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Welcome to 4P Thank you for taking the time to come in this evening.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 4P Thank you for taking the time to come in this evening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 4P Thank you for taking the time to come in this evening.

2 We use a common language across the school when it comes to behaviour in the classroom and in the playground. Our values include: -Integrity - Participation -Respect - Fairness -Excellence - Democracy -Responsibility - Care -Cooperation School/ Class Values

3  The whole school uses the behaviour thermometer. Two yellow cards in a day = automatic Red Card. Two Red Cards in a term and parents receive written notification. Discipline and Rewards System

4  5 merit awards are given each Friday for Academic Achievement, technology, PDHPE, and for following school values.  A Homework Award (considered a merit) is also given when students complete their Homework five weeks in a row.  4 merits= Assistant Principal Award, 3 AP Awards= Principal Award and 4 Assistant Principal Awards mean a gold medal at the end of year.  In 4P we also have table points and “Prenzel” Dollars where students receive “dollars” for following OPS’s Values. Every Friday there is an “auction” for various prizes. Discipline and Rewards System

5 Our Timetable

6  If you wish you may request at he OPS Homework Policy document.  Homework helps establish the habits of study, concentration and discipline. Parents also have the opportunity to see their child progress.  Homework is given out on a Friday and brought back on a Thursday.  Oral reading is recommended for 10-15 minutes per night and other homework tasks for 20 minutes.  Please encourage your child to choose from the optional tasks and complete something of interest to them. Homework

7 Why home reading is so important

8  Studyladder, Mathletics, Spell-0-drome, Bug Club  iPads in the classroom  Computer lab time on Thursdays  Access at home Technology

9  Stage 2 Public Speaking Competition in Term 3 and Multicultural in Term 2  Swimming/Athletics Carnivals and multiple PSSA teams  District, Regional, State, Nationals Competitions  Maths groups – Patterns and Algebra strand on Tuesdays and Wednesdays  Performing Arts Groups (Stage 2)  Science Club  Training Band  I.C.A.S. Competitions - The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) are independent skills-based assessments with a competition element. Commonly referred to as the UNSW tests (grade based tests, certificates are awarded and additional costs are required if you choose for your child to participate). What is new for Year 4 students?

10  P.S.S.A. team sports – There are three seasons and during each season a different sport is offered. A rigorous, fair and just process occurs in team selections. If your child is unsuccessful at selection trials please encourage them to try their best and remind them about the exciting opportunities that are offered at school e.g. Session 1 – skill focus for a particular sport and competitive activities. Session 2 - creative interest based lessons e.g. drama, technology such as iPads, string art, sketching, problems solving games such as chess to develop higher order thinking and social skills. What else is new?

11  Please remember that when you volunteer to help in the classroom, you act with discretion and confidentiality. A child’s individual progress and classroom behaviour should not be discussed with any other parents. This is a topic for the classroom teacher and an individual child’s parents to discuss.  We will have parent helpers this year for Reading groups on Thursdays. If any parents are interested please stay back for five minutes at the end, we can finalise a timetable.  Please take a declaration form if you have not already. Classroom Helpers

12  How important punctuality is for your children  Label all belongings before they come to school  Send in absence notes if your child has been absent and always sign your child in and out during school hours  Medication is to be handed in to office with all instructions and is administered by office staff  USBs with homework etc. are welcomed but again, please label  Sign up to our online newsletter and School Stream App  Lost property is on K-2 site and outside office.  Please send a signed note to myself if there is a change in your pick up routine eg. Aunty picking up  Library books should be returned before the morning bell Please Remember…

13 Any Questions??

14  Thank you again for coming along tonight, I look forward to working with you this year to help your child achieve their educational goals. Thank you! Please pick up a student background knowledge form to complete and return.

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