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A Workshop For Sam Houston Area Council September 12, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "A Workshop For Sam Houston Area Council September 12, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Workshop For Sam Houston Area Council September 12, 2013

2  Welcome  What is “recharter”?  Key points for 2013  Unit Recharter Plan  Using Internet Rechartering to update your unit roster  Wrap-up

3 Thank you for being here!

4  ◦ This site contains links to the other websites we will talk about, documents in your recharter packet, and other helpful information including this presentation  Our district’s recharter turn-in events are on December 5 at [specify location] and December 12 at [specify location] ◦ We will accept your completed recharter and get it turned in for you ahead of the deadline so that you will have more time to correct any errors found by the Council staff

5 Let’s be sure we’re all on the same page for some terms we will use to talk about recharter

6  Annual commitment of a chartered organization to continue owning and operating a specific Scouting unit  Annual renewal of individual memberships of a unit’s youth and adult members  Annual authorization from BSA for a chartered organization to use a BSA program to serve youth

7 Important things everyone – first timer or Baden-Powell’s first cousin – needs to know

8  BSA membership fee changes  Mandatory training of top unit leader ◦ CM, SM, VC, NL, SK, EA  Internet Rechartering changes  SHAC recharter process

9  BSA membership fee increases to $24/year or $2/month ◦ Approved by National Aug. 30; effective Jan. 1 ◦ To cover increased costs of BSA National ◦ NEW RATE APPLIES TO THIS RECHARTER because it creates new charters for 1/1/2014 ◦ NONE of BSA fee is kept by our council  No BSA membership fees will be collected with recharters for LDS units ◦ LDS Church will aggregate BSA fees for all of its units and pay them directly to National

10  SHAC has adopted the policy that all “top unit leaders” must have complete all BSA training required to be considered “trained for the position” in order to recharter in that position ◦ Applies to Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Varsity Coaches, Venturing Advisors, Skippers, and Exploring Advisors  Recharter process will not complete until the top unit leader on the recharter has required training  See for

11  BSA eliminated ScoutParent as of 7/1/13 ◦ Adults who were ONLY ScoutParents are still on your roster with no “position” ◦ Unit must delete these adults OR register them in “registered position” as new member  ScoutParent Unit Coordinator has been renamed Parent Coordinator; former SPUCs have new title  New position Unit Scouter Reserve can be used for former ScoutParents – requires an application, payment of fee, and YPT  Unit College Scouter Reserve and Venturing College Scouter Reserve now available in IR

12  All recharters must use Internet Rechartering, including Exploring Posts ◦ Posts use IR on  All units on same schedule with recharters due on DECEMBER 15  Schedule October – recharter training, membership inventory 11/1 – IR available 11/7 – IR stage 1 complete 11/18 – IR stage 2 complete 11/21 – IR stage 3 complete 11/24 – IR stage 4 complete 11/27 – IR stage 5 complete 12/5 – district turn-in #1 12/7 – Saturday turn=in @ SHAC 9-noon 12/12 – district turn-in #2 12/14 – Saturday turn-in @ SHAC 9-noon 12/15 – ALL RECHARTERS DUE

13  Complete applications are required for each new youth or adult member listed as new on the printout.  Social Security Numbers and Youth Protection Training are required for all adults.  Turn in entire Internet Rechartering printout!  Recharters are due by December 15.  Turn in Journey to Excellence Award worksheet with recharter.

14 How recharter is accomplished

15  (Complete by) Task to be completed  (Oct 1) District Executive visits chartered organization  (Oct 1) Unit Committee assigns recharter plan tasks, including overall Unit Recharter Coordinator  (Oct 1) Unit obtains recharter packet from district’s Commissioners  (Nov 1) Unit Recharter Coordinator attends workshop  (Nov 1) Unit completes membership inventory ◦ Contact every member about renewing ◦ If not renewing, note the reason (needed for I.R.) ◦ Collect National fees from those renewing ◦ Obtain applications from members not included on current BSA unit roster

16  (Complete by) Task to be completed  (Nov 27) Update recharter roster using Internet Rechartering  (Dec 5) Obtain signatures on updated roster from Chartered Organization head and unit leader  (Dec 5) Complete Council Accident Insurance Information Form (unless C.O. is LDS Church)  (Dec 5) Attach complete roster printout, applications for all new members, accident insurance information form, and payment to SHAC

17  (Complete by) Task to be completed  (Dec 15) Turn in on or before December 15 ◦ At our district’s recharter turn-in events on 12/5 and 12/12 [replace with details] ◦ Or at the Council office (2225 N Loop W) if you miss the district events M-F 8am-430pm OR 9-noon Saturdays 12/7 and 12/14  Council staff reviews the paperwork for errors; issues a “problem recharter notice” if any are found  Commissioners or D.E. will contact unit to correct any errors.  (Mar 1) Must complete corrections no later than 60 days after charter expiration date or unit drops, regardless of when the error is found or the unit is notified

18  Process led by unit committee ◦ Lead assigned to a committee member ◦ Or Committee Chair  Unit leader (CM, SM, etc.) signs certifying youth listed are actually in the unit  Chartered Organization Head signs approving adult leaders  Help from other unit leaders, parents  Unit Commissioner and district’s commissioner team are additional resources

19  Start early!  Be sure all members are on your unit roster before you begin the roster update process!  Develop a Unit Recharter Plan using the tasks in the Unit Recharter Process  Assign responsibility and due dates for the Plan’s tasks  Publicize dates pertaining to unit members in the Unit Annual Plan (calendar)  Monitor progress to assure that tasks are completed on time  Be thorough and accurate

20 A tool to make life easier

21  Web-based application running on servers at the National Council  Used to update unit roster for recharter ◦ Correct wrong / out-of-date information ◦ Delete members who have left the unit ◦ Add new members not found on current roster ◦ Work can completed in multiple sessions  Verify required adult leadership in place  Calculate BSA National fees ◦ Does not calculate Council accident fee  Print updated roster for signature and turn-in

22  Computer with Internet connection ◦ Doesn’t have to be the same computer for each session! Be sure to log off each session.  Internet Explorer 6 or higher ◦ Key features do not work with other browsers  Knowledge ◦ Take the tutorial now. Ask questions if needed.  Time ◦ Can’t start working until two months before current unit charter expires (e.g., November 1 for a charter expiring December 31)  Access Code from instructions in packet

23  If you are a registered leader, you can access Internet Rechartering though MyScouting on  You can access the URL directly at  The URL is on the Council recharter page at  Exploring Posts must use the Exploring version on  Take the Internet Rechartering tutorial now  Begin as soon as you can – November 1

24  If you access the site with another browser, you will get a warning  Be warned that some key features simply DO NOT WORK in other browsers


26  Enter unit type, unit number, and access code

27  Agree to Confidentiality Statement

28  Provide your contact information  Create password for access code

29  Use this year’s access code and password to log in after the “first time”


31  From current BSA data OR UMS such as Troopmaster, Packmaster, or ScoutSoft

32  Data can be uploaded from a UMS, such as Troopmaster, Packmaster, or TroopSoft  Uploaded data is matched with current BSA registration data  To assure the best match, be very careful to use only the FULL LEGAL NAME and CORRECT BIRTHDATE in your UMS data  Failure to match between UMS and BSA upwards of 50% is not uncommon the first time you upload UMS data  For this reason, we do not encourage upload of UMS data

33  Internet Rechartering keeps a “working copy” of your unit’s registration data  That means: ◦ Changes you make will not be visible to anyone else until recharter is processed ◦ Changes made by BSA after this point in time will not appear in your Internet Rechartering work area unless you click the “Update Unit Roster” button  For this reason, we strongly suggest you carefully review the current roster with Internet Advancement before starting Stage 1

34  When you return to Internet Rechartering after having started Stage 2, click the “Update Roster” button to get updates from Scoutnet

35  Update Chartered Organization contact info  Cannot change Chartered Organization name (contact D.E. if this is needed)

36  Uncheck the box to remove a member  Check the box again to restore the member


38  Add new members to your unit by copying registration data from other units ◦ Units chartered by the same chartered organization will be listed (note: C.O. name must match exactly) ◦ Other units may be accessed by using their access codes and unit number  A completed application is still required because the member is joining a new unit!

39  Click “Next Step” to skip “Promote Members”

40  Your unit will always be listed along with others chartered to the same organization

41  Check box to copy member to your unit

42  To promote from other units, get their access code from your Commissioner or D.E.  Enter it in area below the list of units for your chartered organization along with unit type and number (e.g., Pack 9999)

43  Click “New Adult” button to add a new adult

44  Three screens to add an adult

45  Note that Social Security Number must be entered by Council staff to protect privacy

46  You must make a selection in “Ethnic Background”; use “Not provided” if the new member did not provide this information

47  df

48  Click “OK” on the “Save” dialog box  You will be returned to “Add New Members”  Click “New Adult” to add another adult  Click “Next” when there are no adults to add

49  Click “New Youth” button to add youth

50  Two screens to provide data about the youth


52  Next we must enter the parent or guardian  If the parent is on the roster – including new adults just added – we will select the parent  Otherwise, we will collect the parent’s information through screens similar to those for “Add New Adult”

53  Click “Yes” or “No”

54  Choose the adult’s relationship to the youth  Then select the adult with the “radio button”

55  Selected adult turns red. Click “Save”.

56  Click “Update” to make changes to member  Click “Remove” to delete member  Note adult YPT status information

57  If you click “Remove”, confirmation is requested  Click “yes” to remove the member  Click “no” to keep the member

58  Adult leader positions are checked against BSA requirements – problems flagged in red

59  Click the “Update” link to change a member’s positions – dialog box appears  Change the position(s) and click “Save”

60  When all requirements are met, click “Next Stage ”

61  Click “Update Roster” to complete Stage 2

62  Click “Check Roster” to start a detailed check

63  Finds two classes of problems ◦ Errors, such as missing required data ◦ Warnings, such as a youth that appears to be in the wrong grade for his/her age  Errors MUST be fixed before you continue  Warnings should be fixed if there really is an error, but can be ignored if “false alarms”  Links are provided that will take you to the place to make different possible corrections

64  Errors MUST be corrected before continuing

65  A warning should be corrected if it really is an error YPT Warnings

66  Leaders with YPT warnings will be listed in a new section of the Recharter Report

67  We can move on…

68  Click “Summary” to review final roster and fees

69  Final roster with fees is displayed  “Update” link for fee changes  Click “Boys’ Life” to check 100% Boys’ Life

70  Add missing Boys’ Life for youth member

71  If your unit has members that pay their BSA registration fees in another unit, you do not need to pay BSA fees for them again.  Click “Update” by the member.  On the dialog, click the “radio button” by “Member paid in another unit” and enter the other unit in the space which will appear.  Then click “Save”.

72  Click “Next” when finished making changes

73  Click a reason for NON-renewal for each youth member being dropped

74  This is the final stage  Once you click “Submit to Council”, you cannot make any further changes  We strongly recommend that you click the “Review/print roster” to print a draft copy of the recharter roster  Review the draft with the unit leader and members of your recharter team before proceeding and make any corrections  Note that the draft copy is watermarked “Draft” and contains no signature lines – it CANNOT be turned in, even with signatures

75  If roster is correct, click “Submit to Council”

76  Don’t forget to print roster for signature

77  After “Submit to Council” is clicked, a PDF file can be created on your computer containing the updated roster by clicking “Print Recharter Renewal Application”.  This final copy will not be watermarked “Draft” and WILL contain signature lines for the Chartered Organization head and Unit Leader.  Print the entire PDF and fasten it together. Do not discard any pages!  Log off Internet Rechartering

78  Now you need to get signatures of the unit leader and the Chartered Organization head (the person who signed the Charter Agreement with BSA).  Remember that the chartered organization must sign all adult applications and that the unit leader must sign all youth applications.  Save yourself and them some time by checking all your new applications to be sure that they are properly signed and take along any that haven’t been signed.

79  Complete the Accident Insurance Information Form.  Ask your unit Treasurer for a check payable to Sam Houston Area Council for the total amount on the recharter roster PLUS THE AMOUNT ON THE ACCIDENT INSURANCE FORM.  Paper clip it all together and turn in at your district’s turn-in event or the council office no later than December 15.

80 Thanks again for taking the time to make administration of Scouting more efficient!

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