R ESPECT D IVERSITY F OUNDATION Respect Diversity Symbol Campaign.

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1 R ESPECT D IVERSITY F OUNDATION Respect Diversity Symbol Campaign

2 DIVERSITY THE SHAPE OF THE WORLD Inspired by a civil rights unit of study Diversity: The Shape of the World was created by the student body of The School of the Plains in OKC, OK. The harmonious combination of contrasting colors, shapes, and textures create a visual metaphor for diversity, tolerance, and respect and peace.

3 R ISING IN U NITY Rising in Unity was created by students from eight schools, inspired by the Respect Diversity Holocaust Art Education Project. This two-sided perspective is filled with unique mandalas. Messages of understanding and respect are written in Haiku on the colorful ribbons representing the diversity of cultures worldwide.

4 D IVERSITY B RINGS P EACE Students at Bell Elementary School celebrated diversity by discussing our interesting state filled with so many different cultures. Then they each created a patch for this quilt titled, Diversity Brings Peace.

5 EVERY GOOD THING STARTS WITH A DREAM Inspired by a talk from civil rights leader Clara Luper, fifth grade students discussed the things we want to bundle up and get rid of because they keep us from respecting all people. Then we thought about what we needed to have in order to embrace all people. Peace People were born. Student artists designed clothing that reflect the quality they want to have and created self- portrait faces for their Peace Person. The Peace People are all together waving banners that proclaim freedom, trust, love. In the center is a bonfire consuming their hatred, anger and violence. Rising from the flames are the words “Every Good Thing Starts with a Dream.”

6 A W ORLD F ULL OF C OLORS During their intercultural celebration, fourth Graders at Northern Hills Elementary School discussed the importance of respecting people of all nationalities and cultures. Then the students collaborated on a Sonnet. Each student created a picture of a child dressed in clothes of a country they had studied, to decorate their poem.

7 P EACE W ITHIN -P EACE W ITHOUT A discarded table was used for the “canvas” of Peace Within- Peace Without. Students and teacher from Northeast Academy in OKC collaborated on their design and chose children from different ethnic backgrounds to be their subjects. Each child is dressed in an artist smock and writing on the blackboard quotes that the students expressed: “Diversity is a work of art” “Peace is essential” “We are all one”

8 P ATCHWORK W ARMS A LL H EARTS This quilt, Patchwork Warms All Hearts, represents thoughts and ideas of students and teachers at our school. Even though we differ in age, race, abilities and experiences, we can all find a common thread!

9 1,000 D OVES F OR P EACE 1,000 Doves For Peace, created by kindergarteners through ninth graders at Westminster School in OKC, is an origami hanging art- piece that represents the importance of peace and freedom throughout the world. The dove is a universal symbol of peace. Origami, a Japanese art form, is a popular way to create beauty. The doves are multi- colored, representing the colors of different nationalities. The doves are various sizes, representing the differences of people. This is truly a symbol of respect for diversity.

10 F ACES OF OUR A NCESTORS Faces Of Our Ancestors is a collage of masks created by fifth grade students, after a diversity lesson at Madison Elementary School. We come from all over the world. Oklahoma is diverse, and that’s a good thing!

11 T HE C RAYON B OX THE CRAYON BOX, by first graders at Sunset Elementary School, in Edmond, is a reminder of the unique contribution that each of us makes to our class, our community, and our world. For weeks, students participated in a multi-cultural unit of study throughout the curriculum. They celebrated diversity through literature, singing songs, baking bread and creating art-work and poems. They discussed how crayons can be big or little, plump or skinny, bright or dark, plain or fancy, but all are important and useful.

12 T REE OF L IFE Tree of Life, depicting arms supporting the world in kindness, is a work of art inspired by the knowledge that when people from different races, ethnicities, religions, cultures and ability levels are kind to each other, the world is a better place. Camp Chaverim campers in OKC celebrated diversity through art, song, dance, Tzadakah (giving) and cuisine.

13 S EEDS OF P EACE “Seeds of Peace” consists of over two hundred campers, Israeli, Arab, and others from opposing regions of conflict, who joined hands to form a human peace symbol for an aerial photograph. This extraordinary show of respect was created by students at the Seeds of Peace International Camp in Otisfield, Maine, where they work together to develop empathy, respect, and hope for peaceful coexistence. These campers are Seeds of Hope for the future.

14 PATCHES OF FRIENDSHIP “Patches of Friendship,” a symbol of respect, kindness and peace, is a collaboration by students at the Edmond Fine Arts Institute, in celebration of National Diversity Week. The children combined diverse designs into a harmony of color, shape and pattern. The element of equality is evident in this quilt-like piece, because every patch is an integral part of the larger unity.

15 D IVERSITY “Diversity” was created by students inspired by a Holocaust educator from Oklahoma. Why a puzzle? Because each piece is different, unique, individual; but we fit together well, to make a whole.

16 T EACHING T OLERANCE Teaching Tolerance – A Way of Life is the culmination of three art workshops during the Jewish Federation of Greater Oklahoma City’s sixth annual teacher in-service. Teachers painted, glued, and glittered to create this visual metaphor for diversity. The theme for the day was Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You. The Oklahoma teachers enjoyed a day of hands-on activities that will help them make Teaching Tolerance a way of life.

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