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1 σ-Aromaticity about cyclopropene Dewar firstly deduced in 1979, that cyclopropene should have σ-Aromaticity with the aromaticity energy to cyclopropane.

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Presentation on theme: "1 σ-Aromaticity about cyclopropene Dewar firstly deduced in 1979, that cyclopropene should have σ-Aromaticity with the aromaticity energy to cyclopropane."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 σ-Aromaticity about cyclopropene Dewar firstly deduced in 1979, that cyclopropene should have σ-Aromaticity with the aromaticity energy to cyclopropane (55.1kcal/mol) as in Table 1. σ-Conjugation and σ-Aromaticity M. J. Dewar, Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. 1979, 88, 957-967

2 2 a Eclipsing strain energy (kcal/mol). b Angle strain energy (kcal/mol). c σ-Aromatic energy (kcal/mol).

3 3 Then, in 1996, Peeter Burk and his group calculated the 1 HNMR of cyclopropene, obtainted the chemical shift 7.9 (δ, in ppm), which is higher than 7, indicating aromatic character. He explained this phenomenon as a result of in-plane delocalization of electrons in σ-bonds (σ- aromaticity). J. Phys. Chem. 1996, 100, 6992-6997 Aromaticity of Substituted Cyclopropenes: A Theoretical Study Table 2. Calculated Magnetic Susceptibilities, Components of Magnetic Susceptibility Tensor, Magnetic Susceptibility, and 1 H Chemical Shifts, respectively in (ppm cgs) and (in ppm).

4 4 However, in 2005, Schleyer denied the downfield proton chemical shift for a suitable aromaticity criteria. In the paper, he calculated various δ values of different compounds compared them with NICS values, they are not always consistent with each other. Figure1. Computed isotropic NMR δ 1 H values referenced to the benzene proton chemical shift (taken to be δ=7.3). The magnitude of the out-of-plane component of the shielding tensor, σ Ⅱ (π) is given in brackets. NICS(0) values are in ring centers. Downfield Proton Chemical Shifts Are Not Reliable Aromaticity Indicators Org. Lett., Vol. 7, No. 8, 2005

5 He also concluded that cyclopropane and cyclopropene (Table 3.) cannot be characterized as aromatic, either by the 1 HMR of the sp 3 hybridized CH groups (δ=0-0.7 ppm) or by the π-electron contributions to the out-of-plane component of the shielding tensor [ σ Ⅱ (π)]. 5 Table 3. Magnetic Properties of Monocyclic Hydrocarbons, The Protons of Neither the σ- Aromatic Cyclopropane nor the σ- Antiaromatic Cyclobutane Are Shifted Downfield

6 6 In 2010, Jemmis calculated the isomerization reaction 1, isomerization energy endothermic by 12.6 kcal/mol 1 (the corresponding energy from experimental enthalpy of formation is 10.3 kcal/mol) 2 , indicating nonaromaticity.. ΔH =+12.6 kcal/mol 1. Are Metallocene-Acetylene (M=Ti, Zr, Hf) Complexes Aromatic Metallacyclopropenes? Organometallics 2010, 29, 76–81. 2. NIST Chemistry WebBook (

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