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Unification of the Grid and the Web B. Ramamurthy.

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Presentation on theme: "Unification of the Grid and the Web B. Ramamurthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unification of the Grid and the Web B. Ramamurthy

2 Review Fundamental components of a distributed systems System model Architectural / organizational model Internetworking Request-response model Web services Globus grid services

3 Project 1 RMI and tightly coupled Java-based distributed system Streaming and parsing XML data Relational data model and Oracle 9i based database Loosely coupled systems Web services simple request –response

4  Project 2 Organization offer their service through publication as wsdl and through XML feeds. Mash up of services is an alternative to traditional data integration. On the fly and on demand integration It is very good for highly dynamic systems You are required use a combination of + other web service + xml feeds However there are issues with mash ups:

5  Project 3 Mash up is simply combining data from multiple sources, usually obtained through published web services Performance Robustness Reliability Caching, precalculation Concurrency (multi-threading, EJB) Scalability Data access

6 For Project 2 : Items needed 3/21 midnight online submission File name: YourName_P2S2.pdf Project title affiliation etc. as in project report Update project summary (topic can be changed from furniture store) Any creative topic or a creative twist to furniture gets +10 points System model (picture) with proper titles and annotations: approx. 1 page Architectural model (picture) with proper titles and annotations: approx. 1 page Technologies involved and how they are used: approx 0.5 page Project 2 implementation details: 0.5 page Working implementation due 3/31

7 Quiz #1 Topics discussed in class Chapters 1-5 Chapter 19: focus on web services Project 1 : RMI, JDBC/ODBC, WS Grid services: as in Chapter 19 Today’s discussion Format: short answer questions: answer in the space allocated.

8 Continuing on Grid  Web Services Globus Toolkit 3.x GT3: OGSA and OGSI; OGSA: open grids services architecture (read 19.7.3) OGSI: open grid services infrastructure (interfaces/API) Globus Toolkit 4.x GT4: OGSA + WSRF WSRF: Web Services Resources Framework WSDM: Web Services Distributed Management WSDM

9 Grid services Are web services that implement standard interfaces in-addition to application-specific interfaces. Interface to set of data for meta data (WS-Resource) “state” concept Context in which service must provide a factory with ability to create new service instances and control their life-cycle Standardized fault model; notification services; service groups Infrastructure provides directory service, management service, security services Lets look at an example: Fusion GridFusion Grid

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