David Steele Relationship Journal ebook -Simple and brilliant! -Can be implemented immediately. -Very valuable program for all couples. -Easy-to-read,

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2 David Steele



5 Relationship Journal ebook -Simple and brilliant! -Can be implemented immediately. -Very valuable program for all couples. -Easy-to-read, practical, user-friendly toolkit for love. -A masterpiece for Love. -Simplified process to get your needs met. -Easy to read and simple steps to follow. -Helps you speak your truth. -Powerful strategies for deeper connection. -New wisdom that will transform your partnership.

6 Relationship Journal ebook Bonus Content 1. The Most Important Communication Skill is NOT Communication

7 Relationship Journal ebook Bonus Content 1. The Most Important Communication Skill is NOT Communication 2. The Communication Map Tutorial

8 Relationship Journal ebook Bonus Content 1. The Most Important Communication Skill is NOT Communication 2. The Communication Map Tutorial 3. Telling Your Truth and Getting Your Needs Met

9 Why this book is important to me:

10 o developed for my own relationship

11 Why this book is important to me: o developed for my own relationship o difficulty keeping agreements

12 Why this book is important to me: o developed for my own relationship o difficulty keeping agreements o seaside vacation w/two spiral notebooks

13 Why this book is important to me: o developed for my own relationship o difficulty keeping agreements o seaside vacation w/two spiral notebooks o shared everything that was on our minds

14 Why this book is important to me: o developed for my own relationship o difficulty keeping agreements o seaside vacation w/two spiral notebooks o shared everything that was on our minds o consciously co-create relationship

15 The Relationship Journal o Start with two blank books or spiral notebooks

16 The Relationship Journal o Start with two blank books or spiral notebooks o Schedule time to work on it together at least once a week

17 The Relationship Journal o Start with two blank books or spiral notebooks o Schedule time to work on it together at least once a week o 30-60 min and agree on a time and place

18 The Relationship Journal o Start with two blank books or spiral notebooks o Schedule time to work on it together at least once a week o 30-60 min and agree on a time and place o Make it an appointment.

19 The Process

20 o Make it a routine.

21 The Process o Make it a routine. o Don’t wait for your partner to initiate.

22 The Process o Make it a routine. o Don’t wait for your partner to initiate. o Take 100% responsibility for the process.

23 The Process o Make it a routine. o Don’t wait for your partner to initiate. o Take 100% responsibility for the process. o Create an intimate space.

24 The Process o Make it a routine. o Don’t wait for your partner to initiate. o Take 100% responsibility for the process. o Create an intimate space. o Turn off TV, phone, etc.

25 The Process o Make it a routine. o Don’t wait for your partner to initiate. o Take 100% responsibility for the process. o Create an intimate space. o Turn off TV, phone, etc. o Light a candle. Make some tea.

26 The Process o Make it a routine. o Don’t wait for your partner to initiate. o Take 100% responsibility for the process. o Create an intimate space. o Turn off TV, phone, etc. o Light a candle. Make some tea. o Create a relaxed, intimate atmosphere

27 Entry Writing Suggestions

28 1) What do you appreciate about your partner today?

29 Entry Writing Suggestions 1) What do you appreciate about your partner today? 2) What issues are you aware of in your relationship today?

30 Entry Writing Suggestions 1) What do you appreciate about your partner today? 2) What issues are you aware of in your relationship today? 3) What needs and desires can you identify that you are experiencing?

31 Entry Writing Suggestions 1) What do you appreciate about your partner today? 2) What issues are you aware of in your relationship today? 3) What needs and desires can you identify that you are experiencing? 4) Optional Items – Bookmarking, Sex

32 Entry Writing Suggestions 1) What do you appreciate about your partner today? 2) What issues are you aware of in your relationship today? 3) What needs and desires can you identify that you are experiencing? 4) Optional Items – Bookmarking, Sex 5) Swap and Read Each Other’s Journals

33 Entry Writing Suggestions 1) What do you appreciate about your partner today? 2) What issues are you aware of in your relationship today? 3) What needs and desires can you identify that you are experiencing? 4) Optional Items – Bookmarking, Sex 5) Swap and Read Each Other’s Journals 6) Address Issues and Needs – Ownership

34 Entry Writing Suggestions 1) What do you appreciate about your partner today? 2) What issues are you aware of in your relationship today? 3) What needs and desires can you identify that you are experiencing? 4) Optional Items – Bookmarking, Sex 5) Swap and Read Each Other’s Journals 6) Address Issues and Needs – Ownership 7) Closing Ritual

35 Relationship Journal ebook Get Your Copy Today! On Amazon.com for Kindle or www.RCIStore.com

36 Thank You!

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