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Vital Stats Weight: 2-4 lbs. Length: 22" Wing Span: 56 inches" Sexual Maturity: 3 yrs. Mating Season: spring Incubation: 28-32 days No. of Eggs: 1-3 Birth.

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Presentation on theme: "Vital Stats Weight: 2-4 lbs. Length: 22" Wing Span: 56 inches" Sexual Maturity: 3 yrs. Mating Season: spring Incubation: 28-32 days No. of Eggs: 1-3 Birth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vital Stats Weight: 2-4 lbs. Length: 22" Wing Span: 56 inches" Sexual Maturity: 3 yrs. Mating Season: spring Incubation: 28-32 days No. of Eggs: 1-3 Birth Interval: year Lifespan: 10-21 yrs. Typical diet: small rodents, snakes

2 (Buteo jamaicensis

3 { Bute jamaicensis/ Red Tail Hawk Bute jamaicensis/ Red Tail Hawk Buteo jamaicensis

4 { It caches food with it’s talons and it eats meet and it has a vary sharp beak to tare the food

5  Call Call

6 { It is an enormous size for a hawk. Its length is 22``and its weight is 2-4lbs,the win The wait of the red tailed hawk is2-4lbs,the length is 22`

7 { The red tailed hawk will usually have a habitat in large trees. They will live in north America.

8 { It will hunt during the day. It eats mice, squirrels and Rabbits. when it spots something it will dive strate down

9 { The female lays 2 dull white eggs. They breed in the early spring. From march to may they mate. When the egg haches they are white top to bottem.

10 The predators of the Red Tailed Hawk is Raccoon, Great Horned Owl and the Red Fox. The predators of the Red Tailed Hawk is Raccoon, Great Horned Owl and the Red Fox.

11 { DDT will kill bird by disrupting its nervous system. It will kill birds such as peregrine Falcons, sharp-shinned Hawk, cooper’s Hawk, Eurasian sparrow hawks, Osprey, Bold Eagles, and White tailed Eagles

12 { The red tailed hawk is doing fine in the world it is not endangered.

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