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Parking Study Analysis Prepared by : Mashel ALDaajam Mohammed ALMasand and Mohammed ALMannaa.

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Presentation on theme: "Parking Study Analysis Prepared by : Mashel ALDaajam Mohammed ALMasand and Mohammed ALMannaa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parking Study Analysis Prepared by : Mashel ALDaajam Mohammed ALMasand and Mohammed ALMannaa

2 introduction Today, I talk about a vital matter, that is parking and the problem of parking spaces. we all know that drivers love parking and they always makes heated discussions in parking lots. Drivers pay parking garages high prices for the right to park one block closer to their destination. Shoppers choose businesses that have sufficient and convenient parking, and many businesses owe their success or failure to the existence or lack of sufficient, nearby parking. success and failure of schools, parks, and similar public use facilities can be linked to parking.

3 Problem of Parking There are many causes for the problem of parking: The problem lies in defining what is sufficient parking and what is not. The existence of empty spaces throughout the day a is insufficient measure. The parking duration not limited. The created parking not sufficient to serve the actual users. The supply of parking greater than the demand for parking. The used equipment in parking study The used equipment in parking study is : Watch or clock that keeps time to the nearest minute are all that is needed. A laptop computer for data collection and analysis. Photographic or videotaping equipment can also be used. Understanding of the procedure is required.

4 Data Collection Data Collection include some steps such as : 1- Identify the study area: Identifying the study area include provision of parking spaces. They should be no larger than one observer can handle. The nature and size of the retail lot should be sufficient to demonstrate the analysis techniques. 2- Sketch the lot, and determine the best path for data collection. Data collection requires the observer to circulate through the lot at a regular interval, then record the license plate numbers of the vehicles occupying the spaces. A sketch of the designated route through the lot should be kept with the data collection sheets so that the numbered data entries can be associated with the spaces.

5 3- Prepare data collection sheets, and do a trial walk­through. Data Entry should have one of three forms: The last three digits of the license plate for vehicles. First observed in a par­ticular space. A check for the same vehicle still in the space recorded on the previous tour Preparing a sufficient amount of data collection forms in advance and testing the path through the lot will ease much of the burden of the field work. Data Entry should have one of three forms: The last three digits of the license plate for vehicles. First observed in a par­ticular space. A check for the same vehicle still in the space recorded on the previous tour Preparing a sufficient amount of data collection forms in advance and testing the path through the lot will ease much of the burden of the field work. Vehicles Parked Space + 15+30+45 + 60 1 2 3 4 " 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Data Collection Form

6 Check the data before leaving the field Data should be reviewed prior to leaving the field and any dis­crepancies resolved. Data Analysis Data Analysis includes some procedures such as : 1-Summarize the data : The investigator should summarize the number of vehicles that used the space during the observation period as well as the total time each space was occupied. For example, parking space Number 1 was occupied by two vehicles during the hour of observation, and the two vehicles used the space for a total of 45 minutes. 2- Compute parking statistics: Several descriptive values can be found from the data collected, all of which will provide insight as to the behavior of the users of the lot and aid in the identification of deficiencies. 3- Summarize the data, and draw conclusions: The investigator should use great care in summarizing parking data, especially when presenting conclusions. The results will be closely scrutinized by all sectors. the investigator should be certain that conclusions are based on the collected data and that the limitations of the methodology are clearly presented

7 Questions that should be addressed include: Is the parking area fully utilized? Does the parking demand appear to be satisfied? Does the duration indicate that employees are using the area most attractive for customers? What does the turnover rate indicate? Would relocation of the access drives better utilize the parking area? Is there one time period that exhibits a much higher demand than oth­ ers? Why? Except for construction of new spaces, what can be done to improve parking at this location? How can video monitoring, or mobile videotaping equipment, be used to improve the data collection process?

8 My Recommendations Remove parking from any city narrow streets. Hire a parking attendant to give only parking tickets to vehicles illegally. parking in the congested areas of town. Deny parking of construction trailers, RVs, and large vehicles on city streets. Paint street markings for parallel parking areas on every street in the city, beginning with the most congested areas. A fifth recommendation, to investigate a parking permit system in all cities Create open areas assigned to parking only.

9  First : P7 (near from Preparatory Year) Area of parking = Capacity : 3000 car








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