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LEARNING GOALS:  By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: analyze the impact of scientific and technological developments on Canadians evaluate.

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Presentation on theme: "LEARNING GOALS:  By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: analyze the impact of scientific and technological developments on Canadians evaluate."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEARNING GOALS:  By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: analyze the impact of scientific and technological developments on Canadians evaluate the role of the government in promoting economic opportunity and national pride during the postwar period

2 Guiding Question!  How did the Canadian government promote economic opportunity and Canadian nationalism during the postwar period?


4 Louis St. Laurent 1948-1957 (replaced Mackenzie King) Liberal encouraged Newfoundland to join Confederation (1949) pushed Canada’s economy forward: known for creating MEGA-PROJECTS (see slides coming up)

5 John Diefenbaker 1957-1963 Progressive Conservative - won largest majority in Canadian history in 1958 Created social assistance from East to West: - pensions for the elderly, veterans, and disabled cancelled the Avro Arrow - BOOOOOO! brought in the Canadian Bill of Rights in 1960 – guaranteed equal treatment under the law for all Canadians

6 Lester B. Pearson 1963-1968 Liberal PM UN Minister of External Affairs. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1957 made Canada officially bilingual – French and English! nationalized Medicare, Canada Pension Plan helped promote Canadian nationalism through hosting Expo 67’ and our new national flag!

7 Canadian NATIONALISM and MEGA Projects  1950s and 1960s

8 Expo 67’ a ‘World’s Fair’ held in Montreal, QUE considered most successful Expo in the 20 th century 62 nations participate, millions visited chance for Canada to show off to the world!

9 Trans-Canada Highway officially opened in 1962 7821 km of highway connected east to west (St. John’s to Vancouver) emphasized the growing importance of the automobile

10 Trans-Canada Pipeline construction started in 1956 gas-line from Alberta to central Canada built by an American company – WHAT???

11 St. Lawrence Seaway opened in 1959: largest managed waterway in the world provides passage to and from the Great Lakes from the Atlantic Ocean created huge hydroelectric projects known as the “Master Project of the North American Continent”

12 Avro Arrow built by the A.V. Roe Co. in 1957 near Toronto, ON world leader – mach 1 costs became too prohibitive ($14 million each) cancelled by the Diefenbaker gov’t – 12,000 workers laid off h

13 Toronto Subway Canada’s first underground subway opened in 1954 last original train retired in 1990 (it was only supposed to last 18 years!)

14 The Maple Leaf forever… Canadian PM Pearson wants to adopt a truly ‘Canadian’ flag The old one was too British (Red Ensign) Canadians divided – some liked the connection to GB (ex. Diefenbaker) held a contest – Cdn’s allowed to submit own designs dedicated on Feb.15, 1965 – FLAG DAY!

15 Reflection… How did the Canadian government promote economic opportunity and Canadian nationalism during the postwar period?

16 Answer  Answer:  Economic opportunity: created mega-projects (ex. St. Lawrence Seaway, Trans-Canada Highway, Trans- Canada Pipeline, T.O. Subway…  Nationalism: Canadian Flag, Avro Arrow, Expo 67’

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