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F ROM P ROKARYOTES TO E UKARYOTES. C OMPARING P ROKARYOTES & E UKARYOTES ProkaryotesEukaryotes Domains Included Bacteria & Archea Eukaryotes Complexity?Simple.

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Presentation on theme: "F ROM P ROKARYOTES TO E UKARYOTES. C OMPARING P ROKARYOTES & E UKARYOTES ProkaryotesEukaryotes Domains Included Bacteria & Archea Eukaryotes Complexity?Simple."— Presentation transcript:


2 C OMPARING P ROKARYOTES & E UKARYOTES ProkaryotesEukaryotes Domains Included Bacteria & Archea Eukaryotes Complexity?Simple More Complex (organelles) DNA? Circular strand of DNA Found within nucleus

3 H ISTORY OF L IFE ON E ARTH Life began on Earth 3.6 billion years ago as a prokaryotic cell (single-celled organism with no nuclear membrane). For 2.6 billion years, life was unicellular. Multicellular eukaryotes (with nuclear membrane) evolved about 1 billion years ago. The Earth formed 4.5 billion years ago.

4 M ITOCHONDRIA Power House of the cell Produce ATP Key to understanding the evolution of the Eukaryotic cell

5 E NDOSYMBIOSIS Mitochondria were engulfed by a host cell Resulted in mutual benefits Host cell profited from the chemical energy produced Mitochondria were surrounded by a nutrient rich environment This process is referred to as Endosymbiosis


7 EvidenceJustification/Reasoning Membranes Mitochondria have their own cell membranes just like a prokaryote does DNA Each mitochondria has its own circular DNA genome, but a lot smaller Reproduction Mitochondria multiply by pinching in half – the same process used by bacteria

8 T IMELINE & M ORE E VIDENCE Chloroplasts Help convert energy from the sun into sugars

9 T IMELINE The engulfment of Mitochondria must have come first because ALL eukaryotes have them. Similar event introduced chloroplasts, creating a lineage that led to plants!

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