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How To Create Highly Effective Content For Webinars.

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Presentation on theme: "How To Create Highly Effective Content For Webinars."— Presentation transcript:

1 How To Create Highly Effective Content For Webinars

2 The Webinar Should Have A “Live” Feel To It Give the impression that you are speaking extemporaneously Ask questions and acknowledge participants.

3 Webinars Are Widely-used and Effective Webinars can attract new customers and build customer loyalty This is particularly true if: You provide attendees with high-value information If the information you provide can be used right away or to improve business. You should end your webinar with a Call to Action.

4 Webinar Content Should Be Understandable, Entertaining, Valuable To create great content, information should be researched well. Information should also be well-organized.

5 Tips To Assemble Your Webinar Presentation You should give an opinion. A balanced view of things will leave your audience unimpressed and dissatisfied. If you have an opinion, you may alienate some of your audience but they will still want to hear your take.

6 Your Opinion Should Not Go Too Far Express your opinion in a reasoned, fact- based manner. Your webinar should inform and entertain, not repel and anger your audience.

7 Be Outrageous During Your Webinar Be outrageous and aggressively confident Be entertaining and informative However, do not be offensive, rude or insulting

8 Inspire Passion in Your Audience During The Webinar Your audience already has an interest in the topic. Get them to invest emotionally so you can drive them to your call to action. Be adrenalized. Share your passion. Remember: Enthusiasm is contagious.

9 Keep Your Viewers Engaged The webinar won’t be live but you need to keep your audience interested, and not distracted. Avoid using a monotone voice. Modulate your voice so that it alternates between loud and soft to keep people listening.

10 Include Your Own Personal Stories in The Webinar Make sure to include personal stories in your presentation. People love to hear stories about real world experiences or actual stories of real people to illustrate key points.

11 Humor is an Important Element of Any Presentation You may start your webinar with a joke or a humorous story related to the subject matter. Keep your presentation light and friendly. Include funny or amusing quips or smart-aleck remarks to keep your audience interested.

12 Check Back Weekly For More!

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