E UROPE AND ITS HISTORY. T HE S TRUCTURE 1949-1960 1960-1980 1980-2012.

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2 T HE S TRUCTURE 1949-1960 1960-1980 1980-2012

3 G ERMANY, F RANCE, I TALY, THE N ETHERLANDS, B ELGIUM, L UXEMBOURG 1949-1960 1949 – Council of Europe was founded 9th May1950 – official Day of Europe 1951 - Common management of coal- and steel industries “Coal and Steel Treaty“ 25th March 1957 – Treaty of Rome; establishment of European Economic Community (EEC)

4 1960-1980 30.07.1962 - Common agricultural policy 01.07.1968 - The six countries abolish custom duties on goods imported from member states  free cross-border trade 24.04.1972 - first plan for a single currency

5 1960-1980 01.07.1973 - three new member states: Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom 10.12.1974 - European Regional Development Fund established 07.-10.07.1979 - EU citizens directly elect the members of the European Parliament for the first time

6 1980-2012 New members: Greece -01.01.81 Portugal -01.01.86) Spain -01.01.86 15.06.1987 – Erasmus-Programme was founded 07.02.1992 – Treaty on European Union signed in Maastricht EU replaces EEC New member states: Austria, Finland and Sweden -01.01.1995

7 1980-2012 26.03.1995 – Schengen Agreement 01.01.1999 – Euro introduced for commercial and financial transactions only (in 11 countries) 01.01.2002 – Euro becomes official currency in 12 countries 01.04.2004 – Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia become new member states

8 1980-2010 01.01.2007 – new member states: Bulgaria and Rumania 13.12.2007 – Lisbon Treaty becomes effective September 2008 – closer economic ties because of financial crises 2010 – new financial crises have to be combatted

9 Thank you for your attention

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