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Life at the Turn of the Century The Progressive Era America Claims an Empire World War I Grab Bag 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555.

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3 Life at the Turn of the Century The Progressive Era America Claims an Empire World War I Grab Bag 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555 1111 3333 2222 4444 5555

4 Question: The typical supporter of a political machine was all of the following EXCEPT: A. Poor B. Urban C. A factory worker D. Opposed to immigration Check Your Answer Life at the Turn of the Century for 1

5 Answer: D. Opposed to immigration Back to the Game Board Life at the Turn of the Century for 1

6 Question: Settlement houses were founded in the late 1800s by A. Social reformers B. New immigrants C. Political machines D. Industrial workers Check Your Answer Life at the Turn of the Century for 2

7 Answer: A. Social reformers Back to the Game Board Life at the Turn of the Century for 2

8 Question: In the 1890s, the term “yellow journalism” was used to describe: A. The ridiculing in print of certain groups of people B. The use of exaggerated or untrue stories to promote a certain point of view C. The poor wages paid to people who worked for newspapers D. Pressure on newspaper publishers to print stories which were complimentary to those in power Check Your Answer Life at the Turn of the Century for 3

9 Answer: B. The use of exaggerated or untrue stories to promote a certain point of view Back to the Game Board Life at the Turn of the Century for 3

10 Question: The name muckrakers was given to: A. Journalists who wrote about corruption B. Individuals who worked for progressive reform C. Politicians who worked for progressive reform D. Businessmen who engaged in illegal business practices Check Your Answer Life at the Turn of the Century for 4

11 Answer: A. Journalists who wrote about corruption Back to the Game Board Life at the Turn of the Century for 4

12 Question: The term urbanization is used to describe the growth of, or increase in, A. Immigration B. Government C. Industry D. Cities Check Your Answer Life at the Turn of the Century for 5

13 Answer: D. Cities Back to the Game Board Life at the Turn of the Century for 5

14 Question: In the 1904 presidential election, Theodore Roosevelt promised every man a “square deal.” By this he meant: A. Increase government authority to regulate the abuses of business B. Establish soup kitchens and provide funds for relief organizations C. Strongly limit free enterprise D. Lower income tax rates Check Your Answer The Progressive Era for 1

15 Answer: A. Increase government authority to regulate the abuses of business Back to the Game Board The Progressive Era for 1

16 Question: Members of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union fought for this cause by entering saloons, singing, praying, and asking saloon keepers to stop selling alcohol. Name this cause Check Your Answer The Progressive Era for 2

17 Answer: Prohibition Back to the Game Board The Progressive Era for 2

18 Question: In The Jungle, Upton Sinclair exposed: A. Dangers faced by working children B. Unsanitary conditions in the meat-packing industry C. The corrupt business practices of the Standard Oil Company D. Illegal deals between special interests and the U.S. Forest Bureau Check Your Answer The Progressive Era for 3

19 Answer: B. Unsanitary conditions in the meat-packing industry Back to the Game Board The Progressive Era for 3

20 Question: The Nineteenth Amendment allowed for: A. Suffrage for women B. A federal income tax C. The prohibition of alcohol D. The direct election of senators Check Your Answer The Progressive Era for 4

21 Answer: A. Suffrage for women Back to the Game Board The Progressive Era for 4

22 Question: The “Australian Ballot” is another name for: A. An initiative B. A recall C. A referendum D. A secret ballot Check Your Answer The Progressive Era for 5

23 Answer: D. A secret ballot Back to the Game Board The Progressive Era for 5

24 Question: All of the following stimulated U.S. imperialism EXCEPT A. A need for a new source of cheap labor B. Economic competition with other nations C. Political and military competition with other nations D. A belief in the moral superiority of the Anglo- Saxon culture Check Your Answer America Claims an Empire for 1

25 Answer: A. A need for a new source of cheap labor Back to the Game Board America Claims an Empire for 1

26 Question: The Boxer Rebellion was an attempt by Chinese revolutionaries to A. Restore the Manchu dynasty to power B. Remove foreign influence from China C. Set up a democratic government in China D. Set up a Communist government in China Check Your Answer America Claims an Empire for 2

27 Answer: B. Remove foreign influence from China Back to the Game Board America Claims an Empire for 2

28 Question: The Roosevelt Corollary built upon the A. Monroe Doctrine B. Open Door Policy C. Platt Amendment D. Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901 Check Your Answer America Claims an Empire for 3

29 Answer: A. Monroe Doctrine Back to the Game Board America Claims an Empire for 3

30 Question: General John J. Pershing led a force of 15,000 soldiers in an attempt to capture A. Jose Marti B. Pancho Villa C. Emiliano Zapata D. Emilio Aquinaldo Check Your Answer America Claims an Empire for 4

31 Answer: B. Pancho Villa Back to the Game Board America Claims an Empire for 4

32 Question: The United States first instituted the Open Door policy in: A. Japan B. Korea C. China D. Hawaii Check Your Answer America Claims an Empire for 5

33 Answer: C. China Back to the Game Board America Claims an Empire for 5

34 Question: Woodrow Wilson said, “Our whole duty for the present, at any rate, is summed up in this motto: ‘America First: Let us think of America before we think of Europe.’” Which role for the U.S. did he favor in relation to war in Europe? A. Activism B. Internationalism C. Neutrality D. Protectivism Check Your Answer World War for 1

35 Answer: C. Neutralilty Back to the Game Board World War for 1

36 Question: All of the following have historically been considered to be causes of World War I EXCEPT: A. American isolationism B. Imperialist competition C. The stockpiling of weapons D. The nationalism of ethnic groups Check Your Answer World War for 2

37 Answer: A. American isolationism Back to the Game Board World War for 2

38 Question: The German population suffered widespread starvation during the war, largely as a result of: A. A severe drought B. Devaluation of German currency C. The British blockade of Germany D. Allied bombing of German farms Check Your Answer World War for 3

39 Answer: C. The British blockade of Germany Back to the Game Board World War for 3

40 Question: What country did Austria- Hungary blame for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand? A. Serbia B. Russia C. France D. Great Britain Check Your Answer World War for 4

41 Answer: A. Serbia Back to the Game Board World War for 4

42 Question: Which of the following was MOST responsible for turning American public opinion against Germany? A. Germany’s war efforts on the Eastern Front B. The British naval blockade of Germany C. Germany’s actions in Belgium D. German U-boat activities Check Your Answer World War for 5

43 Answer: D. German U-boat activities Back to the Game Board World War for 5

44 Question: Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” peace plan was rejected by: A. Allied leaders B. The Germans C. The U.S. Senate D. The League of Nations Check Your Answer Grab Bag for 1

45 Answer: C. The U.S. Senate Back to the Game Board Grab Bag for 1

46 Question: The Roosevelt Corollary was meant to: A. Settle international conflict in Asia B. Support the building of the Panama Canal C. Provide for Cuba’s independence from the United States D. Discourage European interference in the Western Hemisphere Check Your Answer Grab Bag for 2

47 Answer: D. Discourage European interference in the Western Hemisphere Back to the Game Board Grab Bag for 2

48 Question: The U.S. Senate’s opposition to U.S. membership in the League of Nations centered on the belief that it would A. Lead to international instability B. Be a drain on American finances C. Interfere with free-trade agreements D. Drag the country into European conflicts Check Your Answer Grab Bag for 3

49 Answer: D. Drag the country into European conflicts Back to the Game Board Grab Bag for 3

50 Question: Who was Susan B. Anthony? A. Discovered a new comet. B. Leader in the woman’s suffrage movement C. First American woman to earn a professional degree D. First American woman elected to a national political office Check Your Answer Grab Bag for 4

51 Answer: B. Leader in the woman’s suffrage movement Back to the Game Board Grab Bag for 4

52 Question: The sinking what passenger liner by a German submarine nearly plunged American into World War I in 1915? A. Sussex B. Queen Mary C. Chesapeake D. Lusitania Check Your Answer Grab Bag for 5

53 Answer: D. Lusitania Back to the Game Board Grab Bag for 5

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