Mary Wollstonecraft Daniyal, Charlie, Andrew, Destiny.

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1 Mary Wollstonecraft Daniyal, Charlie, Andrew, Destiny

2 Early Life of Wollstonecraft Wollstonecraft was born on 27 April 1759 in Spitalfields, London. She was the second of the seven children of Edward John Wollstonecraft and Elizabeth Dixon. As a teenager, Wollstonecraft used to lie outside the door of her mother's bedroom to protect her. Wollstonecraft played a similar maternal role for her sisters, Everina and Eliza, throughout her life.

3 Main beliefs Wollstonecraft believed that women should be equal with men. She believed that women should also get an equal education to men and enter male- dominated fields like medicine and politics. She mainly argued about women’s rights and the education women deserve.

4 Published Works Thoughts on the Education of Daughters (1787) - a pamphlet based around the progressive idea that the education of daughters should be equal to that of sons A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792) -a treatise on overcoming the household and societal oppression of women Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman (1798) -a story published posthumously by her husband about a woman imprisoned in an insane asylum by her husband, which also focuses on the societal instead of individual “wrongs of women.”

5 Legacies and Influences She kindled interest in science in France by translating science documents in Latin into French. Influenced women of Europe to aim for “masculine” subjects and fields (like the aforementioned medicine and politics.). After Wollstonecraft, more women were encouraged to conduct rights movements and other means of bridging gender equality.

6 Fun Facts/Famous Quotes “Men and women must be educated, in a great degree, by the opinions and manners of the society they live in.” “Virtue can only flourish among equals.” “The being cannot be termed rational or virtuous, who obeys any authority, but that of reason.” At the age of 15, Wollstonecraft announced that she would never marry. She died 10 days after giving birth to her second child named Mary Wollstonecraft shelley, who wrote the classic novel, ¨Frankenstein¨

7 Works Cited (APA) Editors. “Mary Wollstonecraft biography.” Online. n.d. wollstonecraft-9535967#personal-life-and-legacy wollstonecraft-9535967#personal-life-and-legacy Rossi, Alice S. 1973 “The Feminist Papers: From Adams to De Beauvoir” New York: Columbia UP, Print. The Feminist papers: from Adams to de Beauvoir. Northeastern. p. 25. "MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT TRIVIA." Online. n.d. “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman Summary”. Online. n.p of-the-rights-of-woman/study-guide/summary of-the-rights-of-woman/study-guide/summary LibriVox recordings are Public Domain in the USA. wollstonecraft/ wollstonecraft/

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