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The Civil Rights Movement. “Jim Crow” America.

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1 The Civil Rights Movement



4 “Jim Crow” America


6 Linda Brown attempted to integrate a school in Kansas; she was denied entry. The NAACP took the case to the Supreme Court and sued under the EPC. Separate but equal was found… UNCONSTITUTIONAL Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954)

7 After effects White racists did not accept this ruling without a fight, and some turned out to jeer and threaten black students who attended schools that had formerly been for whites only. The most famous and extreme confrontation broke out at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957. President Eisenhower had to take control of the Arkansas National Guard and order them to protect the black students.


9 “Tides of Change”

10 CIVIL RIGHTS LEADERS MEDGER EVERS Martin Luther King Jr. Bobby Seale and Huey Newton Malcolm X 1:32


12 CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE Selma Protesting Peacefully Not supporting a government that mistreats its people. xfy20



15 THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT 1964 * Outlaws arbitrary discrimination in voting * Bans discrimination in public accommodations Prohibits states from banning access to public facilities bc of race Allows for desegregation of schools Loss of funding for government agencies that discriminate Started equal opportunity employment

16 VOTER’S RIGHTS ACT OF 1965 Banned literacy tests Required 50% registration rates. Sent agents to start registering people in the south. States with less than 50% were subject to scrutiny. CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1968 Ended discrimination in housing, mortgages

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