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HOMEWORK: *No more than 15 minutes daily. * Practice your individual skills folder each night.* Log books read on your Bookworm & send in when completed.

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Presentation on theme: "HOMEWORK: *No more than 15 minutes daily. * Practice your individual skills folder each night.* Log books read on your Bookworm & send in when completed."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOMEWORK: *No more than 15 minutes daily. * Practice your individual skills folder each night.* Log books read on your Bookworm & send in when completed for a treat!. * Send your child’s HW to school on Friday. LANGUAGE: This week we will continue o ur theme, “Winter.” We will explore how there are four seasons, and that weather changes at different times of the year. We will continue to discuss story elements and compare the stories, “The Hat”, and, “The Mitten” by the author, Jan Brett. The high frequency words for the week are: he and she. We will continue to explore the “H Brother” families, th and sh, and using these sounds in our writing. Vocabulary enrichment include the “Wonderful Words: month, season, mild, shiver, warning. MATH: We are completing Unit 3 which focuses on numbers to 20, the count sequence to 50 (by ones and tens), and connecting counting to cardinality (number denoting quantity). We will continue to introduce adding and subtracting and finding number partners within 10. Academic Vocabulary: greater than, less than, put together, add, total, In all, all together, take away, and subtract. Announcements: **REPORT CARDS: Report cards were sent home last week. After reviewing your child’s report card, please sign the front of the white envelope and return it to school. You may keep the yellow copy of your child’s report card. If you have any questions regarding your child’s progress, do not hesitate to contact me or schedule a conference by calling the school office. I am always eager to meet and discuss how your child learns and participates everyday in class. Class Pictures: On Wednesday, we will be taking class pictures. Envelopes were sent home last week.. If you would like to purchase a class picture please fill out the envelope with your child’s name, school, Teacher’s name and grade. The cost is $12.00. Please pay by cash or make checks payable to Barberito Photographers (504) 455-6818. **MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. HOLIDAY** There will be no school on Monday, January 19th as we observe this holiday. **Save the date…Due to a conflict with the Eve Parade, the MES Sock Hop has been rescheduled. The new date for the Sock Hop is February 19 th at 5:30. More detailed information and ticket order forms to follow soon. Make plans to rock the night away with your child and have some fun! Reminders: Our LOST AND FOUND bin is overflowing! PLEASE label all coats, sweatshirts, hats and mittens! January 11-15, 2016 Dates to Remember : Jan. 12- Domino’s Pizza Night Jan. 13- Class Pictures Jan. 18- Dr. MLK, Jr. Holiday- No School Feb. 19- MES Sock Hop Monday Have your child brainstorm 3 things they like to do in the winter. (Write in list form.) Tuesday Blain has 10 marbles in one bag and 8 marbles in another bag. Draw the two bags and draw the cubes in each bag. Circle the bag with the least marbles. Wednesday Using the list from Monday’s homework, write 2-3 sentences about what you like to do in the winter. Thursday 10 apples were on the apple tree. 4 apples fall off of the apple tree. How many apples are left on the apple tree? Draw a picture and write a number sentences to show your answer.

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