate THRZ T= 30 minutes T= Cardio respiratory

65 Student Example FITT: Activity: Rock Climbing F= 2 x per week
I= Moderate THRZ T= 2 ½ hours T= Muscular Enduance/Strength

66 FITT Student Examples Activity: Cycling F= 3 x per week
I= 65% Target Heart Rate Zone T= minute T= Cardio respiratory/ Aerobic activity w/in Target Zone

67 How to measure intensity?
Target Heart Rate Zone: Age 15 Age -220=MHR (205) MHR x x .6 = 123 MHR x x .85 =174 Low Intensity = Heart Rate lower than 123 Moderate = Heart 123 High Intensity= Heart Rate above 174

68 Tracking Progress You will track your progress with your Daily Activity Log and comment on your challenges, successes for seven days. GOOD LUCK! WE CAN DO IT!!

69 When Not to exercise? Never exercise when you are ill. Too much activity can worsen your condition. In general, wait a couple of days to exercise if you have the following: Fever Sore Throat Cough with phlegm (sputum) Painful urination Muscle and joint pain

70 Suggestions to Maintain Fluids-
Increase your intake of liquids both before and after exercising. At least 30 minutes before a workout, drink one or two glasses of water Your body needs water to work properly, particularly in hot weather.

71 Suggestions to Maintain Fluids-
You lose fluid through perspiration and increase breathing Drink another glass or two of water about a half hour after exercising; do not wait until you are thirsty. Water is a good rehydration liquid; sports drinks are needed only if your activity is one hour or more.

72 Suggestions to Maintain Fluids-
Avoid caffeine (coffee, tea, colas). Caffeine acts as a diuretic increasing fluid loss by increasing urine formation. The water you drink before and after your workout should be in addiction to your daily intake of eight glasses of liquids.

73 Keeping Student Motivated
1. Music , Music, Music 2. Challenges…make it fun. Fitness Challenges Battle of the sexes 3. Write it down 4. Note progress towards goals 5. Fun Activities Outside of School


75 Unexpected Benefits of Physical Activity
You just never know… Relationship Building.. Confidence building…

76 Time to share our successes

77 “Physical Fitness is a journey not a destination.”

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