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Europe's Postwar Economy What was the economic situation in Western Europe after World War II? o Economic aid from the Marshall Plan o By 1950, industrial.

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Presentation on theme: "Europe's Postwar Economy What was the economic situation in Western Europe after World War II? o Economic aid from the Marshall Plan o By 1950, industrial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Europe's Postwar Economy What was the economic situation in Western Europe after World War II? o Economic aid from the Marshall Plan o By 1950, industrial production 30% above prewar levels Rapid recovery of Western European economies France o Annual economic growth of 5.5% o Became major industrial producer o Exporter of automobiles and weapons

2 Europe's Postwar Economy West Germany o "Economic miracle" guided by minister of finance o Fall in unemployment from 8% (1950) to 0.4% (1965) Great Britain o Massive economic problems following WWII o Created modern welfare state o National Insurance Act: assistance for unemployed, aged o National Health Service Act: ensured medical care for everyone

3 Europe's Postwar Economy European Economic Community o Encouraged economic cooperation o Free trade between member states o Tariffs on goods from outside EEC

4 What was the economic situation in the United States after World War II? Economy boomed in postwar years. Wartime shortages of consumer goods resulted in pent-up demand. Growth of labor unions brought higher wages. Higher wages gave more people the ability to buy consumer goods. Real wages grew 3% per year (1945–1973).

5 Civil Rights What were some key events in the 1960s civil rights movement in the United States? August 1963: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., leads march on Washington, D.C.—dramatic plea for racial equality. Majority of Americans view civil rights as most significant national issue. 1964: President Johnson pursues cause of equal rights for African Americans. Civil Rights Act of 1964 creates mechanism to end segregation and discrimination in workplaces and all public places. Voting Rights Act makes it easier for African Americans in the South to vote. 1968: Martin Luther King, Jr., is assassinated; riots break out in more than 100 U.S. cities. Riots lead to "white backlash" and continued racial division.

6 Canada After the War How did Canada develop after World War II? o Industrial growth o Electronics, aircraft, nuclear, chemical engineering Economic development Welfare state o National social security o National health insurance system Preservation of united Canada o Official Languages Act, allowing both English and French languages in civil service

7 Changing Western Values How did Western values change following World War II? o Middle class expands. o Population shifts from rural to urban. o Increase in wages results in increased buying power for working class. o Buying on credit becomes widespread. Consumer society

8 Student Protests What caused student protests in the 1960s and 1970s? Some students oppose Vietnam War, especially in the United States. Some students believe that universities fail to respond to challenges of modern world. Some students feel overwhelmed by impersonal bureaucracy of modern world.

9 Changing Western Values o Married women enter workforce again. o Working women face inequality in jobs and wages. o Growing interest in feminism leads to women's liberation movement. o Equal Pay Act: 1963 law requires that women's pay be equal to men's for same jobs. o Roe v. Wade: 1973 decision legalizes abortion in the United States. Women's role

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