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What is something that is made (by God) in the environment that people use?

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Presentation on theme: "What is something that is made (by God) in the environment that people use?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is something that is made (by God) in the environment that people use?

2 Natural Resource is correct!

3 This is the term for natural resources that have been changed so that people can use them to make other products…….

4 Yes!--raw materials

5 This is an area that gets less than 10 inches of rain a year……

6 You’ve got it! Desert!

7 This is an area in which places share similar characteristics (5 of them!)

8 Right on! Region!

9 This is the term for any natural feature we find on the Earth’s surface

10 Landform is correct!

11 What do we call a deep valley with steep rocky walls (Arizona has a BIG one formed by the Colorado River)?

12 Canyon is a winner!

13 This word describes the amount of rain or snow that falls………

14 Precipitation is correct!

15 This is the term that refers to the weather of a certain place over a long period of time…

16 You’ve got it---climate!

17 What do we call the condition of the air at a certain time and place?

18 Weather is the answer!

19 The amount of moisture in the air (that gives us crazy hair days!)

20 Is humidity!

21 This is the type of climate that is between polar and tropical…….

22 Yes, our climate is temperate!

23 When we use resources carefully, we……….

24 Conserve!

25 When we do this, we use something again………

26 Recycle is correct!

27 The use of soil to raise crops or animals is called……….

28 Agriculture!

29 What do we call the imaginary line that circles the center of Earth from east to west?

30 You’ve got it---equator!

31 How high a place is above sea level is known as its………

32 Elevation!

33 What do we call the making of products to sell for $$$$?

34 Winner! Manufacturing!

35 PLEASE continue to review these until you get them ALL correct! Have fun!

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