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The Rector – Head teacher. The ‘Convitto’ schools and female boarding schools (total of 45) have their own regulations because they are residential as.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rector – Head teacher. The ‘Convitto’ schools and female boarding schools (total of 45) have their own regulations because they are residential as."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rector – Head teacher

2 The ‘Convitto’ schools and female boarding schools (total of 45) have their own regulations because they are residential as well as educational structures These institutions are attended by students from 6 to 19 years old, as boarders and day students

3 Schools (from primary to secondary) have been established within the Convitto institutions, attended by boarders and day students

4 The Convitto schools are administered by a Board of Directors ( for the running of the boarding schools) and a School Board (for the running of the day schools), both chaired by the rector

5 The Italian school system adopts the figure of the head teacher, while the rector has a double role: Rector of the boarding schools Head teacher of the day schools

6 The rector of the Convitto (regarding the boarding schools): Guarantees the management of the whole institution Is a legal representative Is responsible for the management of financial and instrumental resources Is responsible for the public service the school provides Has parental responsability over the boarders during their stay at the Convitto

7 Head teacher (regarding the day schools): Guarantees the management of the whole institution Is a legal representative Is responsible for the management of financial and instrumental resources Is responsible for the public service the school provides

8 Teachers at Convitto: -Are recruited from state personnel -Receive the same legal and economic treatment as other teachers -The same applies to all staff at the Convitto

9 ORGANISATION CHART RECTOR /HEAD TEACHER Board of Directors School Board Head Teacher’s office Coordinators of the schools Coordinators of school activities Teachers Educators Other staff Director of General and Administrative Services

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