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Here are the bones and regions you will need to know for lab...

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1 Here are the bones and regions you will need to know for lab...
The Skull Here are the bones and regions you will need to know for lab...

2 Major Skull Regions 1. The Cranium 2. Facial Bones
recognize it from the following views: anterior/posterior lateral inferior interior views cranial vault cranial floor 2. Facial Bones

3 Cranium Cranial Floor: Anterior cranial fossa Middle cranial fossa
Posterior cranial fossa Cranial Vault: the superior aspect of the cranium (its ceiling) 6 bones make up the cranium

4 There are 6 cranial bones
frontal parietal occipital temporal sphenoid ethmoid These three are easy! This is easy, but has many parts This is harder This is the hardest

5 Occipital Bone Has the foramen magnum through it
has the occipital condyles on it (to interact with the first vertebra to shake our heads “yes”)

6 Temporal Bone Other prominent features: Three main regions:
styloid process mastoid process zygomatic process external auditory meatus mandibular fossae carotid canal & jugular foramen Three main regions: 1. squamous 2. mastoid 3. petrous

7 Sphenoid Bone (general)
visible on a lateral view (between the frontal & temporal bones) visible on an inferior view visible on the cranial floor visible within the bony orbit (positioned posterior & laterally)

8 Sphenoid Bone (specific regions)
looks like a bat greater wing lesser wing has the sella turcica visible on cranial floor holds the pituitary gland has the optic canal through it

9 Ethmoid Bone (general)
Not visible externally Only present medially within the cranium forms the posterior margins of the nose visible on the cranial floor visible medially in the bony orbit

10 Ethmoid Bone (specific regions)
cribiform plate has pores for olfactory nerve to traverse crista galli ascends into cranial cavity perpendicular plate descends to meet the vomer superior & middle nasal conchae are parts of the ethmoid bone

11 Facial Bones Most, but not all, are visible from the exterior
Give shape to the face Some are involved in the bony orbit

12 Maxillae & Mandible Maxillae upper jaw, lip, and medial face
paired & fused contribute to bony orbit form most of bony upper palate (the palatine process) Mandible only movable skull bone lower jaw has the mandibular condyle and the coronoid process contains mental foramen

13 Other obvious facial bones
Zygomatic bone-- the cheek bone (has a temporal process) Nasal bone-- at the superior border of the nose

14 Less obvious facial bones
Palatine bone-- forms the posterior edge of the bony upper palate & the inferior nasal concha Vomer bone-- runs vertically, dividing the nasal cavity in two Lacrimal bone-- medial aspect of bony orbit, tear duct passes through this

15 Bony Orbit 6 bones contribute: frontal bone zygomatic bone
sphenoid bone maxillary bone lacrimal bone ethmoid bone

16 Additional items to locate
superior orbital fissure inferior orbital fissure supraorbital foramen infraorbital foramen

17 For this coming Monday lab...
Make sure you review the skull & learn these items Review bone tissue itself (earlier exercise) Review the thoracic rib cage Get ready to work on the appendicular skeleton

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