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Author: Miriam Jordan Team AIRBED Adam Yunker, Ben Wittwer, Jordaan Williams, Alyssa Winterstellar, and Sean Whitney.

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Presentation on theme: "Author: Miriam Jordan Team AIRBED Adam Yunker, Ben Wittwer, Jordaan Williams, Alyssa Winterstellar, and Sean Whitney."— Presentation transcript:

1 Author: Miriam Jordan Team AIRBED Adam Yunker, Ben Wittwer, Jordaan Williams, Alyssa Winterstellar, and Sean Whitney

2 Meet Ambrosio Carrillo  In 2004 he made his long journey to the united states from Guatemala in order to make money for his family.  He worked in the United States from 2004 to 2007 as a construction specialist, doing masonry, dry walling, and carpentry.  He was forced to move back to Guatemala in early 2008 when he could not find a job to support his family back home.

3 Starting Out Small He migrated with about 30 people through the southern states, and while traveling through the Arizona desert his group was raided by border patrol. Following the raid, he lost all the canned food which resulted in him not eating for three days. By the time he was picked up off the side of a country road, he had cactus punctures on his legs and arms, and his feet were swollen. He eventually got his fake social security card and arrived in Baltimore. He shared a two bed, one bath apartment with 11 other people. After receiving his first job his starting hourly rate was $9.00 an hour.

4 2004 Construction Boom While earning $9 an hour he could only send his family $200 every two weeks while still paying off his debt to the Coyote. Once he learned English his hourly wage rose to $12 and he then began sending his family $400 every two weeks. He made extra money by landscaping an 11 acre estate. He then sold his 1998 Nissan Centra and purchased a 2000 Ford Ranger.

5 Remittances Remittances are monies that are sent out of our country from a worker to support his family in their home country. 10% of the 4.5 million Guatemalans live in the United States and support their family using this type of income. Remittances are the top foreign-exchange earner for Guatemala at 4.12 Billion Dollars. This is the type of support Mr. C was giving his family.

6 Changing Fortune View Interactive In the spring of 2007 undocumented migrants began to lose jobs in the United States. The reason for is because of the decline in the American Economy as well as Homeland Security starting to crack down on these illegal immigrants. Mr. C was fired by his company when his employers discovered that his SSN was invalid. He began hustling jobs for money because no one would hire him as a result of his faulty SSN and the construction industry slump.

7 “Better to eat [in] poverty in my families company than alone.” A quote by Mr. C. Mr. C decided to move back to Guatemala because he was unable to get a job or make enough money to send to his family. He moved back to Guatemala with his truck, the $600, a new TV, DVD player, cell phone and a music system in his truck. He now lives with family in a one story hut and started his own independent transportation system. To pass the time he plays soccer, watched TV and drinks beer with his friends. Mr. C would love to return the America if he could get the correct documentation.

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