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Staying Safe On Social Media. Website Security  How do you know if a website is secure?  Celebrities  http vs https  http: Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

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Presentation on theme: "Staying Safe On Social Media. Website Security  How do you know if a website is secure?  Celebrities  http vs https  http: Hypertext Transfer Protocol."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staying Safe On Social Media

2 Website Security  How do you know if a website is secure?  Celebrities  http vs https  http: Hypertext Transfer Protocol  https: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure  Provides authentication of web sites  Provides bidirectional encryption communication between a client and server, which protects against eavesdropping and tampering

3 Bidirectional Encryption The ability to secure data that is transmitted in both directions over the internet –Browser to Server –Server to Browse Wireshark demo

4 Social Media What Social Media Site Are Secure? –Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Path, Tumblr https –Instafan, Snapchat, Pinterest* http *https for login, then back to http

5 Passwords Don’t share passwords (parents ok) To make your password even more secure –At least 8 characters At least 1 capital letter, 1 lower case letter, 1 special character (!@#$%^&*) –Try not to use the same password of every site If someone gets your email and password, they can access all of your sites –Stay away from easy to guess passwords Passw0rd, qwerty1234, etc. –*If you can have a rotation of 3 passwords and change your password every couple of months

6 Passwords (con’t) Sites to check your password strength – – security/password-checker.aspx security/password-checker.aspx – Password Tips From Microsoft – privacy/passwords-create.aspx privacy/passwords-create.aspx Password Challenge

7 Where You Access Social Media  Home  Ethernet (most secure)  Wireless  WEP- Easiest to hack  WPA- Better  WPA2- Most secure  Password for wireless encryption should be at least 14 characters consisting of both numbers and letters  Public  Not secure  People can be looking at what you are doing while online  Shoulder Surfing

8 Logging Off Social Media Logging off a desktop or laptop –Who does this? Logging off a mobile device (smart phone, tablet, etc.) –Who does this? What can you do to keep your information safe on a mobile device?

9 Catfishing People pretending to be someone they are on social medias (creating a false identity) Be careful who you talk to online Mati Teo

10 Questions

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