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The meanings behind the allegories!.  Real name was Eric Blair  1903-1950  Born in India  India was a part of the British Empire then  Orwell’s father.

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Presentation on theme: "The meanings behind the allegories!.  Real name was Eric Blair  1903-1950  Born in India  India was a part of the British Empire then  Orwell’s father."— Presentation transcript:

1 The meanings behind the allegories!

2  Real name was Eric Blair  1903-1950  Born in India  India was a part of the British Empire then  Orwell’s father stationed there  His beliefs about politics were affected by his experiences fighting in the Spanish Civil War  Viewed socialists, communists, and fascists as repressive and self-serving  Skeptical of governments and their willingness to forsake ideas in favor of power GEORGE ORWELL

3 CHILDREN’S BOOK? – NO! After Animal Farm was published in 1945, George Orwell discovered with horror that booksellers were placing his novel on children’s shelves. According to his housekeeper, he began traveling from bookstore to bookstore requesting that the book be shelved with adult works. This dual identity — as children’s story and adult satire — has stayed with Orwell’s novel for more than fifty years.

4 1. “It struck me that if only such animals became aware of their strength we should have no power over them, and that men exploit animals in much the same way as the rich exploit the [worker].” - Orwell, when he saw a little boy whipping a horse 2. Karl Marx’s Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844: “The worked in his human functions no longer feels himself to be anything but animal. What is animal becomes human and what is human becomes animal.” WHY ANIMALS?

5 An allegory involves using many interconnected symbols or allegorical figures in such a way that nearly every element of the narrative has a meaning beyond the literal level, i.e., everything in the narrative is a symbol that relates to other symbols within the story REVIEW ALLEGORY


7 Animal Farm is an allegory for the Russian Revolution! ONE IN THE SAME

8  Mr. Jones  Mr. Pilkington  Mr. Fredrick  Mr. Whymper HUMANS

9  Czar Nicholas II was Russia’s last czar. He was part of the Romanov dynasty that ruled Russia for over 300 years!  Czar means emperor and comes from the word Caesar.  Russian czars lived in a magnificent palace called the Kremlin. Kremlin – Manor Farm!  Czar Nicholas was narrow-minded and incompetent. He was an autocrat – a self-appointed ruler who holds all the political power.  In March 1917, there were food riots and army mutinies in Petrograd (a Russian city). Czar Nicholas couldn’t cope with the difficult situation, so he abdicated (resigned) the throne.  Often cruel and brutal to his subjects  Displays isolated kindness MR. JONES = CZAR NICHOLAS II

10  Pilkington is the neighboring gentleman farmer  USA and England  At one point, when Napoleon supposedly has a deal to sell some timber to Mr. Pilkington, he decides at the last minute to sell it to Mr. Frederick.  Reminiscent of the 1930s, when Stalin almost signed an anti- German alliance with the U.S. and U.K., but at the last minute, signed a non-aggression pact with Hitler instead.  Hitler broke the pact and invaded Russia, just like Mr. Frederick broke the deal with Napoleon and it was discovered that his payment was fraudulent. MR. PILKINGTON = USA AND ENGLAND

11  Frederick = shrewd neighboring farmer who drives a hard bargain and is always involved in lawsuits  Hitler = broke the pact and invaded Russia  Just like Mr. Frederick broke the deal with Napoleon and it was discovered that his payment was fraudulent MR. FREDERICK = HITLER/GERMANY

12  Mr. Whymper = an intermediary between Animal Farm and the humans in the outside world  Represents the gullible westerners who were willing to spread the communist message and cater (support) to Stalin's goals for personal profit MR. WHYMPER = SNEAKS

13  Old Major  Napoleon  Snowball  Squealer PIGS

14  German economist and political philosopher- wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1844  “Father” of communism  Marx believed the workers (proletarians) were the true producers of wealth. But the capitalists (bourgeoisie) owned the means of production – land and industry. Therefore, the capitalists made huge profits while the workers earned just enough to survive. Not fair!  Marx called for “workers of the world” to unite against their capitalist oppressors.  Marx believed that eventually the proletariat would become so numerous and so impoverished that they would rise up against the capitalist system throughout the world. OLD MAJOR = KARL MARX

15  Karl Marx died before the Russian Revolution  Old Major died before the Rebellion OLD MAJOR = KARL MARX CONTINUED

16  Stalin- Ruthless dictator of the USSR (1922-1953)  General Secretary of the Russian Communist Party from 1922 until his death over 30 years later  Born into the peasant class.  Unlike Trotsky, Stalin was not well-educated and could not discuss Marxist theory on a sophisticated level  Stalin used his position as secretary to gain supporters for his future rise to power  Under Stalin, the country fell under totalitarianism – a form of government with strong central rule that tries to control individual freedoms  He loved power and used the KGB (secret police) to enforce his ruthless, corrupt antics NAPOLEON = JOSEPH STALIN

17  A pure communist leader who was influenced by the teachings of Karl Marx  Brilliant intellectual and speaker who organized the Red Army and led it to victory against the White Armies in the Civil War of 1918-1919  Trotsky and Stalin disagreed on Russia’s future  Trotsky = wanted Communist revolution to be worldwide  Stalin = wanted to protect the Soviet Union from outside forces (keep communism in the USSR)  Stalin defeated Trotsky at the Communist Party Congress in 1927 and gained control of the secret police  Trotsky was chased away by the KGB (secret police) and fled to Mexico City, where a Soviet agent killed him with an axe in 1940 SNOWBALL = LEON TROTSKY

18  Communist newspaper Pravda  Official voice of the party in the 1930s  Controlled all press, film, radio and television for Stalin’s benefit  Embodiment of hypocrisy and propaganda in general  Used to keep the public calm and under control with its misleading messages SQUEALER = STALIN’S MEDIA EXPERTS

19  Napoleon’s 9 Puppies  Jessie, Bluebell, Pincher DOGS

20  Stalin’s Secret Police = KGB  KGB = Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopanosti  Loyal to only Stalin  Attacked and killed his enemies DOGS = SECRET POLICE

21  Chanting sheep  Moses  Boxer  Clover  Mollie  Hens OTHER FARM ANIMALS

22  Same as Squealer’s allegory (media coverage)  Implemented to keep peace CHANTING SHEEP = MEDIA EXPERTS

23  Moses = Religion  Heaven = Sugarcandy Mountain  Focused on religion and not on conforming to Stalin’s views  Stalin eventually tried to use religious principles to influence people to work and to avoid revolt MOSES = RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH

24  Hardest working  Not the brightest  “Less than average intelligence”  Communist party couldn’t survive without it! BOXER = UNEDUCATED WORKING CLASS

25  Like Boxer, but with a touch of “finesse”  Russia’s working class CLOVER = FEMALE WORKING CLASS

26  Luxury of the “old order”  Enjoyed finer things in life (ribbons, treats, etc.) MOLLIE = MIDDLE/UPPER CLASS

27 1.Surrender their eggs 2.Resist the order/resist food 3.9 hens died 4.Hens smashed their eggs in protest HENS = RUSSIA’S PEASANT FARMERS 1.Stalin’s attempt to collectivize the farmers of Ukraine 2.Starved by Stalin 3.4-10 MILLION Ukrainian peasants were starved by Stalin 4.Ukrainians slaughtered their livestock- 1.Went down 50%-80% between 1928-1935 2.Stalin would have you executed if he found out you were doing it

28  Windmill  Flag  “Beasts of England” OBJECTS

29  Windmill = “make life easier”  5 year plan = supposed to improve Soviet’s industry  Increase production, shorten work week  Windmill was a big failure  5 year plan was a big failure  Tried to rebuild windmill  Tried to rework the plan  Neither worked! WINDMILL = STALIN’S “5 YEAR PLAN”


31 “BEASTS OF ENGLAND” = “THE INTERNATIONALE” THE COMMUNISTS SONG Arise ye workers from your slumbers Arise ye prisoners of want For reason in revolt now thunders And at last ends the age of cant. Away with all your superstitions Servile masses arise, arise We’ll change henceforth the old tradition And spurn the dust to win the prize. Refrain: So comrades, come rally And the last fight let us face The Internationale unites the human race. No more deluded by reaction On tyrants only we’ll make war The soldiers too will take strike action They’ll break ranks and fight no more And if those cannibals keep trying To sacrifice us to their pride They soon shall hear the bullets flying We’ll shoot the generals on our own side. No saviour from on high delivers No faith have we in prince or peer Our own right hand the chains must shiver Chains of hatred, greed and fear E’er the thieves will out with their booty And give to all a happier lot. Each at the forge must do their duty And we’ll strike while the iron is hot. Beasts of England, beasts of Ireland, Beasts of every land and clime, Hearken well and spread my tidings Of the golden future time Soon and late the day is coming, Tyrant Man shall be o'erthrown, And the fruitful fields of England Shall be trod by beasts alone Rings shall vanish from our noses, And the harness from our back, Bit and spur shall rust forever, Cruel whips no more shall crack Riches more than mind can picture, Wheat and barley, oats and hay, Clover, beans, and mangel-wurzels Shall be ours upon that day Bright will shine the fields of England, Purer shall its waters be, Sweeter yet shall blow its breezes On the day that sets us free For that day we all must labour, Though we die before it break; Cows and horses, geese and turkeys, All must toil for freedom's sake Beasts of England, beasts of Ireland, Beasts of every land and clime, Hearken well and spread my tidings Of the golden future time

32  Animal Farm  Willingdon  Sugarcandy Mountain PLACES

33  Animal Farm = USSR  USSR = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ANIMAL FARM = USSR

34  All of the farms are in the town of Willingdon, so it = Europe WILLINGDON = EUROPE


36  The Rebellion  Battle of Cowshed  Battle of the Windmill  Napoleon’s Purge of Animals  Selling of wood to Frederick EVENTS


38  The return of Jones = Russia’s Civil War  The civil war between the Bolsheviks (Reds) and the anti- Bolsheviks/Tsarists (Whites)  White = anti-communist group  Red = Those in favor of Czar Nicholas II BATTLE OF COWSHED = RED OCTOBER

39 BATTLE OF THE WINDMILL = BATTLE OF STALINGRAD  Battle of Stalingrad = Germany invaded Russia in WWII  USSR stopped Germany  Considered one of the bloodies battles in history  ^ Watch this!

40 NAPOLEON’S PURGE OF THE ANIMALS = THE RUSSIAN PURGES OF 1936-1938  "Napoleon stood sternly surveying his audience; then he uttered a high- pitched whimper. Immediately the dogs bounded forward, seized four of the pigs by the ear and dragged them, squealing with pain and terror, to Napoleon's feet...” (ch. 7).  Stalin executed anyone who was against him!

41  Sold the firewood to Frederick  Frederick cheated Napoleon  Nazis and Soviets made a pact NOT to go to war with each other  Split the country of Poland between the two of them  Hitler invaded Russia in 1940 – Liar, liar, pants on fire. SELLING WOOD TO FREDERICK = NAZI/SOVIET PACT

42  Thug Notes:  Allegory List:,+political+a nalogies.pdf,+political+a nalogies.pdf  Allegories from animal-farm-characters-examples.html animal-farm-characters-examples.html  Allegories:  Allegory PPT: h_Russ_Rev.pdf h_Russ_Rev.pdf WORKS CITED-ISH:

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