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The Moon Landing. Conspiracy theorists have pointed out that when the first moon landing was shown on live television, viewers could clearly see the American.

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Presentation on theme: "The Moon Landing. Conspiracy theorists have pointed out that when the first moon landing was shown on live television, viewers could clearly see the American."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Moon Landing

2 Conspiracy theorists have pointed out that when the first moon landing was shown on live television, viewers could clearly see the American flag waving and fluttering as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planted it. Photos of the landing also seem to show rippling in a breeze, such as the image above which clearly shows a fold in the flag. The obvious problem here is that there’s no air in the moon’s atmosphere, and therefore no wind to cause the flag to blow. THE WAVING FLAG

3 The claim goes as follows: had NASA really landed us on the moon, there would be a blast crater underneath the lunar module to mark its landing. On any video footage or photograph of the landings, no crater is visible, almost as though the module was simply placed there. The surface of the moon is covered in fine lunar dust, and even this doesn’t seem to have been displaced in photographic evidence. LACK OF IMPACT CRATER

4 One compelling argument for the moon landing hoax is the total lack of stars in any of the photographic/video evidence. There are no clouds on the moon, so stars are perpetually visible and significantly brighter than what we see through the filter of Earth’s atmosphere. The argument here is that NASA would have found it impossible to map out the exact locations of all stars for the hoax without being rumbled, and therefore left them out – intentionally falling back on an excuse that the quality of the photographs washes them out (an excuse they did actually give). LACK OF STARS

5 One of the most famous photos from the moon landings shows a rock in the foreground, with what appears to be the letter “C” engraved into it. The letter appears to be almost perfectly symmetrical, meaning it is unlikely to be a natural occurrence. It has been suggested that the rock is simply a prop, with the “C” used as a marker by an alleged film crew. A set designer could have turned the rock the wrong way, accidentally exposing the marking to the camera. THE “C” ROCK

6 One of the frequent claims is that the Apollo 11 mission included images of the two astronauts with no obvious cameraman. Who took the photos if there were only two men who made it to the moon? The national geograpic solved this. They claimed the pictures existed because there were cameras in the chests of both astronauts' suits, and on the Lander. WHO TOOK THE PICTURES?

7 Tell me some of your opinions are based on these facts? Does it change your opinion? Can you give an explanation to any of these theories? Should people question historic events such as the moon landing? Why do you think some people questioned the moon landing? WHAT DO YOU THINK?!

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