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The Music Industry and Technology By: Nadine Skelton Singers and Technology By: Nadine Skelton.

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Presentation on theme: "The Music Industry and Technology By: Nadine Skelton Singers and Technology By: Nadine Skelton."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Music Industry and Technology By: Nadine Skelton Singers and Technology By: Nadine Skelton

2 Singers…  There are many different kinds of singers out there, and in the future they will be effected by technology in a few ways. It could be a positive effect or a negative effect. This is an example of new technology in a recording studio.

3 What Singers Do…  Singers are people that use their voice skills to entertain. There are different fields for singers and different categories. Popularity chart.

4 Genres of Music  The different types of music is called a genre. So a genre would be country, rap, rock, jazz, opera, and many more. People need different ranges in their voice for different genres. “Opera is an example of this, their music is very high pitched voices. “ These are opera singers.

5 Training and Schooling  Some singers just have naturally good sounding voices however, most are trained. This doesn’t mean that they don’t have a good voice it just means that the training is making them even better. Usually singers don’t start their careers until their voices are fully matured.  You don’t have to have training but for some genres it is necessary like rock music or folk. music.

6 Working Conditions  Most singers usually work at night or on the weekends and record on weekdays. “They work over 40 hours a week and 5 to 10 hours a day/night and yes, they make big money.”  For most this is their entire career.

7 On the Job…  Most of the time singers don’t get the Holidays off because that’s when they get the most job offers. Especially if the singer is on tour. This means that they traveled to a different state or country to perform there.

8 Starting Out  Some singers that are not exactly famous (they are in a small band) might not be able to book performances so they can be “discovered” or recognized by a record label.

9 Getting the Job.  For some singers they start out by singing in a church or a small band. That’s a good start, but its important to make sure that you get a lot of exposure. You can do this by recording your own demo CD that you can send to different producers. That could be a big part in starting your career. This is what Taylor Swift’s first Demo CD looked like.

10 In the Future…  In the future our technology will become more and more advanced and the music industry's tools and recording equipment can change. They can now make different sounds to go in the background music or change their voice to sound lower or higher.  They can do almost anything that you could think of. This puts a whole new view on music, but this could also be a bad thing. With all of this new sound and technology it could start to get a little out of hand. You (the singer) may want the song to sound one way, but your manager or record label might want it to be a different way.

11 Advancements.  Singing requires talent, hard work, and good management. “The new technology can take singers from being unknown amateurs  to highly paid professionals.”

12 In the End…  A singers job is not anything easy. No holidays off, 40 hours a week, working nights, being away from your family. The music industry has its ups and downs but its all worth it in the end.

13 Glossary  Demo CD: A demo CD is a CD that singers makes when she/he is trying to land a record label.  Genre: A genre is a type or style of music. Whether that’s rock, jazz, rap, country. Whatever type of music you want.  Record Label: A record label is a music business that has recording studios and is where you make your music.  Tour: This means that a singer is traveling to a different city, state, or country to perform.

14 Works Cited Page  Advancements page: http://www.collegegra shtml http://www.collegegra shtml  Working Conditions Page: http://www.collegegra shtml://www.collegegra shtml  Genres of Music page: http://www.collegegra shtml://www.collegegra shtml

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