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- the use of words whose sounds suggest their meanings. Examples of onomatopoeia:  “The bang of a gun.”  “The hiss of a snake.”  “The buzz of a bee.”

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2 - the use of words whose sounds suggest their meanings. Examples of onomatopoeia:  “The bang of a gun.”  “The hiss of a snake.”  “The buzz of a bee.”  “The pop of a firecracker.”

3 3 The repetition of initial consonant sounds, in two or more neighboring words or syllables. The wild and wooly walrus waits and wonders when we will walk by. Slowly, silently, now the moon Walks the night in her silver shoon; This way, and that, she peers, and sees Silver fruit upon silver trees… -- from Silver by Walter de la Mare How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? (almost ALL tongue twisters!)

4 - the repeating of sound, words, phrases or lines in a poem used to emphasize an idea or convey a certain feeling. Examples of repetition:  “Sing a song full of faith that the dark past has taught us, Sing a song of the hope that the present has brought us…”  “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can…”  “The isolation during my vacation created a situation of relaxation.”

5 5 A repetition of vowel sounds within words or syllables. Fleet feet sweep by sleeping geese. Free and easy. Make the grade. The stony walls enclosed the holy space.

6 - repetition of CONSONANT SOUNDS at the BEGINNING, MIDDLE or END of at least two words in a line of poetry. Examples of Consonance Through the windows – through the doors – burst like a ruthless force Lies stretching to my dazzling sight / A luminous belt, a misty light.

7 – the giving of human qualities to an animal, object, or idea. Examples of personification:  “Hunger sat shivering on the road.”  “The flowers danced on the lawn.”  “SpongeBob SquarePants” and “Smokey the Bear” are personified characters.

8 -figures of speech or vivid descriptions used to produce mental images (appeal to the five senses). Examples of imagery:  “Her clammy back felt like bark of the tree after a summer’s rain.”  “…the small pond behind my house was lapping at it’s banks…”  “The willow’s music is like a soprano…”

9  The form of a poem involves the physical arrangement of the words on the page, sometimes involving rhyme and rhythm.  LINE: a sentence or fragment of sentence.  STANZA: a group of more than one line.

10 - repetition of sound at the ends of words. (Rhyme occurring within a line is called internal rhyme. Rhyme occurring at the end of a line is called end rhyme) Rhyme Scheme – the pattern of end rhyme in a poem. Lines that rhyme are given the same letter. Example of internal rhyme, end rhyme, and rhyme scheme:  I looked at the shell in the oceana  I looked at the bell in the sea,b  I noticed the smell and the motiona  Were very peculiar to me.”b

11 11 Examples: Twinkle, twinkle little stara How I wonder what you are.a Up above the earth so high,b Like a diamond in the sky.b Baa, baa, black sheepa Have you any wool?b Yes sir, yes sir,c Three bags full.b

12 12 What is the rhyme scheme of this stanza? Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. From Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost

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