Welcome Oak Base Phonics Morning. Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Fixed Ability comes from talent, ‘its in my genes’. In the face of difficulty the student gives.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Oak Base Phonics Morning. Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Fixed Ability comes from talent, ‘its in my genes’. In the face of difficulty the student gives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Oak Base Phonics Morning

2 Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Fixed Ability comes from talent, ‘its in my genes’. In the face of difficulty the student gives up, declines learning support, guesses etc Praise the outcome – right answer Growth Ability comes from time and effort spent learning In the face of difficulty, tries harder, asks for help etc Praise the effort

3 Fun with Phonics at Verwood First School

4 ‘What parents do with their children at home, through the age range, is much more significant than any other factor open to educational influence.’ Desforges & Abouchar 2003

5 Agenda for workshop: 9.15am: Welcome Introduction to Letters and Sounds 9.25am: Phonics activities (5-10 mins each) Segmenting for spelling Blending for reading Applying phonics to writing Applying phonics to reading 9.55am: Any questions? Coffee and biscuits

6 Letters and Sounds: Key Facts: Organised into six ‘phases’: Phase 2: teach at least 19 letter sounds and start blending and segmenting VC and CVC words. Phase 3: teach another 25 graphemes continue blending and segmenting Phase 4: consolidation of all graphemes learnt so far Phase 1: activities to promote speaking and listening skills Phase 5: learning different letter patterns for the same graphemes Phase 6: spelling rules linked to grammar: e.g. suffixes and prefixes Linked to Early Years Foundation Stage Profile. Keywords: tricky and decodable Changes to expectations for each year group. Pre-school Foundation Stage Year 1 Year 2

7 Phonics sessions at Verwood First School regular focused daily phonics sessions 9:00 – 9:20am letters and sounds input as class outdoor learning activities children work in a mixture of whole class groups and smaller groups for further differentiation phonics knowledge is also reinforced during guided reading & all reading & writing opportunities home reading books – phonic based to practise skills regular assessments of individual progress – important to start from where the children are at, while maintaining high expectations. fun, practical activities to engage the children.

8 Sequence of teaching in a phonics session: (~20 minutes) Introduction (Objectives and criteria for success) Revisit and review (Practice previously learned letters. Practice oral blending and segmenting) Teach (Teach a new letter. Teach blending/segmenting with new letters. Teach one or two tricky words) Practice (Practice reading and/or spelling with the new letter) Apply (Read or write a caption using high frequency words) We always keep in mind that phonics is the step up to word recognition. Automatic reading of all words – decodable and tricky - is the ultimate goal.

9 Letters and Sounds – Jolly Phonics We use a synthetic phonics approach to teaching reading and writing: Jolly Phonics. Each sound has an action which helps children remember the letter(s) that represent it. As a child progresses you can point to the letters and see how quickly they can do the action and say the sound. Children should learn each letter by its sound, not its name. For instance, the letter a should be called a (as in ant) not ai (as in aim). Similarly, the letter n should be nn (as in net), not en. This will help in blending. The names of each letter can follow later. The letters have not been introduced in alphabetical order. The first group (s, a, t, p, i, n) has been chosen because they make more simple three-letter words than any other six letters. The letters b and d are introduced in different groups to avoid confusion.

10 Phonic workshop activities: Segmenting for Spelling Blending for Reading Applying to Writing Applying to Reading Phoneme Frame What’s in the Box Matching Captions CVC words

11 Blending for Reading What’s in the Box? Success Criteria: Pick a word from the box Say the first sound Say the next sound/s Say the last sound Blend the sounds together Say the word Match to the object

12 Segmenting for Spelling Phoneme Frame Success Criteria: Listen to the word Stretch the word Say the first sound, find it on the sound mat, write it down Say the next sound/s, find it on the sound mat, write it down Say the last sound, find it on the sound mat, write it down

13 Applying to reading Matching Captions Success Criteria Count the number of words in the caption Say the first sound Say the next sound/s Say the last sound Blend the sounds together Say the word Repeat for each word in caption

14 Applying to writing Writing CVC Words



17 Any questions?

18 Coffee and biscuits

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