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 Author’s last name and page (if applicable).  Bambi has traumatized millions of children (Lewis 15). or  According to Lewis, Bambi has traumatized.

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4  Author’s last name and page (if applicable).  Bambi has traumatized millions of children (Lewis 15). or  According to Lewis, Bambi has traumatized millions of children (15).

5  Author’s last name, page or paragraph number (plus section number if it’s available)  Some people have felt that “Bambi is a terrifying movie” (Lewis 15). or  According to Lewis, “Bambi is a terrifying movie” (15).


7  Use first words of the title.  “War Horse is one of the worst films of 2012” (“War Does” 92). or  According to an article entitled “War Does not Work Like This”, “War Horse is one of the worst films of 2012” (15).

8  You use paragraph numbers.  “Quote quote quote” (Smith, par. 9). or  According to Smith, “quote quote quote” (par. 9).

9  Use divisions (sections, division, etc.)*:  “Quote quote quote” (Smith, sec. 9). or  According to Smith, “quote quote quote” (sec. Gender Representations). *When page numbers are not available, MLA requires you to include the following information: numbered paragraphs, sections, or other divisions. Use numbers with the appropriate abbreviation in your in-text citation: “par.,” “sec.,” “ch.,” “pt.,” and so on. If your source does not have numbers, do not use them (except for paragraphs).

10 Author: A.O. Scott Title: “Back to the Castle, Where It’s All About the Hair” Date: 2010 Paragraph: 3 From original: This film…is a lavish, romantic musical fairy tale. Direct Quote: Tangled has been called “a lavish, romantic musical fairy tale” (Scott, par. 3). Paraphrase: Tangled, while it is an animated movie, is also a musical which is about love (Scott, par. 3). (*This is a poorly written paraphrase.*)

11 Author: A.O. Scott Title: “Back to the Castle, Where It’s All About the Hair” Date: 2010 Paragraph: 4 From original: This temporary high-jacking of a princess’s tale by her square-jawed love interest seems like a crude commercial calculation. Direct Quote: A.O. Scott, who reviewed Disney’s Tangled, describes the male lead as “a square-jawed love interest” (par. 4). Paraphrase: A.O. Scott, who reviewed Disney’s Tangled, describes how the main character is overtaken by the focus of a male lead character (par. 4). (*This is a poorly written paraphrase.*)

12 Author: Roger Ebert Title: “Tarzan Speaks” Date: 1999 Section: Background Page: 15 From original: Something deep within the Tarzan myth speaks to us. Direct Quote: “[T]he Tarzan myth speaks to us” and makes it important (Ebert, Background section, p. 15). Paraphrase: The Tarzan story has mythic proportions (Ebert, Background section, p. 15).

13 Author: Roger Ebert Title: “Tarzan Speaks” Date: 1999 Section: Background Page: 15 From the original: Like all the best Disney animated films, this one is about something other than cute characters and cheerful songs. Direct quote: Movie critic Roger Ebert writes that Tarzan is “about something other than cute characters and cheerful songs”. Correct: Movie critic Roger Ebert writes that Tarzan is “about something other than cute characters and cheerful songs” (Background section, p. 15).

14 Author: none Title: “A Horse with Heart” Date: 2010 Section: Technique Paragraph: 2 The racing footage is spectacular. Paraphrase: The film includes “spectacular” footage of the races. Correct: The film includes “spectacular” footage of the races (“A Horse,” Technique section, par. 2).


16  Paraphrase and correctly cite the following passage from section 11, paragraph 1 of Giroux’s 1995 article “Animating Disney: The Disnification of Children’s Culture”: Any attempt to take up Disney films critically rubs against the grain of American popular opinion. To criticize Disney movies may upset the opinion of many Americans (Giroux, sec. 11, par. 1).

17  Quote from and correctly cite the following passage from section 111, paragraph 2 of Giroux’s 1995 article “Animating Disney”: Given the influence that Disney ideology has on children, it is imperative for parents, teachers, and other adults to understand how such films attract the attention and shape the values of the children who view and buy them. “It is imperative for parents, teachers, and other adults to understand how such [Disney] films attract the attention and shape the values of the children who view and buy them” (Giroux, sec. 111, par. 2).

18  Quote from and correctly cite the following passage from section V, paragraph 1 of Giroux’s 1995 article “Animating Disney: The Disnification of Children’s Culture”: The construction of gender identity for girls and women represents one of the most controversial issues in Disney animated films. “The construction of gender identity for girls and women represents one of the most controversial issues in Disney animated films” (Giroux, sec. V, par. 1).

19  Quote from and correctly cite the following passage from the “Introduction” section of Sun and Picker’s Mickey Mouse Monopoly, released in 2001: Justin Lewis: Because Disney is such a large media corporation and their products is so ubiquitous and so wide spread globally, Disney’s stories, the stories that Disney tell, will be the stories that will form and help form a child’s imaginary world, all over the world, and that’s an incredible amount of power. Lewis explains that “Disney’s stories, the stories that Disney tell, will be the stories that will form and help form a child’s imaginary world, all over the world, and that’s an incredible amount of power” (qtd. in Mickey Mouse Monopoly, sec. “Introduction”).

20  Paraphrase from and correctly cite the following passage from the “Gender Representations” section of Sun & Picker’s Mickey Mouse Monopoly, release in 2001: Gail Dines: What’s amazing when you look at Disney and Disney movies over the years is how little the image of females really changed. What surprises most, especially critical educators, is that the physical representations of females in Disney movies has not changed (Dines qtd. in Mickey Mouse Monopoly, sec. “Gender Representations”).

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