Implementing edTPA: Best Practices for Capacity Building and Using Data to Inform Decisions 2015 GaPSC Certification and Program Officials Conference December.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing edTPA: Best Practices for Capacity Building and Using Data to Inform Decisions 2015 GaPSC Certification and Program Officials Conference December."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing edTPA: Best Practices for Capacity Building and Using Data to Inform Decisions 2015 GaPSC Certification and Program Officials Conference December 2, 2015

2 Collaboration

3 Today’s Session Fostering the Educative Value edTPA National and State Data Retakes Needs Technical Assistance/Support Next Steps

4 National Policy Landscape Fostering the Educative Value

5 Georgia Has Raised Expectations College Careers Lifelong Learning

6 One Major Initiative Transformation of Educator Preparation Focus – Learner Ready Teachers Improved Licensure Standards Knowledge Skills Dispositions Continuous Improvement Our Goal: An Effective Teacher in Every Classroom

7 Learner Ready on Day 1 Deep Knowledge of Content Knowledge of Best Practices High Expectations Understand the Differing Needs of Students Engage Students Collect, Interpret and Use Assessment Data Reflect Continuously Improve

8 edTPA

9 The Educative Value “If you teach the body of knowledge and skills, it will elevate candidates’ scores and elevate candidate mastery of the knowledge and skills on which the test is based.”

10 The Educative Value If you drill and practice the assessment, valid test interpretations become impossible. The score would no longer indicate what a candidate knows, understands, and is able to do.

11 Added Benefits Bridge the Gap between preparation and performance Foster partnerships Improve success with TKES Identify professional learning needs Emphasize instruction that is focused, coherent, and centered on student learning

12 National Policy Landscape National Data

13 Jerry Bush Senior Advisory Evaluation Systems group of Pearson

14 National Policy Landscape Georgia Data: Consequential v. Non-Consequential Non-Consequential Georgia Data: Consequential v. Non-Consequential Non-Consequential

15 National Policy Landscape Best Practices

16 Mary Ariail Associate to the Dean for Clinical Practice Georgia State University Pam B. Cole Associate Dean Kennesaw State University

17 Our Opportunity Candidates can use edTPA experience and data to clearly articulate their strengths and areas that could be improved. EPPs will now have more information than they have ever had before to inform their programs. School districts will now have more information for selection and support than they have ever had to inform individualized induction programs.

18 Our Opportunity Foster professional dialogue that will mutually benefit both veteran teachers and candidates. Foster enhanced partnerships between EPPs and local school systems. Prepare new teachers to provide evidence of effective teaching and student learning. Help schools identify new teachers’ professional learning needs. Emphasize instruction that is focused, coherent, reflective, and centered on student learning aligned with state goals.

19 National Policy Landscape ResourcesResources

20 20 Structures of Support edTPA Coordinators’ Virtual Meetings Date/TimeRegistration Links 11/19/15, 1:30-3:30pm 1/19/16, 1:30-2:45pm 2/29/16, 1:30-2:45pm 4/14/16, 1:30-2:45pm

21 If you need assistance, please use the following contacts: Certification questions: (do not give to candidates); candidates can contact Program Approval questions (Ed Leadership): TPMS questions: (do not give to candidates) GACE questions (content assessment or Ethics assessment): Website: Email: edTPA questions: Website for more about edTPA:; Website for edTPA registration or technical assistance: If you wish us to add additional personnel to our distribution list of out-of- state program providers, please email All other questions: Help for Providers


23 We Are Working Together!

24 Contact Information Mary Ariail, Georgia State University Julie Beck, GaPSC Pam B. Cole, Kennesaw State University Jerry Bush, Evaluation Systems group of Pearson Anne Marie Fenton, GaPSC To Be Added To Our edTPA E-List:

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