Renaissance: Humanism The big question….. Are you a Humanist???

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1 Renaissance: Humanism The big question….. Are you a Humanist???

2 Europe at the end of the Middle Ages was ready for a change. The Crusades and the Plague were sparks propelling Europe into a new era. As a result of the Crusades, trade increased between Europe and the outside world. As Europeans came into contact with Middle Eastern and Arab Scholars they discovered many Greek and Roman texts that had been lost for centuries. This desire for Roman and Greek writings led to the Renaissance, a time when Greek, Roman and Judeo Christian traditions came together.

3 literaturepoetry In Italy during the 1400’s, scholars began studying Roman and Greek writings. These Renaissance scholars wanted to learn more about the literature, art, architecture, poetry, and history of Ancient Rome and Greece.

4 humanists These scholars were latter called humanists because they studied the classics or the humanities. They undoubtedly spent a lot of time learning Greek and Latin so they could read these sources from the Greeks and Romans.

5 Humanism Humanism began in Padua, Italy when people who were paid to write letters and documents began to copy the format of Roman poetry. They also began to translate some of the great texts written by Roman and Greek writers.

6 Renaissance Humanists focused on three main ideas of the Greeks and Romans. 1.Individual Worth 2. Commitment to public service. Development of a 3. Development of a variety of skills and talents. 3

7 1) Individual Worth a.People could improve themselves by studying and reflection c. Success on earth rather than afterlife Heaven #1#2 b. Each person has dignity

8 2) Dedicated to Public Service a. Build public buildings b. Encourage the Arts c.Wealthy people paid for it so everyone could enjoy it

9 3) Have a Variety of Skills a.People need a well rounded knowledge and education. b.People could achieve anything, no limits to their accomplishment Science English History c. Humanists wrote in national languages such as French, Italian and German. This made it easier for people to understand. It also meant that the Church, which used Latin in its services and which wrote the BIBLE in Latin, lost some od its power to control education.

10 Humanist Writers Petrarch –14 th Centruy Italian writer who wrote in Italian. –Poems were about love and beauty –Wrote about life, not death –Wrote about beauty, love and nature on Earth. –Did not write about Heaven and Hell or religion. –Thought man should care about his life on Earth before he thinks about life after death. Erasmus –Lived in Holland in the early 16 th Century –Wrote a famous book called, In Praise of Folly. –In that book he attacked the SUPERSTITIONS people believe in. –He attacked the power of the Church. –Because of his work the BIBLE was translated into common languages so that people could read it.

11 Humanist Writers Sir Thomas Moore –Englishman who lived at the same time as Erasmus. –Most famous book was called UTOPIA –Utopia was about a wonderful country where people were not poor, where there were no wars, and where everyone was free. By making up this country, Sir Thomas More was able to write about what was wrong with the world he lived in.

12 Effects of Humanism on people of the Renaissance 1) Greater intellectual achievements 2) Greater literature 3) Cheaper books available to more (thanks to Gutenberg) 4) Different Architecture styles 5) New 3D Perspective in art 6) Realism in art (people and nature) 7) Increased trade 8) Money spent to make cities better and to support artists and writers

13 Questions 1.What was Humanism? 2.List three ideas humanists believed in. 3.Explain who each of the following writers were and why they were considered humanists. –A. PetrarchB. Erasmus C. Sir Thomas More 4.List three (3) superstitions people believe in today. What would Erasmus say about them: 5.Describe what a utopia would be like for you. How does it compare to what Sir Thomas More wrote about? 6.Are you a Humanist? Explain using details.

14 Now back to the big question… Are you a Humanist??? Explain with examples from your life.

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