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Bones and structures of the neurocranium. Anterior Skull frontal bone supraorb ital foramen zygomatic bone maxill ary bone alveolar fossa infraorbit al.

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Presentation on theme: "Bones and structures of the neurocranium. Anterior Skull frontal bone supraorb ital foramen zygomatic bone maxill ary bone alveolar fossa infraorbit al."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bones and structures of the neurocranium

2 Anterior Skull frontal bone supraorb ital foramen zygomatic bone maxill ary bone alveolar fossa infraorbit al foramen glabella mental foramen mandible mandibu lar symphys is

3 Anterior Skull nasal bone perpendicularplate middle nasal concha vomer bone superior orbital fissure inferior nasal concha bone concha bone

4 Paranasal Sinuses frontal sinus ethmoid sinus maxilary sinus sphenoid sinus

5 Ventral Skull palatine process palatine bone vomer bone mastoid process styloid process external occipital protuberance sphenoid bone temporal bone occipital bone

6 Lateral Skull lacrimalbone temporalbone squamosalsuture mandibular condyle In mandibular fossa (TMJ joint) external acoustic meatus

7 angle coron oid proces s zygomatic arch mastoid process styloid process sphenoidbone body ramus mandible Lateral Skull sutur al bone

8 Hyoid bone temmporalmandibularjoint externalacousticmeatus Hyoid +



11 ________________ ________Sagittal

12 Coronal Lambdoid Squamous

13 Overview of Skull Geography Facial bones form the anterior aspect The cranial bones enclose the brain

14 Vault The cranial vault or calvaria forms the superior, lateral, and posterior aspects of skull The cranial base forming the inferior aspect of skull

15 Facial bones Consists of 14 bones w/ only mandible and vomer unpaired Others include maxillae, lacrimals, nasals, zygomatics, inferior nasal conchae, and palatines (not pictured)

16 Mandible Forms the lower jaw Largest, strongest bone of the face It has a body and two upwardly projecting sections called rami Houses lower dentition

17 Mandible - landmarks Mandibular angle Mandibular notch Coronoid process Mandibular condyle Alveolar margin Mandible formina Mental formina Ramus of mandible

18 Maxillary bone Forms upper jaw and central portion of facial skeleton Fused medially Articulates with all facial bones except mandible Upper dentition Forms 2/3 of hard palate of the mouth Maxillarybone Zygomaticprocess

19 Maxillary bones - landmarks Alveolar margin –Upper dentition Frontal process –Forms lateral aspects of nose Zygomatic process –Articulates with zygomatic bone Maxillary sinuses –(Fig. 7.11)

20 Palatine bones The horizontal plates forms the posterior portion of hard palate Vertical plate forms part of the posterolateral wall of nasal cavity and a small portion of orbit

21 Palatine bones - landmarks Horizontal plate –Posterior section of hard palate Vertical plate –Part of the posteriolateral walls of nasal cavity Orbital surface –Part of inferior medial aspect of orbit

22 Vomer Forms part of the nasal septum Discussed with the nasal cavity

23 Vomer - landmarks Plow shape –Divides nasal septum into right and left parts

24 Inferior Nasal Conchae - Landmark The Inferior nasal conchae is just one of three in the nasal cavity Superior and middle concha are on the Ethmoid bone

25 The Orbits

26 Paranasal sinuses Note positioning around nasal cavity

27 Paranasal sinuses Sphenoid sinus Frontal sinus Ethmoid sinus Maxillary sinuses

28 Hyoid bone Body –Neck muscle attachment Greater horn –Neck muscle attachment Lesser horn

29 TMJ

30 TMJ Motions

31 The Skull: Fractures Another example of an egg shell fracture.

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