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Rich Signell Roland Viger Curtis Price USGS Community for Data Integration Feb 15, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Rich Signell Roland Viger Curtis Price USGS Community for Data Integration Feb 15, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rich Signell Roland Viger Curtis Price USGS Community for Data Integration Feb 15, 2012

2  Web Mapping Services  Web Feature Services  Web Coverage Services  OPeNDAP  All use HTTP  Subsetting  Resampling  Different data types, data models

3  ESRI ArcGIS/SDE  ESRI Grid  WMS, WCS (WFS)  THREDDS (many other options)  NetCDF, CF, HDF, GRIB, …  WMS, WCS, OPeNDAP

4  Python  ArcGIS w/Python  MATLAB  …

5  Traditional raster  Structured curvilinear  TINs

6  Scipy, numpy  come w/ArcGIS  Enthought  Packages lots of great python packages together  Not always readily usable w/an ArcGIS install


8 Uses 10.1, LandXML

9 Reads UGRID format into ESRI Shapefile, approximates a TIN (w/shapefile of polygons & shapefile of points)


11 Enthought maintains this code.

12 Tons of great functionality beyond ArcGIS!

13  ESRI and Enthought ensure distributions are compatible  ArcGIS leverage the 100 packages in the Enthought Python Distribution  Serious Python users to leverage ESRI tools

14  Unidata has a Java Common Data Model (CDM)  C Common Data Model (libCF) still in development  We need a Python (or C) CDM library!  When we have one, ESRI can leverage it!

15  ArcGIS more of an integrative platform  ArcGIS users can exploit the world of OPeNDAP data  Dan Sampson, coastal zone manager in Massachusetts, working in ArcGIS, can create his own products from OPeNDAP Data

16 ROMS POM WW3 WRF ECOM NcML Common Data Model OPeNDAP+CF WCS NetCDF Subset Service THREDDS Data Server Standardized (CF) Virtual Datasets Nonstandard Output Files (distributed) Web Services Matlab Panoply IDV ERDDAP Clients NetCDF -Java Library or Service NcML, NetCDF-Java and THREDDS Data Server built and supported by Unidata under NSF-support WMS ncISO ArcGIS10 NetCDF4- Python FVCOM Python EDC ERDDAP NetCDF-Java

17 Geoportal Server Broker Data ServersCatalog Services THREDDS-ncISO OGC-WCS OpenSearch OGC-CSW THREDDS-ncISO Clients GI-CAT Geoportal Server GI-Portal Geonetwork Python Matlab OGC-SOS

18 NCTOOLBOX links = opensearch(q) nc = ncugrid(links.dap{1}) z =‘zeta’,…) grid = nc.grid(‘zeta’,…) z = 26441x1 single grid = lat: [26441x1 single] lon: [26441x1 single] time: 730970 (matlab datenum) connectivity: [52025x3 int32]

19  ArcGIS10.0 has Python integration  There are several Python OPeNDAP modules  How about PyDAP? NO!  NetCDF4-Python? YES! Common interface for NetCDF3, NetCDF4 files and OPeNDAP datasets! (Uses Unidata’s NetCDF C library w/native OPeNDAP)  But wait… NetCDF4-Python binary had not been built for Windows  Python community’s Christoph Gohlke (UCI) to the rescue!!! (Python 2.6/2.7/3.0 Win32/Win64 and special ArcGIS10.0 and ArcGIS10.1 builds)


21  Create Mosaic Dataset  Add Raster to Mosaic Dataset  Open Attribute Table  Add time field  Edit Mosaic Dataset  Add date value to each raster layer  Enable time on Mosaic via LayerProperties  Use Time Slider to play around!

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