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OFM7311 – SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PROCESSES. Let’s Meet!!! Faik Karataş, PhD –Chemistry/Chemical/Engineering Education –Blok D- 2nd floor –

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2 Let’s Meet!!! Faik Karataş, PhD –Chemistry/Chemical/Engineering Education –Blok D- 2nd floor –E-mail: –Course blog and twitter: –@KaratasF –Office Hours: Monday 16:00 – 17:00 pm or by appointment Now, your turn…

3 Purpose The main purpose of this course is to provide necessary resources in particular time to stimulate curiosity to learn about scientific research processes. Thus, we will mainly deal with epistemological and methodological issues, questions about the nature and acquisition of scientific knowledge. In addition to philosophy, history, and sociology of science which attempt to make sense of scientific enterprise, ways to examine the world will be our main sources of questions and discussions.

4 Learning Activities The primary course activity will take place around in-depth discussions of course topics and assigned readings. I will distribute study questions in advance (at lest two days) to help us prepare for discussions in advance. All class members are expected and required to take an active role in our class discussions so that meaningful learning can take place.

5 Final Paper: This is an opportunity for you to apply and synthesize the ideas and issues you have been examining. Each class member will conduct research and report her/his findings. A presentation of the final paper is also required…

6 Blog posts: All members of the class will post a response to the question on the course blog every week before class. Responses should synthesize and/or address previous posts as well. Reflective journal: This journal should include your ideas and views of readings as well as reflections on ongoing dialogues with yourself, the instructor, and other class members concerning course concepts and issues.

7 Evaluation Class participation:20% Blog posts:20% Journal:20% Final Paper: 30% Presentation:10% Or Midterm:30% Paper:20% Final Exam:50%

8 Main resources for the course Giere, R. (1997). Understanding scientific reasoning. (4 th ed.). Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College Publishers. Kuhn, T. S. (1996). The structure of scientific revolutions. (3rd ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Latour, B. & Woolgar, S. 1986; Laboratory Life: The Construction of Scientific Facts, Princeton University Pres: Princeton New Jersey McNiff, J. & Whitehead, J. (2005) Action research for teachers: A practical guide. London: David Fulton Publishers Ltd. Toulmin, S. (1958). The uses of argument. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

9 Readings for next week a/online/chap1.htm#Nature a/online/chap1.htm#Nature Chapter 1 of Samir Okasha's "Philosophy of Science" book.

10 Any questions?

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