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LET US BUILD A HOUSE Presbytery Conveners Challenge 2015-2018.

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Presentation on theme: "LET US BUILD A HOUSE Presbytery Conveners Challenge 2015-2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 LET US BUILD A HOUSE Presbytery Conveners Challenge 2015-2018

2 Let us build a house where love can dwell and all can safely live, a place where saints and children tell how hearts learn to forgive. Built of hopes and dreams and visions, rock of faith and vault of grace; here the love of Christ shall end divisions: All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.

3 25 th April 2015 A devastating earthquake in Nepal More than 9,000 people dead More than 23,000 injured Every person in the area traumatised. All of this happened in just 45 seconds!!

4 Phase one – emergency aid April – September 2015

5 Phase 1 – emergency aid Women’s Groups distribute seeds and tools

6 Phase 1 – emergency aid Basic toolkits distributed

7 General Assembly Deliverance Instruct the Council to develop resources that will encourage congregations to commit their support to a three year initiative for the long rebuilding of communities.

8 Rehabilitation & Reconstruction UMN will work with community in Dhading Train stone masons to build earth quake resilient housing Begin building after the monsoon season Working with 7,220 households, UMN will focus particularly on the “poorest people” in Dhading include: People with Disability; single women; children; adolescents and Dalits.

9 Sumitra

10 Sumitra Chepang’s house fell down – all except the corner where her one- month-old grandson Suraj was sleeping. Sumitra says it’s a miracle, and that God saved the baby.

11 Amika

12 Amika and her husband Lal Bahadur, their one daughter and three sons, their eldest son’s wife and two daughters were all out in the fields working. They were safe, the goat too! Their house, however, is completely flattened.

13 Each new house will cost around £500 UMN will also focus on the community around the house Repairing and rebuilding community buildings such as schools, churches etc Ensuring paths and footbridges are reconstructed. Replanting of trees Rehabilitation & Reconstruction

14 Harka

15 Harka Bahadur Ghale worked to provide his family with a really strong, comfortable house – one that would keep out the pounding rains of the monsoon, and the icy cold of the Himalayan winter. His “dream house” is now a heap of stone and broken timbers.

16 Kumar

17 Kumar Chepang and his wife Sarita lost their house, and also lost seven-year-old child Kushal. A heavy sense of sadness lies over the small tin shed where Kumar, Sarita and their daughter Sakun now live.

18 Presbytery Conveners Challenge Yr 1 – Raise money to build houses Yr 2 – Keep congregations informed of building progress Yr 3 – Visit Nepal to see UMN work and to meet some of the recipients of the houses.

19 In Moray 20 th February launch at World Mission Representatives’ Lunch Every congregation gets “Buy a brick” sheets, £1 fills in a brick Money to Presbytery treasurer on/by 17 th April 2016 Sun 17 th April, a celebration gathering at Bellie Kirk - songs, stories and thanksgiving

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